(4 Month Summary: My summer went great and rapidly sped by. Comic-con was a new but familiar experience for me. My best friend broke up with me. I realized when I've been getting sick spells randomly that those were actually anxiety attacks. I'm still occasionally scared to leave the house but I usually get over it since staying inside drives me crazy. No job yet, just Biology class. I still draw a lot. I still smoke. I'm drastically changing my diet to natural food, I can't stand anything else anymore. I'm done seeking friends in LA; they'll come later when I'm ready for them. I make a better super villain than a hero anyways. LA has made me so confrontational, which I like better than being the astrological doormat.)
So,I've decided to end my four month moping program a little early and just in time for Halloween. Much to my delight, my sewing machine isn't broken, it just had tension issues. Which was easily solved by turning a dial on the outside of the machine quietly snickering at me with its cryptic labeling of a dark square with a long wedge underneath it. But Halloween is actually going to happen for us this year! I'm stoked, because I haven't had Halloween in 5 years! I'm stoked once more, because I get to sew again, which means a trip to the fashion district where textiles are practically spilling out on the sidewalk. What costume are we going to make?
Caaaaaan youuuuu diiiiiiig iiiit?