fic: A Hundred and One little Complications, Chapter 7

Jan 19, 2011 23:59

Title: A Hundred and One Little Complications, Chapter 7
Length: chaptered
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG-13 for subject matter
Genre: AU
Pairing/Characters: Doojoon, Gikwang, Yoseob, Dongwoon, ofc of the child type
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: Partially inspired by snb123's spy prompt and this picture.

I swear I did not intend this to be an angsty chapter. It was meant to be lighthearted fluff to make up for the last... well, all of the last chapters, I suppose, and the last person I wanted to give a hard time was Yoseob... And yet. >_>

Previously: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Side Shots: Second Chances | Guardian | Aftermath

Summary: Doojoon is a gay reporter with too many enemies in too many places, the divorced father of a beautiful little girl. Gikwang is his deceased ex-wife’s last husband and the closest thing he has to family since his blood relatives disowned him. When an assassination attempt almost kills them all, Gikwang calls in a favor.

As if Doojoon's life isn't already complicated enough...


“Why are you even arguing with me about this?” Yoseob scowled at Doojoon, both fists settled against his hips looking far more like an angry fish wife than any kind of deadly warrior. He hadn’t raised his voice yet, obviously striving to remain calm in the face of Doojoon’s obstinacy, but the quiet hiss wasn’t a whole lot better. “It was my idea in the first place and I want to do it!”

Which wasn’t to say that Doojoon didn’t take an involuntary step back. Angry fish wives were scary.

Behind him, Gikwang coughed suspiciously but had managed to school his expression into something serious and mostly innocent by the time Doojoon whipped around to glare at him.

Cheon’s good hand tugged at his sleeve. “Daddy?”

He grit his teeth and crouched down to smile at her. “Baby, how about Papa takes you to get a drink or something, okay? You can’t have any while we’re in the store, so now’s the best time, okay?”

She glanced up at Yoseob and Gikwang for a moment before giving Doojoon a peck on his forehead. “Okay Daddy.” Then she hesitated and put her own hips on her own hips and scowled at him, mimicking Yoseob’s stance almost perfectly even if it looked a little ridiculous with her pink ribbons and awkward cast. “Don’t yell at Uncle Yoyo while we’re gone. It’s not nice, Daddy. And we’re in public.”

Twitching faintly, not sure whether he should be amused, exasperated, or annoyed, Doojoon settled for nodding seriously. He couldn’t really scold her for parroting something they’d been telling her for years while they tried to get her to behave like a lady. “I won’t yell, baby. I promise.”

There was another long moment of silence as she judged his seriousness before she beamed at him and tweaked his nose. “Okay!”

Then she was gone, tugging Gikwang behind her as she made a beeline for the ice cream stall they’d passed.

Doojoon took a deep breath before standing up and turning back to Yoseob who simply arched a brow at him.

“Yoseob, she’s my daughter and I can damned well afford to buy her clothing myself.” He was proud that he managed to sound perfectly reasonable and not at all as aggravated as he felt. And he hadn’t even raised his voice, nevermind actually yelled.

“I know she’s your daughter, but you’re my-” he broke off, his expression twisting into an awful look of hurt and aggravation and uncertainty. “Well what was yesterday all about if it wasn’t your way of saying you wanted us to date? For real? Because I don’t know about whatever rock you were born under, but where I’m from when you confront someone about their feelings and then insist on cuddling with them for a few hours, it means something!” He had one hand still on his hip, but the other was pointing at Doojoon to make his point. “Dating and stuff. And if that’s not what you meant than you shouldn’t have bothered at all! God, you’re so fucking annoying sometimes-”

Doojoon made a frustrated noise and reached out to grab the hand that poking at his chest. He pulled Yoseob against him, sighing and shaking his head as the other man remained tense and withdrawn, refusing to be drawn into the comfort of a hug. “Yes, yes. I would like to date you for real.”

And really, the middle of the mall was not where he’d intended to have this conversation but there hadn’t been a lot of talking the day before. The hours they’d spent in Yoseob’s bed had been quiet after the confession and later they’d had Gikwang and Cheon underfoot as they’d gone to dinner and a some animated film that Doojoon had only barely paid any attention to. He’d been too tired afterwards to do anything more than fall into his bed and pass out before Yoseob even finished showering.

