Title: Despair
Fandom: Ben 10
Characters: Ben/Gwen and Grandpa Max
Prompt: #004 Insides
Word Count: 213
Rating: T
Summary: Gwen vanishes, Ben goes berserks. 10 aliens on his wrists and he can do... nothing?
Author's Notes: Something to get my mind off my other stuff. :( An the other hand, Ben admits his feelings to someone else.
The light was blinding, the pressure in the air around him changed. When the light was gone, so was she.
“NO! Gwen!” A flash and suddenly StinkFly was flying erratically where she disappeared, searching frantically in the air above the blackened spot that she once stood. Another flash and WildMutt landed on the ground, a throat not meant for words working on growls and whimpers as Ben used the form to desperately search for a scent.
“Ben!” Max shouted. “Get a hold of yourself!”
FourArms was on his knees, driving four fists into the ground repeatively. Another flash and on his knees was his 17 year old grandson, bloodied fists, tears streaming down his eyes. His insides felt cold and hollow, his heart breaking and he felt despair.
“Getting emotional is NOT going to help you find Gwen right now!” His grandpa barked.
“I know.” Ben whispered before slowly getting up, ignoring the damage he’d done to both his body and surroundings. “But… where do we start?”
“Let’s go to the RV. We need to regroup. We need to think.”
“I love her, Grandpa.”
Max suddenly felt a lot more tired. What to do about this mess? Right now, nothing. Finding Gwen had to take priority. “I know.” Was all he could say.