Five Question Meme

Dec 20, 2010 01:02

All the cool kids are doing it.

→ Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
→ I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
→ You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
→ You'll include this explanation.
→ You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

My questions are from akitotsubaki

1. Your least favorite Naruto character and why.

I don't really dislike characters, because I love characters on both sides of the morality divide. I'm going to say Yamato--not because I disike him, but because he hasn't made any kind of positive impression on me.

2. Do you prefer orange or red?

I prefer orange WITH red. Cower in the face of my terrifying color preferences.

3. The crackiest crack ship you actually actively ship.

Omoi/Hinata. Her optimism and go-get-em attitude would sooth his worry-warting, and he's recently shown that protective vibe I think she'd respond to. Served with a side helping of Kiba/Karui and Kakashi/Samui (the latter entirely because of how hot they'd look together).

4. Your favorite movie soundtrack.

Er, I don't really listen to movie soundtracks. My favorite soundtrack I own is Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.

5. The logic behind Kankuro/Sakura.

a) I only ship it if her boys are paired up, and if her boys have paired up and ditched her, she deserves somebody really hot.
b) She has a nasty side and he's all nasty side.
c) He seems like the type to get off on a girl punching her way through fifty feet of solid rock.
d) He's a big brother, so he'd be protective. But he's Gaara's big brother, so he'd never use protectiveness as an excuse to patronize her.


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