His dreams had been disjointed and weird, something about purple rabbits that all had Yoseob’s cheery smile and magical forests or.. something. When he’d woken up, the cold light of morning had sent him into a panicky tailspin and he’d left Yoseob sound asleep to go for a run. Which had led to a fight over Doojoon’s stupidity in leaving the house without so much as Gikwang along for protection. It hadn’t been the smartest thing he’d ever done, but nothing had happened and he’d needed the space to clear his mind and think about the situation he’d gotten himself into.

He’d wanted Yoseob from the moment he’d looked up to see bright blonde hair gleaming in the doorway of the room above Yunja’s restaurant and it had only gotten worse over the course of the week that followed. He’d had plenty of reasons for not acting on that desire, reasons that weren’t all about what Yoseob did for a living or the threat that was hanging over their heads even now. Granted, the biggest of those had been wiped away when Yoseob and Gikwang had taken the steps that meant Yoseob wouldn’t be disappearing from their lives in the near future, but that was hardly the only reason he’d had.

After he’d found out about what had happened, about how much Yoseob had given…

It had been a reckless impulse and he hadn’t thought it through but it had been so long since he’d been loved like that, if ever, and he’d wanted it. He wasn’t sure how much had been the selfish desire to keep someone who loved him so much close and how much had been his guilt over what he’d done to Yoseob and the urgent need to make it up to him.

What was done was done, though, and he wasn’t even particularly sorry about it.

He did want Yoseob and the younger man was already firmly entangled into their lives. Cheon was already attached to him and that wasn’t going to change whether they were dating or not.

“Well good then. Fine.” Some of Yoseob’s rigid tension eased at Doojoon’s confirmation and he sighed, still frowning at the taller man though he’d let his hands move to settle against Doojoon’s hips. “I’m not hurting for money and if I want to buy my boyfriend’s daughter a dress or two, where’s the problem in it?”

Where indeed?

Doojoon made a face and shrugged. “It just doesn’t feel right. I should be the one buying the groceries and her clothes and-”

He cut off and looked away. He was supposed to be the protector and breadwinner of the household. Even Gikwang didn’t push him on the fact that he insisted on paying whenever they were out doing anything that required money.

“Oh god, this is one of those stupid alpha posturing things, isn’t it?” Yoseob rolled his eyes and stood on his tiptoes to kiss Doojoon softly. “Doojoon, you do realize this isn’t the dark ages anymore, right? Sharing expenses doesn’t make you less of a man. Letting someone else give Cheon a gift doesn’t make you less of a father.”

Doojoon pouted for a moment before sighing and hugging Yoseob closer. “I know, okay? I know that. But-” He broke off and shrugged helplessly, glancing back towards where he could just make out Gikwang and Cheon across the length of the food court, settled on the tall stools Cheon liked so much as they enjoyed their treats. “I suck at a lot of the Dad stuff. I always did. But providing for her is the one thing that I never messed up.”

“Doojoon…” Yoseob’s lips quirked in a fond little smile. “Everyone fumbles it in the beginning, but then they get better.” Cheon’s delighted peel of laughter brought his attention across the food court as well and he shook his head. “That is not a little girl who has a sucky dad.”

They watched for another moment as Gikwang scooped Cheon up and the pair moved to throw away their trash. Yoseob sighed, wrapping his own arms tightly around Doojoon’s waist and tucked his head in close to Doojoon’s neck. “I don’t want to fight about it. If it’s that big a deal-”

“It isn’t,” Doojoon replied, making a face. It was, but it shouldn’t have been and he didn’t want it to be.

He couldn’t imagine that Yoseob wanted to be a kept man anymore than he did - maybe even less so. If they were going to make any kind of real relationship between them, they’d both have to make compromises.

Yoseob pulled back, eyes searching Doojoon’s. No doubt he could see the effort it took Doojoon to make the concession because his own expression went soft and sweet. It was really hard to remember that Yoseob was supposed to be dangerous when he was looking at Doojoon like that.

He angled up to press a gentle kiss against the corner of Doojoon’s mouth. Doojoon’s hands tightened and it was more temptation than he could resist to turn his head just enough to catch Yoseob’s lips in a proper kiss, crowded mall or not.

“Hey now, impressionable little girl here,” Gikwang admonished with a chuckle, tugging Doojoon back slightly and ignoring the pout that both men leveled at him.

Yoseob’s pout morphed into a grin and he swung Cheon up into his arms. “I seem to recall that I promised someone an entire day of shopping, didn’t I?”

