
Feb 05, 2009 16:10

Today would have ben Grace's 50th birthday. I was driving to get lunch today and I heard a song of hers that I played at her funeral on the radio. It was Peace Train by Cat Stevens, which I would hazard to guess has not been played on the radio since 1979, so don't tell me that was a coincidence! He was probably her favorite artist although she was reluctant to say so because she liked to keep up with current music and she was much more into Industrial and Rock later in life.

Attending a VNV Nation after party at Maschine in 2005
and the rest:

Jennifer Alice Kops aka Lady Grace

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said here before; she was my teacher, elder, spiritual guide and best friend. Grace was so intelligent and she could see into every soul she touched. She left us too soon and is missed by those who loved her everyday. Now some words from Skye-

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Little Princess Sky

I can remember everything so clearly, every word she uttered as if my ears have been forever imprinted by them. I hear every bit of her wisdom as if it were the only wisdom ever spoken to me sometimes, like a fog swirling in my mind covering my thoughts and then lifting slowly to reveal the knowledge beneath my confusion.

My heart pounds. My throat thickens with held back sorrow. My eyes blur with thousands of tears that can not escape at the same time but want to.

Dancing in the park bare foot, arms stretched out wide, hands clapping then stretching back out wide, wild daisies in my hair, and Grace's illuminating laughter bellowing the air with a scent of love that invokes the soul to escape the body!

I can not go a day without reading about the stars, physics, the mind, the body and the world.... and everything I see, I see now what she knew and what she saw in the world and in me, but not in herself. She was the most beautiful soul I have ever been blessed to be loved by and she never knew how amazing she was before she died. I remember the birthday party we celebrated for her! We painted ourselves naked on sheets and long papers! We howled at the moon like wild animals and laughed til the morning star rose in the east!

Maiden-- mother--- crone. Everything tries to be round-- all life is a circle----- your heart speaks, dearest, listen to it-------------- you are the child I couldn't bare myself, and your spirit is in everything and all around you. You are connected my dearest little Sky---------- love as you want to be loved, forgive as you want to be forgiven and hope and you would want someone to have hope in you---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Drip, drip, drip. The tears fall so fast sometimes.


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