I'm sorry, but on a day when Cardinal Law has been given Monday's Novemdiales, and Clinton is called "dishonorable" for saying that the Pope's views on people's personal relationship choices were less than modern...
The liberal lefty cattiness thing set in because i CANNOT understand how such things happen on 21st century planet earth...
So... a reprint from an anarchist community post...
News that the 'Rapture' Has Come and Gone Alarms Many Christians
What if the 'Rapture' happened but you were left
That's what millions of Christians are
wondering amid mounting evidence that the
Rapture, the much-anticipated event in which God
summons his faithful to the heavens, may have
happened earlier this month.
Among the startled 'still here':
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay,
just one of the political leaders who had
expected to be making the trek skyward...
And ...
If you don't read the New Yorker, go NOW and read this...
http://www.newyorker.com/critics/books/articles/050411crbo_books(it's non-Pope related - i'm not on *that* much of a rant, but it is terribly relevant (isn't everything i say?)... especially the comparison of what Our Fearful Leader has contributed to the cause of eradicating world poverty and the production cost of The Aviator)...
...then go pick up a hard copy and read Todd Pruzan's A Critic at Large piece, Global Warning (i promise you will thank me...)
Love me, love my animus...