Positively charmed [#prompt #68]

Mar 04, 2015 09:47

Title: Positively charmed
Prompt: #68
Length: 2164
Rating: pg
Summary: hp!au Yifan has a brilliant idea of how to confess to Yixing on Valentine’s Day. Too bad the Hufflepuff boy doesn’t even know what that is.
Notes: Thanks to M and L for cheering me on. I did it!

"What the fucking hell were you doing out there, Wu?" The captain is angry. Very angry. His entire face is red, and not just because of the bludger that almost knocked him out. "Let me know, because right now I'm wondering if we're even on the same planet."

"I was," watching the Hufflepuff seeker. That's the truth, but Kris doubts it'd make anything better. "I had a divination paper to write last night. Didn't get to sleep until late."

The captain groans and Kris wonders how high the seventh-year's blood pressure is. Probably alarmingly high. "Jesus, Wu. How many times have I told you? Quidditch comes first. Always. Because of you, we almost lost a game to Hufflepuff. Can you imagine? Gryffindor losing to Hufflepuff?" As he rants, spittle hits Kris' face, but the man stays silent, not wanting to aggravate the captain further. The seventh year stops, takes a breath, and then glares at his teammate. "You're damn lucky Hwasa was there to pick up your slack. But, Wu, if you do that again, I'm going to look for a new keeper."

The man stomps away, dirty robes swishing behind him, and Kris lets his head fall, closing his eyes. The captain is right, this is getting a little ridiculous.

"So, what's the real reason you played like a toddler?"

Kris jumps and swears, looking over to see Hwasa seated next to him, angelic smile on her face. The fourth-year is a nosy little thing, always poking into other people's business, but she's a sweetheart. Kris can't fault her. "I, um, do you know Zhang?"

Her eyebrows shoot up. "Yixing? Sixth-year heartthrob? Best seeker Hufflepuff's ever had?" Kris shoots her a look and she coughs. "Sorry. Do go on."

"Well, he's-"

"Diverting? Enthralling? An ethereal gift from Merlin to us mere mortals?" Her smile falls a bit when she notices Kris' angry stare. "Right. Sorry." She makes a show of locking her lips with an invisible key and then urges Kris to continue with a series of gestures.

“He’s something else.”

Hwasa laughs and then immediately slaps a hand over her mouth. “Well, then, maybe you should do something about your little crush before you fall off your broom during our next game."

Yifan opens his mouth to argue but stops short, thinks about it, and smiles. Oh, he has an idea.


"What is Valentine's Day?"

Yifan looks up and glares at the fourth year. "Stop looking at my parchment!"

The boy shrugs. "It would be easier if your handwriting wasn't so diverting. Honestly, it's like I'm trying to decipher an ancient text."

"He's right," the boy next to him adds, without looking up.

Yifan glares at them both. Tao and Sehun, two of the most annoying Slytherins he's ever met. They're both on the quidditch team, which is how they met-the two stopped Yifan from leaving the field by demanding to know what spell he'd used in order to block their shots. They'd stuck with him since. It's not so bad, Sehun can be insightful and Tao's a sweetheart, but they're both very much pure-blooded Slytherins and sometimes that can just be too much for a half-blooded Gryffindor like Yifan.

He sets his quill aside. "Valentine's Day takes place on February 14th," two days from now, he notes with discomfort, "when you give nice things to someone you like." Sehun and Tao give him blank looks. "Flowers. Chocolate."

Sehun makes a noise of understanding. "Ah, so it's a muggle thing!"

Yifan groans. "Where's Joonmyun? Why aren't you two bothering him?"

"He's tutoring Chanyeol right now," Sehun answers, sounding disinterested. "And I don't want to hear him going over elementary potions again."

Tao nods. "And Baekhyun is there, too. I don't like Baekhyun. All Gryffindors are just pig-headed bullies." He shoots Yifan a smile. "Except you, of course."

Yifan rolls his eyes. "Right. In that case, I'll be off."

