Ok, ok so i fell asleep at 9:30 last night waiting for Herr Komkast to come back online...
(Evenutally beauty needs beauty sleep, right? (see how much more modest i am when i'm rested?))
Those of you who know me know that I use the phrase ...
Art... Drawed While You Wait!
to refer to the abomination that is Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light,
http://www.thomaskinkade.com/magi/servlet/com.asucon.ebiz.home.web.tk.HomeServlet and his ilk
Thom, who in addition to being an exceptionally lousy artist, will, for an exhorbitant fee, paint YOU or YOUR HOUSE or presumably YOUR STRAP-ON (or, i suppose YOU in YOUR HOUSE in YOUR STRAP-ON) into a bucolic English countryside...
So our discussion of Serrano's Piss Christ brought up for me our friend Thom, and sent me off on a little quest for art that rivaled his... and i now present, for your viewing pleasure...
Art ... flimed while you wait ...
We'll start with something patriotic, of course...
http://americawestandasone.com/home.html And then to one of THE finest purveyors of both acting and musical stylings...
http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2433520 And speaking of patriotism...
http://www.nbc5.com/slideshow/4371452/detail.html?qs=;s=6;w=320 http://www.nbc5.com/slideshow/4371452/detail.html?qs=;s=3;w=320 http://www.nbc5.com/slideshow/4371452/detail.html?qs=;s=8;w=320 (just my opinion)
p.s. -- today is B's birthday and G is visiting... please join me in sending GOOD, CALMING cumpleanos vibes ....