ficlet: Guardian {101 side-shot}

Oct 19, 2010 01:43

Title: Guardian
Length: side-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg-13
Genre: AU
Pairing/Characters: Yoseob, DooSeob, Gina
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: Another side-shot from Yoseobie~ ^^ This hasn't been run by my beta yet, she has an insanely early shift tomorrow, so. It's short, though, so I don't think there should be too many errors.

Timewise, I'd put this a few years before 101 Little Complications. After the divorce and remarriage, though probably not by a whole lot. :x It also assumes that Doojoon is the kind of drunk who can't remember things the next day.

Summary: There are perks and disadvantages to any cover story...


“You’re so preeetty….”

Yoseob huffed a laugh as Doojoon nuzzled against the side of his neck. “And you are very drunk.”

“Nah~ ‘m fine, see?” Doojoon let go of Yoseob to wave one hand in a dismissive gesture and nearly faceplanted onto the floor when it caused him to lose his balance. Yoseob had been expecting it, though, so he caught the bigger man and pulled his hands back where they were supposed to be.

“Riiight. You’re 100% sober, all right.”

It wasn’t really fair how cute Doojoon could be when he was drunk. It did make Yoseob’s job easier, though.

Under the influence of alcohol, Yoseob had found that Doojoon was easily manipulated and more than happy to accept Yoseob’s claim that he was his date.

Having a drunken Doojoon declare to anyone who’d listen that he had the cutest date in the entire club was the best kind of established cover story in the world. Yoseob hadn’t even had to work for it, just cling to Doojoon and smile his best smile.

The hardest part had been convincing Doojoon not to beat up anyone that looked at his supposed date with more than casual interest.

“Hold on, now, I have to get the door.” Yoseob sighed as Doojoon settled against his back, hands wandering down into his clothes. He was pretty sure he’d never met a more handsy drunk in his life.

He was getting used to it, though. This wasn’t the first time he’d brought Doojoon home from the club and somehow, he doubted it would be the last.

“Do you need help with him?”

Yoseob yelped and nearly dropped Doojoon entirely. It had been years since anyone had gotten the drop on him like that and he had to put a hand to his chest and take a few deep breaths before he felt he could face the woman who’d startled him.

“Umm… I don’t know if…” He bit his lip, glancing at her. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

He knew who Gina was, of course. He knew more about her than either of the men who’d married her.

And while he’d gone through a lot of effort to establish himself with the people around Doojoon and Gikwang, he hadn’t ever expected to run into her.

She gave him a strained smile as she moved around him to unlock the door with her own key. “It’s no bother.”

Doojoon twisted his head around a bit and squinted at Gina before giving her a goofy grin. “Giiiina~ Isn’t Seobie pretty?”

Wincing, Yoseob knocked his head into Doojoon’s, hoping to shush the man. “Idiot.”

Gina covered her mouth and her shoulders shook. For a moment he was afraid that Doojoon had upset her, but then he realized she was laughing. “He really can’t handle his liquor, I’m sorry.”

“I’ve noticed,” Yoseob replied with a sigh, shaking his head. “At least he’s a cute drunk?”

“He is.” She grinned at him, following him into the apartment. If she was surprised that he knew the way around, she didn’t show it.

It made Yoseob wonder if she’d seen the last few times he’d brought Doojoon home. She was smart and observant, so he figured she probably had.

“Come on, you lush. Time for bed.” Yoseob steered Doojoon into the bedroom, a little weirded out when Gina tossed him pajamas for the older man but not saying anything about it.

“Dun wanna,” Doojoon pouted, trying to get Yoseob out of his shirt, but failing badly.

Yoseob sighed. “Doojoonie, you are way to drunk for anything but sleep.”

Besides which, your ex-wife is right there, Yoseob thought to himself.

“‘M not,” Doojoon growled, nipping sharply at Yoseob’s neck, making him shiver.

Gina laughed softly again and shook her head. “I think that’s my cue to go. Good luck.”

She paused at the door, looking back to meet Yoseob’s questioning gaze. “I’m glad… that someone’s taking care of him.” She smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “It was nice to meet you, Seobie. Come around during the day sometime, okay? We’ll do lunch or something.”


It’d never happen, of course, but as he watched her go, he thought it might be nice if it could.

Yoseob dumped Doojoon over into the bed and set about changing the older man into pajamas, deftly avoiding the grabby hands and ignoring the pouting whines. Once he had the other safely tucked into the bed, he leaned over and kissed Doojoon soundly. “Go to sleep, Doojoonie.”

Horizontal, it didn’t take much more than that for the alcohol to finish working and Doojoon simply passed out.

It was tempting, as always, to simply crawl into the bed and make the cover story a reality. He wanted to. Doojoon appealed to him in a way that very few people in his life ever had.

Even if he was willing to accept the dubious consent of a drunk, though, there were too many other reasons not to.

Running one hand through Doojoon’s hair, Yoseob sighed and shook his head. He brushed a last kiss against the sleeping man’s forehead before pushing himself up and heading back the way he’d come.

He lingered in the living room for another hour, calmly ticking down the minutes until he could leave without arousing suspicion.

As he waved to the doorman and let himself out of the building into the cold bite of winter, his eyes wandered back up to the dark third story windows of the condo he’d just left.

Habit forced him to scan the building and its vicinity carefully before finally turning and heading down the street, alone and cold.


101 little complications universe,, au, beast, dooseob, fic

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