Bandom not-so-foreign exchange program: amazing idea or just plain crazycakes?
No, really.
Pete puts a sign-up sheet somewhere on the internets and the Decaydance crew and MCR and...whoever else signs up. The names are drawn in groups of four and unless there are two singers or four guitar players or whatever in said group, they become a new band! These new bands go off to make one or two new songs, or maybe they just want to do a cover, that's cool too, for a new album. Maybe it's for charity, maybe it's an experiment, whatever. The point is to foster friendship, creativity and keep everyone from killing people in their own bands after seeing their stupid faces 24/7 for god knows how long on tour.
Shenanigans galore! It's like summer camp, only instead of camp counselors there's Worm and Zack and all the other security dudes whose names I either can't remember or just don't know! The paperboy who wants their two damn dollars chases after them forever! There is a skiing montage! French! That one creepy/hilarious sidekick guy with the tophat from the Nerds movies!
Wait, no. But still.
Ray secretly bribes Pete to arrange for him and Patrick to end up in the new unholy mix of bandom people because he's always wanted to make beautiful music with him!
Pete's all, "OKAY! But only as long as you videotape it, if you know what I mean! :D"
Ray's deeply unsettled by that, horrified that he does, indeed, know what Pete means. "No, Pete. Seriously, music? Like with guitars and microphones and possibly other instruments?" (Little does Ray know that Patrick has done the same! He, too, wants to make beautiful music with Ray. "Seriously, Pete. I will punch you if you do the stupid clicky guns again.")
Gerard ends up with, I don't know, Greta, a drummer to be named later, and Ryan Ross, who is still not over his deep and abiding love for Gerard or the crushing betrayal of Gerard mocking Panic. He wears shirts with random punctuation, silently daring Gerard to take issue with it. Gerard's confused and somewhat disturbed by the way Ryan stares at him, unblinking. Almost like the undead. Or a robot. He loves Greta for her creepily disturbing lyrics and they bond. (Perhaps she lets him do her hair and they spend endless hours talking make-up tips.)
Bob and Spencer call and e-mail one another constantly, pained by the whole ordeal and bond at the antics around them.
Brian cries a lot, but no one can tell if they are tears of joy or his crushed soul.
More craziness I have not yet thought of! Supply your own! :D