“Yes!” Cheon cheered as she wrapped her good hand around his neck. She’d gotten a little better at watching which way her cast swung. Yoseob hadn’t gotten smacked with it in a couple of days, at least. She did a little wiggling dance that almost had her falling backwards out of Yoseob’s arms, but the blonde had a good hold on her. “Can I try on everything???”

Though Yoseob agreed with good humor and spun around to her delighted squeals, Doojoon and Gikwang shared a look of dismay over their heads.

Shopping was the one aspect of Cheon’s life that both men had always been more than happy to leave to Gina. In fact, Gina had done most of their shopping as well. She’d only ever managed to drag them out once a year when they suffered through fittings so that she could see if any of their measurements had changed. Doojoon’s seldom had - a point he’d made to her every single time she’d insisted, though he’d never actually won that particular argument - but Gikwang’s zealous work outs meant that his body bulked and slimmed in ways that changed his sizes regularly. Never by drastic numbers, but enough that Gina had felt perfectly justified in torturing them annually.

Yoseob showed none of their dread.

If anything, he looked far too happy about the entire idea and Doojoon had to wonder about that. He watched, more than a little bewildered, as Yoseob deposited Cheon back onto the floor and captured her good hand, leading her through the mall, as they prattled on about matching shoes and maybe even a sparkly scarf or two.

A glance to Gikwang proved that he was just as baffled by this side of Yoseob as Doojoon was.

Small comfort, perhaps, but comfort nonetheless.

The mercenary walked like a man who knew exactly where he was going, weaving through the throngs of teenagers and easily ducking the men and women hawking their wares in the center stalls. The confidence and grace should have been at odds with the skipping little girl swinging his arm in big wide arches, but it wasn’t.

The store Yoseob led them to wasn’t one of the commercial clothes stores or one of the big department stores. It was a small boutique tucked slightly out of the way, barely noticeable to stray passersby. It wasn’t the sort of place a shopper would have found without meandering through the mall looking at every shop.

“Yang-sshi! I wasn’t expecting you today. How are you?” The warm, if somewhat confused, greeting of the woman adjusting a sales rack only confirmed the growing suspicion in Doojoon’s mind. The woman glanced at all three men and Cheon before glancing behind them as if she was expecting someone else.

Doojoon thought of the picture at Yoseob’s bedside and wondered at it again. Was the little girl in the pink parka who the woman was looking for? Or were there other little girls hiding in Yoseob’s life?

Who was she? The resemblance said blood family, but could it be a coincidence?

“Absolutely wonderful.” Yoseob smiled and tugged Cheon to stand in front of him. “This little princess is in dire need of some princess-appropriate clothing.”

Cheon giggled slightly and leaned back into Yoseob’s legs, with a shyness that was entirely feigned. “Hello, ahjumma. My name is Cheon and I’m seven years old.”

The woman visibly melted, leaning down and holding a hand out to Cheon. “Hello, Cheon. Wow.. Seven years old? That’s definitely old enough for princess clothes. You know… We just got in some dresses that I think are almost as pretty as you are.”

Though Cheon glanced back at Doojoon to confirm that it was in fact okay to go look at the dresses, her hand was already in the ahjumma’s and her feet were already carrying her away.

Doojoon glanced around at the shimmering dresses mingled with chic pants and blouses and shuddered. “Umm… Yoseobie… Do you mind if Gikwang and I go pick up something from another store? I just remembered it and since we’re here anyways…” He shrugged helplessly. “You don’t actually need us here, right?”

The look Yoseob gave him said clearly that he knew exactly what Doojoon was doing, but he just shook his head. “We’ll be fine. Just… Try to avoid the less populated areas of the mall, okay? And don’t get separated. Mall security is a joke and there aren’t enough cameras for DW to keep a good eye on you.”

“Dongwoon is-” Doojoon broke off and just sighed. Of course Dongwoon was hacked into the mall’s surveillance network. It was funny how Yoseob’s paranoia had finally given Doojoon the peace of mind to let go of his own. “Never mind. I’ll try not to get myself killed while we’re shopping.”

Yoseob frowned and reached out to grab Doojoon’s shirt, jerking him down for a possessive kiss. “You’d better not. I’ll never forgive you if you do.”

Over Yoseob’s shoulder, he could see that the sales woman was watching them even as she showed Cheon a pair of dresses. There was curiosity there and confusion, but no condemnation. He wondered how long she’d known Yoseob and whether or not his presence was simply the confirmation of the story Yoseob had so painstakingly built up or a complete surprise.

