
Dec 13, 2007 13:44

Hahaha. Marching band au has reached almost 6,000 words, and we have achieved Frank. And mentioned Gerard. And. Um. Ray has made soup. (I also may have come up with an actual title for it ( Read more... )

wolfshirts, comment fic, ttf, bandom, plotty things, mcr, fic update

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kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 12:45:52 UTC
Ahaha. Ray. How so smooth?

You know Bob catches the eyebrow waggle, and is all "Is there something in your eye?" because it was windy outside and shit was flying around and he's concerned, even if it does sound like the lamest line in just about forever.

Gerard chokes on his drink and Frank pauses before he takes a sip of his own and turns his head very slowly to see Ray sitting there completely frozen, face bright red. And Frank starts laughing, like hysterical laughter, and Bob glares at him and Ray sort of slouches down in his seat wishing the ground would open up and swallow him, and Gerard. Gerard the traitor is sitting there looking like he's going to die laughing, hand over his mouth and shoulers shaking and Ray is so going to kill him when they get out of there. He is. He can get Mikey or Frank to take over the color guard, they both know the routines.

Well, maybe not Frank because Frank is being mean. He's also pretty sure the girls would eat him alive, and then he'd have to get Mikey to do it anyway. Ray's a little mad at Frank because Frank is being mean and confusing him, so he kicks him. And Frank kicks back because he doesn't take that kind of shit, and they maybe get into a kicking war that Bob has to stop -- people are turning around and giving them Looks -- and Ray feels like a little kid when Bob gives him his Teacher Face, so he sulks a little. And flicks popcorn at Frank until Gerard gives him this "WTF?" look, and okay.

But then he's saved when the first movie starts, and Frank practically drapes himself all over Gerard - who has maybe stopped breathing - and there are popcorn shenanigans galore. With little muttered apologies Gerard is so not looking at Frank, only he is, and Frank is kind of staring more at Gerard than watching the movie.

Ray is trying his best not to touch Bob -- he's a little worried at the way Frank keeps yawning and stretching, because you know, they've been working pretty hard lately and maybe he should do something to cut down on the hours they've been practicing or something, and totally doesn't notice when Bob does the arm around the shoulder thing. Halfway through the second movie he sort of starts leaning into Bob, and doesn't notice so much when their fingers get tangled together when they reach for popcorn.

He looks over once, and sees Frank offering Gerard some Twizzlers, and that's like. He doesn't know what, exactly, but Frank's Twizzlers are sacred. So he maybe kind of wonders, but then Bob nudges him, a box of milk duds in his hand and Ray smiles and forgets about Frank and Gerard as he takes some.

Bob totally didn't mean to do the arm around the shoulder thing, it was just his arm was getting cramped while he was trying not to touch Ray, and then stupid Frank with his stupid yawning and stretching. Bob was totally going to move his arm, but Ray sighed and leaned back, and Bob doesn't want him to hit his head if he moves his arm, and it's kind of nice and his heart is going so fast. And then Frank looks at him behind Ray's head, and he doesn't actually have hands free, but if he did Bob knows Frank would be giving him a thumbs up. He still does the creepy smirk thing, though, and Bob makes a face and turns back to watch the movie.


chebonne December 14 2007, 14:18:26 UTC
Okay, first of all, ahahaha, Frank is the smoothest smooth that every smoothed. And Ray and Bob's friends are kind of stupid? *stares pointedly at them* Also, Mikey is so bright. Come on, has 20+ years with Gerard taught him nothing?

Second, Ray is my favourite, man. How's it going for Frankie, is he gaining any headway on Gerard? The yawn-and-stretchh is the oldest trick in the book, I can't believe that it's actually working. And Bob's MILK DUDS AWWW! That's him giving you his heart, right there, Ray Toro.

Ahahahahahahaha. I adore your brain. *licks it*


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 15:21:36 UTC
I know, right? Frank should totally give up this guitar teacher business and offer classes on dating and relationships. Yeah, Mikey's taken to beating his head against the wall whenever Ray and Bob are all "Gerard and Frank are so Stuuupid!" *wink wink, nudge, nudge*

Brian doesn't really know Mikey that well yet, but he's always willing to share his aspirin when it comes to those guys. Matt Cortez kind of lurks in the background trying to be all supportive of Brian who has to have the gayest staff ever. He gives Brian shoulder rubs and brings him dinner sometimes, but it's totally platonic! Seriously! (Mikey just tosses back some of Brian's aspirin and tells himself one problem at a time, okay?)

