http://www.slate.com/id/2210804/ has anyone seen the reader? I haven't. I did, however, see Revolutionary Road, the tale of suburban discomfort and ennui in the 1950s, apparently based on a novel written in the early 1960s (google'em). The film was all right, pretty good in fact, but it was mostly melodramatic schlock. Beautifully shot and well-acted, with an amazing supporting cast which includes the lovely Kathy Bates and the Oscar-nominated Michael Shannon (who, apparently, was in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, the Gran Torino of last year [[do I mean by "Gran Torino" of last year? The film that, in my opinion, was grossly snubbed by that academy of dumbasses.]] ). The film is worth watching, especially if you like period pieces. Grade: B+
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Jarvis this name bugged me enough to search for him online, which is to say, it bugged me a whole heck of a lot. while such a search may seem mundane to most, it's a big deal to me; I don't use the internet as often as I would like, at least not for purposes of self-education. I tend to be rather insular. (good word, by the way). But I digress. Again. The man invented EW and now runs
http://www.buzzmachine.com/. but is he a man? is he a journalist? I'm not sure what to make of this crapfest of a human being. well, maybe that's not true. I did, after all, just call him a crapfest of a human being. a "liar of a human being" if you will.
http://www.imdb.com/news/ni0680501/ holy dog shit! it broke records! I do admit this: I used to love horror films (particularly this franchise) back in my elementary school days and believe-you-me, my inner 12 year old wants to see this. thank god for friends that are reticent, but still willing, to go see Revolutionary Road instead (had I gone with father to the cinema, I would have invariably seen Taken or The International, two films of such badness, in my opinion, that they're interchangable --honestly, the only difference I can recall right now is that one has liam neeson. but don't ask me which one).
4. okay, enough talk of movies, you say. I agree. there are important political issues worth addressing. (but arn't there always? why do I have to shift from art to politics, as if art can't exist for art's sake?)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/07/AR2009020702076.html?wpisrc=newsletter somehow I missed this (see how it's dated from the 7th and today is the 16th) The NSC needs to be revamped, badly. I think Jones is a fascinating person, so we'll see where all this leads us.
5. and, because I feel like I've droned on and on already, I'll leave you with this link and try to restrict my dysentery [[commentary + dissent. they did get together, didn't they?? hat tip to whoever gets the film reference]]
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/16/world/americas/16venez.html?ref=world isn't he just crazy?
anyways, happy reading. that's partly why I'm awake at this hour. the other reason would be because mom woke me up at 4:30 and I was wide awake. I think the entry is pretty lucid for someone that only got 2.5 hours of sleep. anyways, happy lincoln or presidents' day, whichever I'm supposed to be celebrating.