Had Yoseob’s cover story spilled over into his own every day life and the people he knew or was it only for Gikwang and Doojoon’s sphere of acquaintances?

It was something they’d have to talk about - soon.

There was too much mystery around Yoseob even now and he didn’t like it. He wanted to know everything no matter how small and unimportant. The big things like this? He was pretty sure he needed to know them.

Gikwang was quiet as they slipped out of the boutique but he kept giving Doojoon odd little side glances as they walked until Doojoon finally sighed and rolled his eyes. “What?”

“Nothing.” Gikwang shook his head quickly and looked away, but they hadn’t even gotten two stores down before he was back to the odd looks.

There was nothing subtle about Gikwang except maybe his intelligence - most of the time he seemed to be more space case than anything else, then he’d spit out something so random and brilliant that Doojoon was forced to remember that there really was a fully functional brain hiding under the ridiculous beanies and fluffy hair.

Sighing again, Doojoon steered them in the direction of an electronics store. He really did need a new phone charger so his lie was easily made truth. He waited until he’d gotten the right charger and was heading to the register to try and suss out Gikwang’s weirdness again. “Seriously, Gikwang. What?”

His friend shifted uneasily as he gave Doojoon a searching look. “I thought you were against the idea of you and Seobie.”

Doojoon made his purchase and shook his head as they headed back out. He should have expected this, really. Gikwang was protective of the people he cared about and both Doojoon and Yoseob fell under that category.

He didn’t know what Doojoon knew and could only make his own judgements based on what had been said or done in his presence. To him it must have seemed very much like Doojoon had just woken up and decided maybe it’d be fun to play with Yoseob after all.

With a sigh, he led Gikwang back to the food court. If Yoseob and Cheon really intended them to be in the mall all day, then he needed something to fortify himself with.

Once they both had the largest milkshakes available - not that Gikwang’s fruit smoothie really counted as a milkshake - Doojoon got them settled at a table. He watched his friend for a moment before sighing again. “I thought you’d be okay with it. You were practically shoving us into bed the other night.”

Gikwang frowned. “I asked why you weren’t having sex. That’s not exactly ‘shoving you into bed’.”

“You disapprove then?”

His friend shook his head then hesitated. “Not if you’re serious. Doojoon… I think he really likes you. Like… maybe even more than likes.”

That made a small smile settle onto Doojoon’s lips. Gikwang only had the barest information, barely an inkling even, but even without all of the extra bits that Doojoon had he’d still managed to put that together. “Yeah. I think so to.”

He didn’t think, he knew, but he couldn’t explain it to Gikwang without having to share stuff he wasn’t even supposed to know.

“Doojoon, you’re my family and I love you and want you to be happy, but… if you’re just fucking with him… if you hurt him… I’ll never forgive you.”

From Gikwang, it was an effective threat. No one could pull off that unique mixture of disappointment/hurt/anger/disapproval that was so damning from him. And since there was nothing that would ever make Doojoon force Cheon to grow up without her ‘Papa’, he’d have a lifetime of facing it.

Doojoon smiled and reached out to grasp Gikwang’s wrist. “I’m not just fucking with him. I promise.”

For a long moment, Gikwang searched his expression then nodded and rolled his eyes. “What changed?”

“You, mostly.”

Gikwang blinked in confusion. “Eh?”

With a shrug, Doojoon swirled his straw around in his shake, trying to get it to melt a little more. He hated how milkshakes always seemed to come extra-thick. If he’d wanted ice cream, he’d have ordered ice cream. “You know I haven’t dated since- “ since I came out, since Gina got fed up with me “since me and Gina split.”


“It’s different with guys, you know? The only time you know they’re interested is in the clubs and I’m not bringing anyone I meet in a club home to Cheon.” He supposed that wasn’t true for all gay men, but for himself… Unless the other guy was blatantly obvious, he never noticed and in their society, very, very few guys were as blatantly obvious as Yoseob could be in a normal setting.

Gikwang seemed to consider that for a moment before nodding slowly. “Okay… I guess I can understand that.” He paused and quirked a grin at Doojoon. “You do realize that you actually met Yoseob in the club, right?”

“Doesn’t count. I don’t remember it.” Doojoon waved a hand and shook his head. “Besides, I’m pretty sure he was just there for me.”