Sehun crosses his arms. "To woo Yixing with your silly muggle holiday?" He grins at Yifan's aghast expression. "What? It's not hard to tell that you're trying to get into the guy's robes. Not that you're brave enough to do anything about it."

Tao giggles and nods.

It's a taunt, and Yifan knows that, but he falls for it anyway. "You'll see." And then he sweeps out of the library, robes billowing behind him as the Slytherin pair's obnoxious laughs follow him.


Yifan’s not quite sure how it happened, but right now, he’s standing in front of Hufflepuff beater Kim Jongin, asking the kid to send a few bludgers his way during the game.



He supposes it started when he woke up this morning, on February 14th. He had it all planned out.

He wakes up, he jumps out of bed and puts his robes on with gusto, then promptly falls down the stairs on his way to the common room (Baekhyun and Chanyeol saw. He doubts they’ll let him forget it.)

The Great Hall is already packed by the time he gets down there, and he takes a seat where he can clearly see the Hufflepuff seeker, and then he waits, picking idly at his food. The owls fly in now too long later, and Yifan realizes his first mistake immediately. He’d used his own owl. He should’ve asked Joonmyun if he could’ve borrowed his or something, but it’s too late now. He watches with growing horror as his spotted owl flies in and slows down, as if confused. Yifan’s pretty sure his face turns pale as the confused little thing completely bypasses Yixing and drops the heart-shaped box filled with chocolates right in front of Kim Minseok.

“Is that your owl?”

Yifan doesn’t need to look up to know that it’s the Gryffindor prefect, Lu Han, talking to him. He gives a miniscule nod and sweeps out of the place, feeling the glare bore into the back of his head. He hopes Lu Han finds it in himself to not curse Yifan at some ungodly hour this week.

But it’s okay, because he has two more gifts. He’s spent the past few days studying Yixing’s schedule, so when the boy steps outside around noon-he likes to do his readings outside, Yifan thinks it’s cute-there will be a small, stuffed bear waiting for him.

Only, Sehun and Tao seem to know Yixing’s schedule as well.

Yifan is hiding behind a pillar when he sees the two walk up to the bear, take out their wands, and then his heart stops as small sparks fly around the doll and the boys run away. Yixing comes not a moment later, and Yifan watches as the stuffed bear stands, tugs on the pant leg of the Hufflepuff boy and then, to the surprise of both boys watching, bursts into a thousand tiny pieces.

Yixing makes a small noise of surprise. Yifan wracks his brain for any spells that would allow him to melt into the pillar.

The last gift is simple. Yifan or anyone else couldn’t possibly mess this one up.

Yixing has potions at a time when Yifan doesn’t have any classes, so the Gryffindor pops into the room before anyone else arrives and deposits a bright, lively bouquet he’d ordered just for today onto the Hufflepuff boy’s desk.

Yifan tries to act inconspicuous as he peers into the window as the class starts, waiting to see Yixing’s reaction.

The boy spots the flowers, smiles, and then proceeds to rip the petals off of every single one and drop them into his cauldron. Yifan’s pretty sure the broken sound that comes out of his mouth sounds almost inhuman, and his suspicions are confirmed when he turns and sees fifth-year Do Kyungsoo staring at him in alarm. The boy hurries off after shooting Yifan a strange look, no doubt to go to the Ravenclaw common room and report back to Joonmyun. Yifan’s sure his friend will call him for an intervention in no time at all.

So, with no other tricks up his sleeve, Yifan heads back to the Gryffindor Tower, dejected and depressed, with no idea how to tell the Hufflepuff seeker that he likes him.

That’s where Hwasa finds him an hour later, sulking on one of the couches.

“What are you doing?”

Yifan shrugs. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

She sighs. “Well, whatever it is, stop it. We have a game to play.”

Yifan’s head snaps up. “What?”

Hwasa groans. “You weren’t paying attention, were you? Captian negotiated a practice match with the Hufflepuff captain, so you’d better hurry up or we’ll be late.”

