
Dec 13, 2007 13:44

Hahaha. Marching band au has reached almost 6,000 words, and we have achieved Frank. And mentioned Gerard. And. Um. Ray has made soup. (I also may have come up with an actual title for it ( Read more... )

wolfshirts, comment fic, ttf, bandom, plotty things, mcr, fic update

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chebonne December 13 2007, 22:07:44 UTC
It took me a moment to get what you were talking about, but when I did I actually did a \o/ complete with little jiggy on the spot. I've been sick too and this is the best news I've gotten all day. Cheered me immensely from my Lucia related blues. *sniffles*

And eeeeeeeeee! Frankie!


kitsune_tsuki December 13 2007, 22:28:25 UTC
Ahaha. I was looking at the post and realized people who are not me might not know what I'm talking about if I just used the document file name. D'oh!

Knowing that you do \o/ over this fic makes me do \o/ too! :D

I could send you the new section of what I have done, or write you a little something if that will help you feel better? (Being sick sucks.)


chebonne December 13 2007, 22:34:11 UTC
I physically \o/ is the thing. I do that a lot. Also in public. People give me weird looks, but what can you do.

*coughs* *sneezes* *gives you somewhat watery puppy eyes* Would you?


kitsune_tsuki December 13 2007, 22:44:46 UTC
That...that makes it even better for me! :D

Ahaha. Do you want me to send you a text file, or just post it in? Either way is fine with me.

P.S. I have an idea where Ray and Gerard have a sleepover and Frank is all "I feel betrayed, do you feel betrayed?" to Bob when he finds out. Bob just looks at Frank like he's crazycakes, but he, too, feels betrayed.

(Because clearly, Ray and Gerard showing up together at band practice the next day - and Ray actually wearing make-up - is a sign that he and Gerard are sleeping together.)


chebonne December 13 2007, 22:51:07 UTC
Anyway you want it, bb.

Ahahaha, Gerard is such a bad influence, he would make Ray wear make-up. And Bob is secretly horrified and even more secretly turned on and both him and Frank are seething in jealousy, while neither Gerard nor Ray get a thing. They were just up all night watching cheesy horror flicks and talking about how woe is them because Frank and Bob doesn't notice them AT ALL. After all, it is a canonical fact that they're all teenaged girls, no matter how badass they try to seem.


kitsune_tsuki December 13 2007, 23:05:05 UTC
I think I'm going to be mean to everyone else and just e-mail it to you. Which means I will need an e-mail address. (Mine is silvershadeus@yahoo.com if you don't want to give your out where other people can see.)

Ray's used to Gerard, though, is the thing. He just sits there and does what Gerard tells him to do. But he gets to tell Gerard about Bob and marching band and Bob are driving him crazy, and Gerard is just "Uh-huh" and "Hmmm" and "That sucks" while he paints Ray up like a zombie or something. And then later, when they're watching Them and eating popcorn with their fuzzy slippers on Gerard starts talking about Frank and Ray nods and the have absolutely no idea how ridiculously adorably teenaged girl they're being.


chebonne December 13 2007, 23:51:57 UTC
No, no, it's fine, I have no sense of privacy. Mine is linnisabell@gmail.com

And then! Then there's ice cream and a some more talking -- "That reminds me of that guy I dated..." "Oh, yeah, the one in art school?" -- and so on. And the morning after (when Ray's make-up is smudged from being lazy and sleeping in it) Frank and Bob (well, mostly Frank) lament the fact that they'll never get the chance to smudge that make-up themselves.

Ohgod, please tell me there will be a scene in which Gerard is doing stage make-up on Frank for the big marching competition thingy and then there is UST and Gerard licking dry lips and Frank's eyelashes brushing Gerard's fingertips.


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 06:39:45 UTC
Ahaha...sorry I didn't reply until now - there was a minor emergency involving the toilet and a plumber. Um. Yes.

I just sent you the text file, so.

Hee! Yes! Frank and Bob are in the band room waiting for them, and the kids are arriving and Mikey shows up and just shakes his head when Frank turns these hopeful eyes on him all "Gerard went back to his place with you last night, right?" even though Mikey showed up alone. And so he and Bob sit thre staring out the door all emo and sad (well, except that Bob looks pretty much like he always does) and then! When they show up!

Frank maybe makes this sad little sound of distress and Bob looks at him, but it's not a mean look because Ray, man. Ray's got make-up on that they know he didn't have on the night before and he's looking a lot happier than he did, and Gerard! Gerard's all adorably sleep rumpled and he's wearing a turtleneck or something and huge sunglasses and oh, my god, they totally are sleeping together! The big, fat liars ( ... )


chebonne December 14 2007, 09:47:50 UTC
Okay, so first: !!!!!!!! We have mention of Gerard! Sickly, getting people to crush on him Frank! RAY TORO!! I love your brain. Also, the blackmail bit? I loved it. I'm such a huge fan of this story it's quite frankly ridiculous.