At least, if he hadn’t been, that was something Doojoon didn’t actually want to know about.

“Which still doesn’t explain this mysterious change in your thought processes.”

Doojoon shrugged. “Before, Yoseob was just this old military buddy who was doing you a favor. He was going to be in and out of our lives as quickly as possible. The most he was going to be was a short-term fling - not something I ever want to subject Cheon to.”

“But then we made up,” Gikwang supplied, understanding dawning. “He’s not going anywhere if I have anything to say about it. Ever.”

It wasn’t the entirely of his reasoning, not even close, but it was important and enough for Gikwang to know. Doojoon tapped his nose. “Got it in one. There’s nothing short term about it anymore. And…” He hesitated and shrugged. “And you’re right. He likes me. Even though he knows just about every bad or rotten thing I’ve ever done or probably even thought in my life. And he still wants to be with me.”

Gikwang’s smile had turned teasing. “Well, no one has ever said Yoseob didn’t have strange tastes.”

“Oi!” Doojoon threw a napkin at him. “I’ll have you know that I happen to be a very good catch!”

“Hmm, yes you are~” Arms settled over his shoulders, startling him as Yoseob gave him a peck on the cheek.

Laughing, Gikwang leaned back and let Cheon climb up to settle in his lap. “You don’t have any boxes.”

Yoseob shrugged. “I didn’t figure you guys wanted to be carrying bags around all day, so I had Lena send them to my place. DW can take them from there.”

“Why-” Doojoon cut himself off and shook his head. Obviously Yoseob didn’t want anything delivered directly to the house, just in case.

“Good boy,” was Yoseob’s teasing croon as he ruffled Doojoon’s hair. “We have a couple of more places to hit and then I thought after we were done shopping we could swing by Nana’s place for dinner.”

“Awesome!” Cheering, Gikwang hugged Cheon tight. “Granmama makes the best food, Cheon. You didn’t get to have any before, but you’ll love it!”


Yoseob shrugged and slipped into the chair beside Doojoon. “Dunno. I’ve always called her that. I think-” He cut off for a moment, considering it. “I think maybe Mom called her that.”

“Oh, that’s right! Wasn’t your mom British or something?” Gikwang asked.

“No, she was Korean.” Another shrug as Yoseob snagged Doojoon’s milkshake. “She just grew up abroad.”

“Britain?” Doojoon asked, hanging on every word. Here, finally, some of the revelations he craved.

Yoseob just looked amused as he nodded. “Among other places. Her father was American military. Career man, twenty plus years of living all over the world. I don’t think he and Nana got along very well. I know he never came around again once she got custody of me.”

Doojoon wanted to push, to ask more, but a glance in Gikwang’s direction stilled his tongue. Gikwang’s expression was edged with remembered sorrow and sympathy, more telling than Yoseob’s casual use of past tense in regards to his family.

They’d said Yunja had raised them. A grandmother didn’t raise her grandson if the parents were still willing or able.

Maybe I just don’t think Cheon deserves to lose her father so young.

How young had Yoseob been?

He took another noisy slurp of Doojoon’s milkshake and gave him a mild look. “Just ask.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“So you’re saying you’re not interested in my life’s story? Good to know.”

And even though he could see the dark sense of humor that said Yoseob was just messing with him, Doojoon couldn’t help but react. “No! I mean… Well, if you want to talk about it… But you don’t have to if it bothers you.”

He ignored Gikwang’s snort.

Yoseob just smirked. “It was a long time ago.” He shrugged and hesitated as he glanced over at Cheon. She’d been watching him just as enraptured as Doojoon had been, but her expression had tightened slightly as she began to realize the direction the conversation had gone. “I barely even remember my parents. I was five when they died.”

The little girl crawled out of Gikwang’s lap and moved around the table to climb up into Yoseob’s. She settled herself against him, pressed tightly against his chest with her good arm around his neck and her head on his shoulder. “Daddy says my mom is in heaven… do you think she met your mom and dad?”

This time Yoseob was completely still for a moment before he blinked and took a deep breath. He wasn’t actually looking at Doojoon as he finally wrapped his own arms around Cheon. He pressed a quick kiss to her hair. “Sure, kiddo. I bet they’re showing her all the sights.”

go to Chapter 8

doojoon, chaptered, yoseob, 101 little complications universe, au, angst, beast, fic, dooseob

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