Aug 12, 2011 19:23
So, this an elaboration to a FB status update earlier today.
A scholarship student came in with some questions. He's a MOFA scholarship student and has been here in Taiwan since Sept 2010 last year. He starts off with saying that because he has failed to make the 80% grade for the second term running that he thinks his scholarship has been terminated.
It has.
He then goes on to say that he didn't know about the 80% grade requirement because it wasn't explained properly in his country. I sweetly tell him: "Well, it's possible it wasn't explained to you very clearly when you were still in your country BUT after arriving in Taiwan you were given a list of the scholarship guidelines, asked to read and sign the form. You were also required to attend the scholarship orientation meeting held by our school and a few weeks later were also required to attend the scholarship orientation/welcoming ceremony held by the Taiwan Scholarship Office for all scholarship students around the country. Since they are both mandatory we do take attendance. I'm sure after all that you would have understood the 80% grade guidelines very well, if not, you should've asked questions at either meeting or anytime during the entire school year as our office is always open to taking questions. Not to mention, since you didn't make the 80% grade LAST term we would've contacted you and warned you about your grades."
To which he replies: "It's just that I don't want to go home to my country and tell this story, it will affect the friendship between Taiwan and my country, so maybe Taiwan lose my country's support."
I could feel myself getting angry, it feels like a smooth tickle traveling over the surface of your skin towards the top of your head.
Me: "Actually, when you go home to your country, you should be sure to tell all the new scholarship students that Chinese is a very difficult language to learn and that they should work hard and study hard if they want to be sure to keep their scholarship."
Go me.
the school