Hwasa successfully drags Yifan off the couch and they hurry down the stairs to the field while Hwasa entertains him with stories about her day. She breaks off to tell him why she’s so excited for this match-the Hufflepuff captain decided to let Hwiin practice being beater this time, so she’ll be on the field.

And that’s when Yifan gets the idea.

“Just send a few bludgers my way. If they knock me out, great! Just make sure that they don’t hit my broom.”

Kim Jongin looks petrified. “I-I’m not sure if I can do that.”

“Look, kid,” Yifan tries, setting a hand on the younger’s shoulder. “You’re my last hope. Please.”

The beater takes a shaky breath. “I’ll do my best?”

Yifan grins. “Fantastic! I knew I could count on you!” He ruffles the kid’s hair, which earns him a shy grin, before hurrying back to his team.

It’s just a practice match, so they’re all advised to hold back, be careful not to strain themselves before their match this weekend with Ravenclaw. Then they march onto the field and the game begins.

Jongin’s got a nice aim, but he doesn’t know how to control his strength. Yifan almost falls off his broom five times, and is so distracted by his impending death that he lets quite a few quaffles fly past, and he can’t even watch Yixing fly gracefully through the clouds.

The game ends with Yifan out of breath, bruised and sore, and an enormous difference between the scores-Yixing had caught the snitch and Yifan had missed it.

The captain doesn’t even wait until they’re off the field this time before rounding on Yifan, advising him to actually make an effort to do his job if he wants to keep his place on the team. After that, Yifan has little motivation to head back, and merely flops onto his back and closes his eyes, trying to ascertain where he’s hurt the most (Jongin aimed a nasty shot at his right hip, and he’s a little worried to have a look at it.)

“Hey there.”

Yifan’s eyes fly open. He parts his lips, but makes no sound.

Yixing laughs. “Out of breath? You should be, after that game. Jongin gave you a real beating, huh?”

The Gryffindor gives a dry laugh. “Oh, you noticed?”

“It was hard not to,” Yixing answers, taking a seat beside the keeper, drawing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them. “Also, Jongin broke down after the game and told us about it.” Yifan hangs his head, missing Yixing’s smile. “So, why did you do it?”

Yifan bites his lip, considering his options. Then he sighs and says in a quiet voice, “I thought, maybe, you’d finally notice me.”

The response is unexpected. Yixing throws his head back and laughs. “Notice you? Wu Yifan, star keeper of Gryffindor, literal sex on legs, and magical creatures buff? You thought I hadn’t noticed you? That’s, quite frankly, impossible.”

Yifan takes a moment to form a thought. “Wait, I’m sorry, did you say sex on legs?”

Yixing flushes and looks away, shrugging. “Just things I’ve heard.”

“So,” Yifan starts, moving a bit closer, “what you’re saying is, that the plan with Jongin worked?”

“Well, that’s one way of putting it,” Yixing agrees wryly, bumping his shoulder with Yifan’s. “Also… I may or may not have known that you’d pull something funny today. Jongin’s friends with Sehun and Tao.”

Yifan freezes, smile falling.

“I had no idea that you were a half-blood, and I’m not that knowledgeable on muggle holdiays, but,” he clears his throat, looking away, “ Well, I’ve never heard of Valentine’s Day, but it sounds cute. I accept.”

Yifan’s beams and his chest fills with warmth. He leans back and Yixing follows. They stay there for a while, just lying on the field, shoulders brushing together enjoying the company and the slight breeze in the air.


When Joonmyun runs into them the next day, his gaze moves pointedly to their joined hands and he gives a curt nod. “Alright, then. That explains it.”

After the Ravenclaw hurries off, Yifan is left having to explain everything to Yixing. The Hufflepuff merely laughs after he’s done and drags Yifan outside, where they sit and do homework until dinner, and Yifan doesn’t think he’s ever been happier.

pg, day 10, kissfx fic event, 2015

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