round 2 guidelines

Nov 18, 2015 14:05

That's right! We're finally back with round 2!

We're running on valentine's day again this year because it was the best decision, with both Yifan-centered and Yixing-centered fests going on. HOWEVER, valentine's day is NOT A THEME. You can write about whatever you'd like and as many pieces as you'd like. We're having a check-in this round -- our stretch is longer and we don't want to lose track of you guys. So here's the deal:

♥ Timeline

The schedule is subject to change.

20th November - Prompting starts
10th December - Claiming starts
4th January - Check-in
8th February - Deadline
14th February - Posting starts
21st February - Reveals

♥ Prompting

Starts on 20th November and has no closing date. This round we'll be using a Google Form for prompting. It's pretty easy, you'll only have to fill in with all the information required. Here's an example:

Your username: kissfanxing
Prompt: Yifan wants to get married, but his boyfriend can't seem to be tied down. (feel free to develop your ideas, but also make sure to leave some creative room for the writer)
Rating: PG-13
I'd love to read...: Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy fanxing with xiuhan as a side pairing.
I wouldn't love to read...: Sexual assault, character death or mentions of unicorns. Those foul creatures.

You can only add ONE PROMPT per entry, so if you want to prompt several times, make sure you submit them in separate entries.


♥ Claiming

Starts on 10th December and it closes only on 8th February. The idea is to promote a free-for-all kind of event, giving participants the possibility of joining whenever they feel comfortable.
Participants shall claim one prompt only. It's possible to claim a new prompt after submitting a completed piece for the first claim.
For practical reasons, this round claiming will happen through a form. A prompt archive will be made available on December 3rd.

Just like last round, you can also write a prompt of your own. A specific form will be available for you.

Minimum word count is 500 words.

♥  Check-in

This step is only to assure that our participants are still with us. All writers need to send an e-mail with their current word count on January 4. No fic attached.

♥  Deadline

8th February. Final word count has to be 500 words.

You can always e-mail if needed (, or PM us. We hope y'all can have all sorts of fanxing fun during this event! ♥

mod, kissfx fic event, 2016

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