Mikey is all "I know you're up to something", but he feels bad that Frank's a doodyhead, so he puts up with it. Plus, Gerard pulls out his most earnest face and is all "It's for the girls, Mikey. I need someone to model possible styles." And Mikey, he doesn't really buy it, but Gerard does this pouting thing, okay? And Gerard's done seriously weird stuff for Mikey before, so whatever.

Gerard knows about Frank's long-term love affair with his Twizzlers, so he knows it's a big gesture on Frank's part. That gets them pretty much where they were before the psycho-killer crazy comment, but Gerard totally evades the yawn-and-stretch. Not on purpose, though, he's totally into the movie because they're showing the original theatrical cut or something - Gerard pats down his pockets for the 3-D glasses they gave them when they came in, but he can't find his! He looks over at Frank and Frank sighs and rolls his eyes, but hands Gerard his pair.

Gerard beams at him, and Frank's brain maybe shorts out a little, but by then Gerard's watching the movie. And maybe he reaches back and pulls Frank forward a little to watch the movie with him, hands slick with butter and a little hot and then he turns his head a little and whispers about some really obscure bit of trivia about the movie into Frank's ear so they don't bother the rest of the audience.

The only reason the yawn-and-stretch works is that Ray totally doesn't expect it! He just thinks Bob's trying to get comfortable - he's kind of a big guy, you know? And Ray totally didn't mean to use Bob's arm as a pillow, but Bob doesn't say anything and Ray's afraid to because he's actually touching Bob! So he maybe pushes his luck a little more, hoping Bob's not going to haul off and punch him or anything, but Bob seems pretty involved in the movie and Ray's tired and comfortable and doesn't feel like moving, so he kind of moves a little closer.

Bob. Bob can't believe he's offering Ray candy, but it's like. Ray's touching him! Ray's leaning against him! So it's a big step, and Bob knows it's not like he's proposing or anything, but a guy's candy is sacred. Even Frank knows that. Hell, even Gerard knows that. So when Ray smiles at him, all sweet and shy and nervous Bob's heart maybe skips, or something, he's almost certain hearts weren't supposed to that, and he's smiling so hard.

Hahaha. It's these guys, seriously! They're all so ridiculously adorable! I just keep thinking about Ray's story of seduction off of LotMS where he ended up having to go to the nurse's office! Now that's smooth. ♥ ♥ ♥


chebonne December 14 2007, 21:01:06 UTC
I love UST, for serious. And Mikey! Mikeyway is so awesome I don't know what to do with myself.

This is like, the gayest school in the history of mankind (or at east since Dead Poet's Society), but I kind of love it. Gerard's pout and big soulful eyes could probably even sway Brian (and it certainly makes Frank melt into a useless puddle) so it's no wonder if Mikey gets a little affected sometimes.

Now, all Frank needs to do is turn his head just a little bit to the side whenever Gerard leans in for the trivia. Of course, ten bucks says he's to chicken to do it. I also dare Bob to put his arm around Ray for real.

Ohgod. You're writing a story about teenage girls, for real.


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 21:49:14 UTC
It's like the best thing ever? Mikey is so totally the evil mastermind who controls things from behind the scenes. (He just has really defective minions.)

It really, really is. Brian used to be worried that parents were going to complain about the gayness, but apparently the moms are preoccupied with Ray's thighs and hair, Frank's everything, and Bob's...Bob-ness. The dads are all impressed with Ray's knowledge of classic rock - they pick his brains all the time, Frank's a polite young man, and Bob...Bob's kind of scary. (Things got worse when Gerard and Mikey came along though, because now the parents are asking why Gerard doesn't teach at the school? He's a lovely young man, and that brother of his, such a nice young man.)

Brian relies on classic mythology and never really looks directly at Gerard when he's got his combination pout+soulful eyes going on. It's not perfect, but it's worked for him this far, and that's what counts.

The thing is, Frank keeps trying but Gerard goes for a sip of his coke or some popcorn and then when he isn't? Frank kind of can't move. He gets a really good look at Gerard's profile and he's got the shape of his ear memorized, which really, kind of weird, but come on. They're in public, and Ray and Bob are right there, and also, it's Gerard.

