well ...
Apparently chicken little was right because a bunch of really weird (no, i mean like really weird, otherworldly, WTF?, huh? kind of stuff), and some truly, truly heartbreaking things are happening in my life, but you all know i don't post about that stuff, riiiiggghhhhttt???
so... bits and pieces then, yes?
Hardline radical feminist Andrea Dworkin died:
http://susiebright.blogs.com/susie_brights_journal_/She was a very powerful presence in the Twin Cities In 1984 when she and Catharine Mackinnon authored an ordinance for Minneapolis which would have allowed women to take civil action against anyone involved in producing and selling pornography on the grounds that they had been harmed by it. The Minneapolis Ordinance was vetoed by the mayor, but it continued to be proposed in other cities and briefly became law in Indianapolis. They argued, not for a ban on pornography, but for the right to seek damages in the civil courts for harm caused by pornography:
"This law [referring to the proposed Minneapolis Ordinance] aspires to guarantee women's rights consistent with the first amendment by making visible a conflict of rights between the equality guaranteed to all women and what, in some legal sense, is now the freedom of the pornographers to make and sell, and their consumers to have access to, the materials this ordinance defines. Judicial resolution of this conflict, if they do for women what they have done for others [Mackinnon refers here to laws designed to prevent racial harassment], is likely to entail the balancing of the rights of women arguing that our lives and opportunities, including our freedom of speech and action, are constrained by - and in many cases flatly precluded by, in and through - pornography, against those who argue that the pornography is harmless, or harmful only in part but not in the whole of the definition; or that it is more important to preserve the pornography than it is to prevent or remedy whatever harm it does."
So we could talk about porn if you like...
or we could talk about...
Unitarian Jihad Name is:
Sister Silencer of Warmest Humanitarianism
Get yours but...
At the moment, this just about says it all
(thank you again for this today, Teal!)
Poetry by Marge Piercy
To Have Without Holding
Learning to love differently is hard,
love with the hands wide open, love
with the doors banging on their hinges,
the cupboard unlocked, the wind
roaring and whimpering in the rooms
rustling the sheets and snapping the blinds
that thwack like rubber bands
in an open palm.
It hurts to love wide open
stretching the muscles that feel
as if they are made of wet plaster,
then of blunt knives, then
of sharp knives.
It hurts to thwart the reflexes
of grab, of clutch; to love and let
go again and again. It pesters to remember
the lover who is not in the bed,
to hold back what is owed to the work
that gutters like a candle in a cave
without air, to love consciously,
conscientiously, concretely, constructively.
I can't do it, you say it's killing
me, but you thrive, you glow
on the street like a neon rasberry,
You float and sail, a helium balloon
bright bachelor's button blue and bobbing
on the cold and hot winds of our breath,
as we make and unmake in passionate
diastole and systole the rhythm
of our unbound bounding, to have
and not to hold, to love
with minimized malice, hunger
and anger moment by moment balanced.