Title: Second Chances
Length: side-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg
Genre: AU
Pairing/Characters: Yoseob, Dongwoon (DW)
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Comments/Notes: So even as I'm working on
101 Little Complications, Yoseob's story is demanding to be written. It's disjointed and out of order, but it's there and it's insistent. ^^ Who can really resist Yoseob in any form? Certainly not I. As I finish bits and pieces, I shall post them as side-shots to 101. Eventually I'll make a Series Post that will list all the side-shots and the fic itself in chronological order.
This particular side-shot takes place the day before 101 Little Complications starts.
That which was lost, is now found.
“Hey, what’s that noise?”
“Hmm?” Yoseob glanced over at his partner, more annoyed than curious. He was busy dammit, and DW should have been too, not chasing around phantom noises. If their building had been breached, they’d know it already. “What noise? I didn’t hear-”
But a muffled jangle interrupted him and they both looked in the direction it had come from.
“Is that a phone?” DW pushed away from his desk, ignoring the scattered files and photographs. His head tilted to the side, a look of intense concentration on his face as he eased towards where the sound had originated. He paused after a moment, waiting for it to come again.
When it did, Yoseob was up, too, gun out and ready. “That isn’t any of your phones.”
All of DW’s various phones were loaded with a bunch of techno crap that hurt Yoseob’s ears, and worse, got stuck in his head for hours after someone called.
“What about yours?” DW asked, even as he nudged open the door to a room they’d long since regulated into a storage room for unused, but potentially useful things. He was careful to stay out of the mercenary’s way as Yoseob swung into the room, ready to shoot.
There wasn’t anyone laying in wait to jump out at them, so Yoseob relaxed slightly and tucked his gun back into it’s holster.
Yoseob fished his own phone out of his pocket and held it up.
He frowned as the jangle sounded again, somewhere just out of sight, but obviously in this room.
It took a few minutes of pawing around the clutter before they finally unburied an old telephone. It had stopped ringing, but there was little doubt that it had been the source of the noise. Yoseob snorted and rolled his eyes. “I forgot we had a landline.”
“No one ever calls it,” DW replied, poking around at the rest of the room’s contents. “Not even Granmama.”
“Why do we still pay for it, then,” Yoseob asked, putting it back down. “And why is it buried in here since we are paying for it?”
DW shrugged. “Dunno… I think it’s been set up to automatic payment for as long as we’ve been roosting here. And we just forgot to shut it off.”
“So just-”
The phone rang again and Yoseob stared at it for a long moment, wondering who the hell would be calling a number that hadn’t been used in so long, he’d forgotten he even had it.
Then he shook himself and snatched it back up. Whoever was calling was obviously going to keep trying until they got someone. “Hello?”
His breath caught and his vision swam for a moment. It wasn’t until DW’s hands steadied him that Yoseob realized he’d actually swayed dangerously.
Once upon a time, he’d hoped and prayed for this.
Eventually, he’d given up. He’d forced himself to be content with staying in the shadows and watching as someone who still meant the world to him moved on and created a new life, surrounded by new friends, new family.
He’d offered silent protection where he could and if he sometimes wished there was a way to step back in time and change the way things had turned out, well… who didn’t? There were so many points in his life that he wanted back so that he could do them right. Too many. If he was going to go down that route, he might as well go all the way back and who knew what would happen then?
He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.
The past couldn’t be changed, but here… maybe… he could recapture some of what he’d lost.
Another breath and he was steady again, eyes open and clear.
“Hello, Gikwang.”