Ray and Bob are starting to pay a little more attention to Frank and Gerard than the movie, and they have this conversation comprised solely of eyebrow movements and hand signals. Ray bets Frank doesn't do it, and Bob bets that he does, but only because he's rooting for Frank. He'd feel disloyal if he didn't bet on Frank. (He thinks maybe Frank's stupid "We're on the same side, Bob! We're in this together, Bob! You can't leave me now, Bob, we're in too deep!" crap maybe got to him more than he thought. Also, Frank's a little creepy sometimes.)

I know, right? I have never heard of so much adorable in one place.


chebonne December 14 2007, 21:58:51 UTC
All the teenage girls in school fell in love with Gerard two seconds after he set foot on campus, and the ones who did't fall for him fell for Mikey. Seriously, they may think that Frank is the hottest thing on two legs, but Gerard Way is the kind of guy you fall in love with. Why can't the guys at school be like him? (Except they totally are, but the guys who are just like Gerard are the WoW and D&D geeks that nobody actually wants to date.)

I bet Bob is a bit surprised that Ray is taking it so well. I mean, it's perfectly obvious that Frank has ulterior motives, but Ray just seems to think it's funny and he's leaning on Bob while doing it. Bob is not sure what to make of this.


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 22:40:56 UTC
I know! Gerard acts like he has no idea, and everyone's all giggly behind his back - especially Frank, because seriously so cute! But Gerard is a total gentleman and responsible and the girls are good about not being too agressive with him becasue he really is a nice guy. And they all know he totally has a thing for Mr. Iero.

Frank, though. He knows it's ridiculous to be jealous of a fourteen year-old girl, but when Gerard helps one of his girls out with something and the girl shoots him this smug little smirk? Dude, not cool.

Some of the smarter girls kind of poke around the WoW and D&D guys, and they're...well, the guys aren't dating ready yet, but there's potential. So they maybe start talking to them and the other girls are all "Ewww, why?" and the smart girls just smile and shrug and giggle whenever Gerard walks by.

Well, no. Yeah. Ray knows Gerard is pretty much blind when it comes to other people like liking him, so it's going to take someone like Frank - when Frank isn't chickening out - to get through to him. In the meantime it's hilarious watching Frank be all fumbling and stupid in love, even though it hits a little close to home. And he's totally taking advantage of the fact that Bob obviously thinks it's funny too, and man, Bob is a good friend. A really, really good friend.

Bob's maybe dying a little inside because seriously. He thought Ray was a traditional kind of guy. And Bob's kind of sure that Frank's going to be in for a surprise if things end up where Bob thinks they're going. And yeah, he knows Frank has a thing for Gerard - he'd have to be blind and deaf and also dead not to notice. Frank's always saying that Ray's like a brother to him, right? So.

So Bob's going to stop thinking about it before he gives himself a headache, and oh, wow. Someone's being eviscerated. And is that a chainsaw? Awesome.


chebonne December 14 2007, 23:48:11 UTC
AHAHAHA, BOB! YOU ARE MY HERO. Yes, that is exactly what is going on. Good golly, your powers of deduction leaves me breathless.

And Ray! So happy, because now he knows for certain that Frank's just as much in love with Gerard as Gerard is with him. EVERYBODY else seems to get that there is something going on with the elder Mr. Way and Mr. Iero -- just look at the girls in the colour guard and their betting pool! Now, the question is: does Frank notice that Ray is grinning like a madman?

Ahahaha, Gerard is like Indiana Jones and the girls in the classroom with the freaky eyelids. All the girls are writing "Mrs. Gerard Way" and the like all over their notebooks. The guys kind of hates him, or they would if it was actually possible to have Gerard right up in your face, all earnest and sincere, and hate him. Poor guys. And their grasp on heterosexuality was already weak, what with Mr. Iero and Mr. Toro and Mr. Bryar.


kitsune_tsuki December 15 2007, 12:50:35 UTC
Bob's forte is not detective work, okay? He calls them as he sees them. (And apparently Bob has issues even he's not aware of.)

Yes! Ray has seen it with his very own eyes! Now if only he could do something about it! (Those two, not too bright.)

Hahaha. Frank doesn't notice at first because, well, Gerard. And also, this is Frank, right? He's a nervous eater, so he eats entirely too much candy and junkfood during the horror movie marathon and then afterwards Bob pulls him aside and is all "Uh, you do know what's going on, right?" And Frank is all "Oh, god, I'm going to die! How could you let me each so much crap, I thought you were my friend!" and looks a little green, so Bob drags him back to his place. (He doesn't want Frank to die! Also, Ray keeps looking over and smiling really big, and Gerard looks freakishly happy and Bob worries, okay? He does.)

