The Real Reasons Why People Vote For Trump

Oct 30, 2016 02:59

This is the first article that states why people actually vote for Trump. Instead of the usual dismissive elitist blather about all Trump supporters being uneducated, racist, homophobic, sexist, and illiterate hicks, the article explains that Trump supporters are rural folk who see their way of life dying. The author also points out the arrogance of many progressives in dismissing the working-class or poor white people as not worth caring about. Donald Trump is the brick thrown by rural America to shatter the so-called progressives' smug self-satisfied attitudes that we are right and everyone else is wrong. I have certainly been guilty of that this election cycle. If Trump wins, I will see it as a payback to progressives for our collective arrogance and contempt towards the other half of the country.
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