Title: Of Angels and Demons - Eunhyuk
Series: Of Angels and Demons
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg-13 for content
Genre: angst, au, fantasy
Pairing/Characters: DBSK, Super Junior, Eunhyuk, Henry, Junsu
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
Comments/Notes: If one considers all life to have been created by a single all-powerful being, then in essence, we are all 'brothers' and 'sisters' that share a 'father' or 'creator'. Theologically speaking, angels are considered 'the first born'.
Changmin |
Hangeng |
Kangin |
Yesung |
Heechul Summary:
Some choices can't be made.
Eunhyuk froze as a hand covered his mouth. The presence at his back was familiar, though, and friendly,.
Funny how that was becoming an important thing to worry about.
He relaxed and let Henry pull him backwards into a hidden alcove. The hand remained over his mouth for a moment as they strained to hear any other sound.
There was nothing to be heard. Most of their brothers were out searching.
He wilted slightly against Henry for a moment. The things that had been happening lately... It was too much, too fast. Too violent for a generally peaceful person.
“Do you think they're okay?” he asked softly.
Even he wasn't sure who he meant exactly. He was worried about everyone these days - all of his brothers present or missing, himself... everyone.
Henry shrugged and sighed. “I haven't been able to feel Yunho since...”
The older angel shuddered slightly at the memory of blood and rage. At the time he'd been too shocked to do anything more than stare. The pain and sorrow and regret had caught up with him later when it was too late to do anything about it. Yunho had been gone and Ryeowook and Yesung had taken off after him. Eunhyuk hoped they found him, hoped they could save him.
“I'm sure Ryeowook was able to heal him.”
If they found him in time.
Eunhyuk closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck, as drained emotionally as he'd ever been in his long existence. “How did everything get so messed up? Why can't they see what they're doing? Why can't Su-”
His voice broke and he let himself be pulled tightly against Henry. “I don't know, Hyuk. I wish I did.”
They both knew the stories. The tales of the beginning of the end and the day when angel would turn on angel, when the first born would slaughter each other without mercy or regret and the rest of creation would fall with them.
They all knew those stories, had grown up with them, had laughed them off.
Because they loved each other too damned much for that to happen. They needed each other too damned much.
In ways no other creature their father had ever created could ever understand.
Except now it was happening and Eunhyuk simply couldn't make any sense out of it.
In those last few moments right before Yunho's connection with the rest of them had been ripped away along with his wings, his agony and sense of betrayal had rippled through them all. He knew he'd seen Siwon's body react to it even though his face had remained twisted in rage and hate.
Rage and hate...
Eunhyuk shuddered. Two emotions that had never truly been felt in their little corner of the universe until recently and now... Now it was overflowing everywhere. Like Yunho's pain, it was rippling through their ranks, leaving nothing but negative space behind.
“What are we going to do?” Because he had little doubt that they were going to have to do something. And they'd have to do it fast before they ended up being infected by whatever madness was felling their brothers. He felt more like hiding than hurting anyone, but Siwon had always been one of the gentlest people he'd ever known.
It hadn't stopped the madness from taking him.
Henry took a deep breath and the look on his face told Eunhyuk he wasn't going to like whatever he was steeling himself to say.
“We need to leave. To find the others.”
He liked it even worse than he'd thought. “We can't leave!”
“We don't have any choice.” Fingers tightened almost painfully on his arms. “Either we're going to end up like Siwon and the others or they'll figure out we're not and we'll end up like Yunho.” Henry shook him slightly. “Or we take option number three and run. We'll be masked by Yesung's power, we'll be safe.”
“If this is really It... if this is the End, do you honestly think anything will keep us safe?”
“Safer,” Henry corrected, rolling his eyes. His grip had loosened and he was rubbing the skin he'd just bruised. “If this is it and I have to choose a side, I choose the sane side. I'm going. Come with me.”
“Henry....” His voice wavered slightly. Henry was right, he knew that, but Eunhyuk wasn't sure he had it in him to make that choice. Crazy and mixed up and dangerous as it was, it was still home. This was still his family.
Before he could make a decision, new hands tore him away from Henry and Eunhyuk couldn't hold back his cry of pain as he was jerked around.
“More traitors, then?” Though the face was as familiar as his own and more precious to him than any other, it might as well have been a complete stranger dragging them from their hiding spot with cold eyes and a cruel twist of lips.
“Junsu, please-”
“I expect Siwon will want to deal with you.” Junsu's voice was almost bored, but his grip was impossible to escape. He'd always been stronger than Eunhyuk.
Not that it mattered.
All of his life, Eunhyuk had been following Junsu.
He just didn't have enough fight in him to do anything else.