Oh, he so is! The others think he's just completely oblivious, except for Mikey, who uses the same approach - he learned from Gerard! And sometimes guys come up to him and just sort of stare, and it should be uncomfortable - and it is, it really, really is - but he can tell they're all nervous, but he waits for them to talk. Most of them just blurt something out about the weather or that they like hamsters too and run.

There was this one kid, though, that was all "I think I like boys now." And gave Gerard this sort of accusatory look, and Gerard was all "That's very flattering, but are you sure?" And the kid was "No." And Gerard got all thoughtful and said "Hmmm." and the kid's like "Seriously? Seriously? I tell you that you probably made me gay and you go 'Hmmm'?" (Only he doesn't say it, but you know that's totally what he was thinking.)

So they have this talk and the kid's really wound tight because sexual identity crisis! But Gerard's polite and he listens and it they figure out that the kid probably isn't gay after all, he just likes that Gerard listens, you know? That he's a guy who cares and he's maybe obsessing over that, because it's not something he's seen a lot of.

Gerard's all smiley and the kid smiles and then Frank and Mikey walk in to see if Gerard wants to grab lunch or something and the kid's face goes blank and he says "Dammit." Really, really quietly, and Frank and Mikey have no idea what's going on, so they look at Gerard who is just nodding sadly and looking at Frank. "Yeah. Yeah I know." He says, and totally misses that the kid is staring at Mikey.


chebonne December 15 2007, 13:27:19 UTC
I... can't even. And then, because he is Bob, he tells Frank all about it when they get home, right? Or, alternately, Frank is so happy about the whole thing with Gerard (besides the fact that he either is going to puke or die) that Bob doesn't have the heart to destroy his illusions.

Ray and Gerard keeps lookign at each other after Bob and Frank leaves, trying not to squeal loudly in a public place, because they're both close to thirty not thirteen, okay? But Ray is all "Frank was all over you! I KNEW IT!" and Gerard is all "shut up, he wasn't! And Bob totally had his arm around you!" and they're both being gigantic girls. 'S all good.

Please tell me that he'll give them the whole speech aout the Kinsey scale and that you don't actually have to be either or, and that the fact that you like boys doesn't have to mean that you can't like girls too. Actually, I bet Gerard gets more traffic of confused teenagers on a normal day than the councellors. Boy are they happy with the situation.


kitsune_tsuki December 15 2007, 14:30:02 UTC
I think it's a little of both. Bob gets Frank home and starts to tell him about the whole weird thing going on with Ray and Gerard - Bob doesn't want to put it into words yet, because seriously. Ray, you know? But Frank's babbling about the movie and how many gallons of fake blood were used in one scene and how they did the prosthesis on that one dude with the freaky third eye or whatever (and Bob would wonder, but Frank was totally hanging on Gerard's every word, so...) and then gets this look on his face and has to run to the bathroom to puke.

Bob sighs and plays the part of good friend and rubs Frank's back while he pukes and gets him ginger ale or something and decides they can talk about it later. Frank just give him this little smile, like he's apologizing for being such a freak, but he still looks so happy.

Ray and Gerard go back to Gerard's place - Mikey's hanging out with some friends or something for the weekend, and make hot chocolate - extra marshmallows! - and have these giant cookies or something and sit up talking about it and giggling. Then Ray starts pulling at his hair all "I think I want to get it cut." And Gerard, Gerard is horrified because Ray's hair is awesome, okay?

Ray's getting a little mopey - his Bob-induced high is wearing off and he's starting to doubt what happened, so Gerard digs out Mikey's straightening iron or something and convinces Ray to try that instead. Ray's dubious, but he lets Gerard do it anyway, and it looks horrible, okay? Like something died on his head, and Gerard's kind of glad Ray's freaking out about that and doesn't want to get it cut anymore even though he feels bad that Ray's having a tiny meltdown over his hair.

Of course he does! And most of them go away feeling relieved and a lot better about themselves. But there are a few that see Frank or one of the others wandering around and want to go back to Gerard all "You're a lying liar who lies.", only they'd never say it like that, they actually really like him. Gerard totally doesn't realize that he's getting all the confused kids. One day the counselors pitch in together and send him this giant flower arrangement with a little card that just says "Thank you."

