procrastination is an interest; passion is a way of life

Mar 15, 2012 00:50

The evening was kind of rough. Actually, today was kind of weird (or I guess yesterday now?) as I proctored state testing (CAHSEEs --California High School Exit Exam). It meant 2 less lesson plans for the week and a chance to grade some shit that had been piling up. I am definitely prepared and I even got to do some things I had been putting off (walking, cooking, reading, anyone?)

I watched a TED Talk less than an hour about the concept of interests and passion. Passion was a driving force in my life for a while; it propelled me through high school and in my first year of college. Then I became interested. It's funny because I have found lj entries and even remember calling the period of roughly 2005-07 (basically the time I was with Jesika) my Brezhnev era. I think had I really been passionate about Soviet history (like I thought I was then) the lack of an historical parallel would have been obvious.

My journal really should be more than rehashing and reanalysing moments that are long gone. In that sense, I am never necessarily part of reality. I suppose, then, what transpired in 2010 was perestroika, glasnost, and the slew of revolutions that propelled Havel to a political hero, claimed Ceausescu, spurred the dismantling of the Yugoslav dream, etc, etc.

But, therein lies the problem. That is an interest; mapping my personal narrative onto the meta-narrative of human history is, well, silly. Pretentious. And perhaps a sign that I haven't always really been there.

At one point --again, in 2004, part of that first year in Santa Cruz, and the end of my passion --I had a discussion with an ex-girlfriend in which I professed a love for her greater than my love of the Cold War. I'm still not sure what the hell I meant by that, as I was quite drunk at the time.

But, right now, I am not drunk. I am simply very tired, but very grateful for all I've been through. I am still working on expressing that, as communication is my ultimate life's purpose, if I had to choose one (which I don't, so please don't quote me on this).

I've always been interested, fascinated by it. But that only gets you so far. It only (to borrow a metaphor from 2007) it only purchases the vitamins --it doesn't ensure actually taking them. I take my vitamins now. The more I take them, the more interests I have found mounting.

But, right now, I am backing off. Simplicity and clarity are key to communication --which is actually something I "learned" in Pragmatics in Fall 2005, but I have only begun to apply recently. I am passionate about that. For that passion, which truly transcends interests, I am grateful.


PS Are my entries becoming hokey and predictable happy-ending entries? Because, really, there is no end, no beginning....are you my friend?

gorbachev, history, studying, languages/linguistics, black tiles, russian history, soviet union, relevance, wild flag, jesika, relationships, russia, santa cruz, 1980s, europe, incremental progress, high school, 2012, drunk, flexible response, patterns, late night, pragmatics, brezhnev, march, eastern europe, alcoholism, undergrad, past, life, 15, memory, mental health, cold war, yugoslavia, 2000s, semantics, lyrics

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