(no subject)

Apr 26, 2008 05:06

Ugh. I'm so frustrated sad. I've been wrestling with the laptop's wireless adapter for a few months now because there just wasn't time for me to send it in when it was still under warranty. I bought a new wireless adapter and have been wrestling with it most of the day yesterday. Am currently downloading the latest driver for the adapter in the hope that it will work. If not, I will cry bitter, bitter tears and probably pass out face first on the keyboard...pretty much like every night, but that's neither here nor there.

This generator because it comes up with gems like these:

In ancient China there is a legend that one day a child will be born from a dragon, grow to be a man, and vanquish evil from the land. That man is not Gerard Way, because Gerard Way killed that man.

When Frank Iero breaks the law, the law doesn't heal.

Rules of fighting: 1) Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. 2) Don't bring a gun to a Frank Iero fight.

Bob Bryar was once a knight in King Arthur's court. He was known as Sir Beatdown.

If Bob Bryar wants your opinion, he'll beat it into you.

Mikey Way is not only a noun, but a verb.

If you spell Brian Schechter wrong on Google it doesn't say, "Did you mean Brian Schechter?" It simply replies, "Run while you still have the chance."

Godzilla is a Japanese rendition of Ray Toro's first visit to Tokyo.

Everybody loves Raymond. Except Gerard Way.

...Okay, so that last one's more "Why you gotta hate on Ray, Gerard?" Because obviously that's exactly what he does. (Also, this was when I started looking through my pic folders for evidence of Gerard's massive RAGE when it comes to Ray Toro.)

Gerard is filled with rage, rage, every time he sees that Ray Toro guy.

Seriously, Gerard can't stand him.

So much so that he had him buried inside/under a tree, but apparently Ray's awesome is too much for the tree to contain. (Okay, no, I have no fucking idea what's going on in that photo shoot other than the guys who dragged the band out there had to be on some good shit. Seriously.)

This is the only time I've seen the whole picture, and good god, but is it ever made of WTF? I mean. Really. Also, that wolf/dog/thing looks horrendously wrong, even for that shoot, and poor Ray has its ass in his face. Why do you hate Ray so much, Gerard? WHY?

P.S. Prep School/inexplicable British boarding school/Supernatural-esque AU, Y/N?

Gerard takes them all over the country/world hunting Evil. Clearly, they have found The Source Of All Evil in the middle of a magazine photo shoot when they agreed to do some promotional stuff at Brian's urging. They just don't know if they should bust out the holy water and Latin during the shoot or wait until the photographer's done.

Look at Mikey - he can sense The Source Of All Evil hungering for their souls. Bob doesn't know what the hell he's even doing there, Ray wants to know why Gerard apparently hates him, and Frank thinks the photographer's assistant has candy. Gerard's just pissy that Ray's there because his rage and hatred for Ray Toro is so strong it crosses over into other universes.

Plus, they'll probably get demonic goo on their clothes when they destroy The Source Of All Evil later. Seriously, Gerard hates that shit.

Also, this isn't Ray or Gerard, but instead the infamous Frank Iero right before, after, or, hey, possibly during a daring train robbery. The James Gang would have been thrilled to have him along, if he would just stop confusing French Pirate and Wild West Outlaw all the damn time.

Aaaaand, right back to Gerard's seething anger and rage when it comes to Ray Toro. Look at his face in this one. Burning rage.

The hit didn't go according to plan, but Ray did burn the roof of his mouth when he didn't wait long enough for the pizza to cool down before taking a bite because that's just how Ray Toro rolls. Dude lives life on the edge, you know?

How so sexy, Frank?

No, seriously.

...Okay, I guess I can see it now.

This will never stop being funny.

Neither will this.

Or this.

My new favorite picture of Mikey.

If you don't take Gerard's face into account in this pic, this isn't really immediately hilarious? But every time I see it I always think that's Frank's hand wrapped around Gerard's arm to keep Frank from tipping over like a toddler while he fusses with his shoes, or scuffs his feet because he's on television and there are people watching him! (He's bashful, you know.) It makes me smile so much, and also go, "Oh, Frank."

Patrick and the love that dare not speak its name.

How so adorable, Patrick? Just looking at this one makes me smile.

So you know how Patrick knows he's sexy? This may be one of the reasons why.

No, I know. These poor guys must have to beat people off them with sticks.

For serious.





For a long time this was my favorite picture of Patrick ever.

This picture is the one that replaced it.

I love this because Pete's stupid hat/cap/whatever the hell he's wearing on his head makes me think of a vaguely steam punk-ish AU wherein Patrick is the police detective/private investigator who is investigating something that leads him to rich kid inventor/engineer Pete. Joe is Pete's childhood-friend-turned-bodyguard, and Andy is. Pete's bodyguard/chauffeur. SHENANIGANS. Patrick not trusting Pete! Pete blowing shit up - sometimes even by accident! They possibly save the world/their corner of it! Steam punk-ish goggles!

More from the vaguely steam-punk-ish AU in which Patrick follows Pete to make sure he doesn't get in over his head/who knows what. (I love their expressions in this picture.)

Mikey's around in the steam punk-ish AU too.

And finally? My heart.

picspam, don't judge me!, fob, plotty things, computer woes, rl, mcr

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