When Frank sees it he's all "Who sent you flowers?" And he's all casual about it, but inside he's maybe seething a little, because flowers! He can so do flowers too!

Gerard's all "I have no idea." But he's not-so-secretly pleased, and blushing and looking a billion times more adorable than usual, which just messes Frank up even more.

Ray's all confused, but doesn't miss out on the chance to tease Gerard all "Someone's got a secret admirer~!" And Bob sort of laughs and Mikey and Brian are off to the side handing the aspirin back and forth and muttering darkly. (Matt Cortez is nibbling on some chips - he couldn't find popcorn on short notice - and Brian's all "Seriosuly, what are you doing here? You aren't even a teacher!" and Matt shrugs and offers Brian some of his chips and Brian's all "Well, okay.")

Mikey...dude, Mikey's dying.


chebonne December 15 2007, 16:59:19 UTC
Question is: does Frank feel like he's getting any headway on Gerard? He's so in love it's ridiculous, but did Gee reciprocate enough? Will Gerard reciprocate more now that he has Ray backing him up about Frank's feelings?

Aaaand, suddenly I sound like a soapopera. *facepalm*

Although... continuing on the theme... Frank could send him flowers. Or a vintage copy of Hellboy or something.

Poor kids, they live in the school of perpetual gayness. On the upside, they come out of it a lot less confused and possibly even a bit more tolerant. Not even the jocks talk shit about the music teachers -- mostly because they've seen Frank in a fight, and Bob is scary as hell. Plus, Ray's got those thighs, right? Like he could probably pick you up and juggle with you, if he wasn't such a nice guy. Also, the Ways are creepy as fuck when they want to be, which the jock dads have noticed.


kitsune_tsuki December 15 2007, 17:59:23 UTC
Hahaha. A soap opera or one of those teen drama shows on the WB. :D

Frank's all over Ray and Bob for ideas to woo Gerard. He asked Mikey but Mikey just looked at him, trying to communicate that seriously, Frank didn't need to try that hard, but it's Gerard, you know? It would be good for him to be wooed. He totally deserves it. (That doesn't mean he's going to help Frank get into Gerard's pants, though. He's just trying to get them past the "OMG, do you think he likes me or like likes me?" phase of things.)

So Frank tries out all the usual things, flowers, chocolates, and Gerard is all "Thanks, Frank!" thinking it's just Frank being Frank, and being smiley and happy.

Frank's freaking out, complaining to Ray and Bob, who are seriously dying of laughter. But eventually Frank gives up and mopes a little, but then there's an awesome comic book convention and he knows Gerard is all about comics so he goes over all "Hey, I have tickets to a comic book convention, you want to go with me?"

Ray and Bob have maybe told Gerard that Frank was spazzing at him for a reason, and Gerard is all "Seriously? Really?" And Mikey nods, and that's when Gerard gets it, only he's a little embarrassed it took other people telling him, and anyway, Frank's
not doing it anymore, so.

But then! Then when Frank invites him to the convention he's like "Okay!" and they go and it's great fun for them and they're going a little crazy over everything and it's just them and after they get past the minor awkwardness in the beginning they have fun.

And then. Maybe, there's like a kiss on the cheek goodnight before Gerard flees up to his apartment and jumps on the couch by the window to look out and see Frank outside on the sidewalk.

And Mikey, who was maybe napping on the couch? Not a happy camper to have his brother's knee in his kidney. But Gerard's all happy and making squealing noises like one of the color guard girls and shushing him like Frank could even hear them from all the way down there. And Mikey grumbles and bitches and sort of knocks Gerard off the couch and rolls over to go back to sleep. He's smiling though, when Gerard lets out this happy little sigh and leans his head back to look at him and says "I think I'm in love, Mikey."

(Mikey's all "Duh, I think the entire state of New Jersey knows" But he doesn't say anything because he knows Gerard.)

Their school actually gets in the papers for being so tolerant, maybe! No one explains why this is (because they don't want to bring stupid parenting/religious groups down on the school). They're a little baffled that the jocks actually respect them, except for Bob who was always a little scary, and there's that security guy, Worm, too.

Hahaha. They're kind of worried about the Ways being around the kids, until they maybe come to a practice or something and see how nice they are. Until some punks in the neighborhood try getting fresh with some of the girls and then. Oh, man. Back to being scary and creepy!


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