Little Deaths

Dec 28, 2010 21:08

Rating: NC17
Pairing: SasuNaru
Summary: Loving someone this broken is truly a thankless task, but Naruto isn't looking for thanks.
A/N: My profound apologies for the worst title in existence.

Naruto was woken by sharp fingers digging into his shoulder. His eyes flew open, heart tripping as he tried to orient himself through the fog of darkness and sleep. The bed was too soft to be his, the air dry and just cool enough to chill his bare chest. The blanket tangled around Naruto’s stomach was soft against his skin and carried the scent of expensive detergent.

Sasuke. The night before came back to him in a flush of heat. Callused hands running across his chest and stomach, silky hair falling against the insides of his thighs, the scent of cologne and the taste of cigarettes. Watching Sasuke fuck himself on Naruto’s dick, trembling with sensation even as he chewed his lip bloody to keep from making noise.

They’d held each other up and gotten each other off and collapsed in a sweaty tangle in Sasuke’s bed. Sasuke had fallen asleep with Naruto’s arm slung across his torso, but Naruto had turned over in his sleep. Now, Sasuke’s hand was cool against the bare skin of his shoulder, and Naruto could hear shaky breathing inches from the back of his neck.

“Nightmare?” Naruto murmured, stroking the soft skin on the back of Sasuke’s hand. The fingers tightened around his bicep, and he heard Sasuke’s breath catch.

“It’s nothing.”

It’s not fucking nothing, Naruto thought, but he just tightened his grip on Sasuke’s wrist. He wondered which one it was this time-a sea of pale, dark-haired figures bleeding from the eyes? His mother’s smile going slack and coughing up blood as he watched? Or had Naruto been the one staring glassy-eyed through the car window, blood staining his lifeless face?

Sasuke pressed his erection against Naruto’s back and pushed down on his shoulder, coaxing him onto his stomach. So it hadn’t been a dream about loss. Sasuke had been the one bleeding, spilling out his release with the hot pulse of life from his body. Naruto knew that Sasuke rarely came as hard as when he dreamt about dying, and he was selfishly relieved that Sasuke hadn’t finished.

“Don’t wake Itachi.” Sasuke’s voice shook, just like the hands grasping Naruto’s bicep and clenching in his hair. He thrust slowly against Naruto’s naked back, breath coming out in a soft hiss against his neck. Naruto caught his hand and squeezed, sighing into the mattress.

“Whatever you need, Sasuke. I’m here.”

He sucked in a shaky breath as Sasuke pushed into his body. Naruto was still pliant with sleep, and Sasuke was moving slowly to avoid jostling the mattress, but the slight burn made Naruto squirm. He’d never really gotten used to the feeling of being fucked, especially when he was being pinned down and shoved face-first into the pillow.

But this was Sasuke. Sasuke, whose biggest fear was his capacity for love. Sasuke, who went too far just to prove he could take it. Sasuke, who sometimes shook so hard in Naruto’s arms that he threatened to shatter into pieces. And while Naruto never truly craved penetration, feeling Sasuke so deep inside him always stole his breath.

The pleasure burned more gently this way. Naruto closed his eyes and sunk into it, the slow rub of Sasuke’s cock inside him building to a pleasurable itch. Sasuke’s chest slid against his back, hot and damp with sweat. Another shift of Naruto’s hips caused Sasuke to rub hard against his prostate, and he breathed a moan into the pillow.

“You want this.” Sasuke’s voice was harsh and demanding. His fingers tightened painfully in Naruto’s hair, and the steady rhythm of his breathing betrayed the control he clung to so desperately. Naruto felt a cold ache pierce his chest, and he reached back to touch Sasuke’s face, his neck, any inch of skin he could reach.

“I want you,” Naruto breathed. Sasuke’s hair was soft in his fingers, as soft as it had been against his stomach several hours before. He rubbed his fingertips into Sasuke’s scalp. Sasuke made a soft noise and turned his head, pressing his mouth to Naruto’s wrist.

The soft, wet touch made Naruto shiver. He squirmed again, letting the flannel sheets rub against his nipples, his stomach, his cock. Another breathy moan and Sasuke’s rhythm finally broke, his hands clenching as he rocked in faster, shallower thrusts.

“Show me,” Sasuke hissed. “Beg for it.”

Naruto groaned through gritted teeth, pushing his hips up to take him deeper. Everything felt heavier, more sensitive, every rub of flannel or hot skin making his breath come harder. Sasuke’s breathing was still infuriatingly regular, panting fast and hot against the back of Naruto’s neck. It was only because he knew Sasuke so well that he heard the slight hitch on the inhale.

The weight at his back disappeared, and Naruto was surprised by the way his ass clenched around the sudden empty space. He heard one frantic exhale, two, three, four, followed by a barely audible gasp as Sasuke dug his fingers into Naruto’s thigh hard enough to bruise. Naruto hissed at the unexpected pain and ground his hips against the mattress.

There was nothing but harsh breathing for a few seconds. “Roll over,” Sasuke murmured, his voice rougher than it should be. It was enough to make a low moan slip from Naruto as he rolled onto his back, letting Sasuke settle between his legs and grasp him with hot, sticky fingers.

“Touch yourself.” His voice was still too cold, too harsh, but Naruto wasn’t man enough to ignore such a command. His hands drifted across his chest, pinching down hard on his nipples. The sharp throb of sensation drew another noise from his throat, and he writhed up into Sasuke’s grasp. Naruto came with a loud groan, Sasuke’s hand stroking him viciously through his orgasm. Somehow, Sasuke’s face was as beautiful furrowed in concentration as it was in pleasure, and Naruto felt arousal flare gently even as it faded from his exhausted body.

“You don’t have to order me around, Sasuke.”

Sasuke didn’t move, his head down as he wiped his hands on the sheets. Naruto stroked his foot along Sasuke’s pale thigh, needing reassurance that his best friend was here and whole and safe and feeling even a fraction of the love Naruto was sending toward him. Sasuke didn’t look up, but Naruto felt a warm hand grip his ankle.

“I don’t need you,” Sasuke murmured, no trace of malice in his voice. Naruto heard the completion in his head-I need love, I need attention, I need to be touched, I need to be wanted, I need you to look at me like I’m everything even though I don’t deserve it. And the truth was that Sasuke deserved unfailing devotion about as much as he deserved to be Pope, but Naruto had never had much choice in the matter. He would love Sasuke with everything he had until the day he died, and no matter how little Sasuke thought of him, he would always need Naruto for something.

“Come lie down. We can clean up in the morning.” Maybe Sasuke could sleep like this in anyone’s arms, but right now he was in Naruto’s. And Naruto wasn’t one to waste opportunities.

fic, smut, angst, naruto

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