Ray's got make-up on that they know he didn't have on the night before and he's looking a lot happier than he did, and Gerard! Gerard's all adorably sleep rumpled and he's wearing a turtleneck or something and huge sunglasses and oh, my god, they totally are sleeping together! The big, fat liars! >:(That emoticon made that entire paragraph. So how do they get over these shenanigans? Frank and Bob can't mope around forver. I feel that Mikey needs to get on it and use his superpowers for good ( ... )


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 11:02:57 UTC
Gerard! I was so happy to even get to mention him, I cannot express it in actual words! Frank! He's tiny and adorable and so polite and he can't help it! (Not, you know, like he tries or anything.) Ahaha. Ray. I'm really starting to love him even more now that I'm writing from his POV. (Is that weird?) And, haha. There's no way you get to be friends with someone for years and not have at least one good piece of blackmail material. Ray's a smart guy like that. ;)

It makes me so happy to know that you like this so much! I mean, it's mostly self-indulgent crack on my part, but it's great to know I'm not just amusing myself writing it. ♥

Hee. After I wrote that I realized Frank would be making just that face, and felt it needed to be included for maximum impact. I'm thinking that after band practice Frank and Bob go back to Bob's place or something and have their own sleepover! Bob doesn't notice what's going on until he realizes Frank never left when he got into his car to go home. He's even pretty sure he stopped at Frank's building, ( ... )


chebonne December 14 2007, 11:20:01 UTC
It's almost like having commentfic just for ME. I'm so happy.

Well, one man's chocolate milk is the other man's cheesy horror flick.

I imagine that before the lights go down Ray gives Gerard this look that is half eyebrow waggle (because Frank) and half utter terror (because Bob). Is there inappropriate touching? Hands dragging against each other, all buttery with the popcorn, touches that both of them can feel down into their toes? I imagine that all of them will walk out of there half-hard and quietly desperate (pupils blown to hell, I love that). I'm totally rooting for Frank -- seduce him! Seduce him!

And poor Ray! All confused that Frank is suddenly being all mean -- he made him soup, Ray is a good guy, why is Frank suddenly so cranky? -- and terrified because he's going to sit beside Bob and now he's never going to be able to focus ever again. I also feel that Bob probably both hates and admires Frank right now ( ... )


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 12:45:32 UTC
Yay! It so is! And to answer your question from earlier? Yes, Frank does know Gerard. Or, really, he knows of him.

Mikey talks about him all the time, and Frank maybe meets him this one time Mikey gets Gerard to come out to a show. And since Gerard was in his basement dwelling phase at the time Frank sort of filed him under "Weird, but not scary-crazy", with a little note cross-referencing him to Mikey's folder which has something like "Weird, but not totally uncool." Which totally explains why Frank is all "Why did I not know you had a brother? Who is several kinds of HOT?" (Mikey makes this horrified face because that's his brother, man, and also dude. You met him before! But mostly "Please don't tell me things like that. I have to sit across from him at family functions, and this is just making everything weird.")

And then, because Frank is totally smooth, he tells Gerard that he used to think of him as being weird, and maybe crazy, but not psycho-killer crazy! (He says all of this like it's a good thing.) Gerard's all "That's ( ... )


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 12:45:52 UTC
Ahaha. Ray. How so smooth?

You know Bob catches the eyebrow waggle, and is all "Is there something in your eye?" because it was windy outside and shit was flying around and he's concerned, even if it does sound like the lamest line in just about forever.

Gerard chokes on his drink and Frank pauses before he takes a sip of his own and turns his head very slowly to see Ray sitting there completely frozen, face bright red. And Frank starts laughing, like hysterical laughter, and Bob glares at him and Ray sort of slouches down in his seat wishing the ground would open up and swallow him, and Gerard. Gerard the traitor is sitting there looking like he's going to die laughing, hand over his mouth and shoulers shaking and Ray is so going to kill him when they get out of there. He is. He can get Mikey or Frank to take over the color guard, they both know the routines ( ... )


chebonne December 14 2007, 14:18:26 UTC
Okay, first of all, ahahaha, Frank is the smoothest smooth that every smoothed. And Ray and Bob's friends are kind of stupid? *stares pointedly at them* Also, Mikey is so bright. Come on, has 20+ years with Gerard taught him nothing?

Second, Ray is my favourite, man. How's it going for Frankie, is he gaining any headway on Gerard? The yawn-and-stretchh is the oldest trick in the book, I can't believe that it's actually working. And Bob's MILK DUDS AWWW! That's him giving you his heart, right there, Ray Toro.

Ahahahahahahaha. I adore your brain. *licks it*


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 15:21:36 UTC
I know, right? Frank should totally give up this guitar teacher business and offer classes on dating and relationships. Yeah, Mikey's taken to beating his head against the wall whenever Ray and Bob are all "Gerard and Frank are so Stuuupid!" *wink wink, nudge, nudge ( ... )


chebonne December 14 2007, 21:01:06 UTC
I love UST, for serious. And Mikey! Mikeyway is so awesome I don't know what to do with myself.

This is like, the gayest school in the history of mankind (or at east since Dead Poet's Society), but I kind of love it. Gerard's pout and big soulful eyes could probably even sway Brian (and it certainly makes Frank melt into a useless puddle) so it's no wonder if Mikey gets a little affected sometimes.

Now, all Frank needs to do is turn his head just a little bit to the side whenever Gerard leans in for the trivia. Of course, ten bucks says he's to chicken to do it. I also dare Bob to put his arm around Ray for real.

Ohgod. You're writing a story about teenage girls, for real.


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