[fanfiction] you just keep on trying (until you run out of cake) [2/2]

Jun 18, 2012 23:01

Perri @medusacascade22
we're all going to naked server night, right? because it's like. a bonding experience or something.
4:13 PM - 14 May 12 via web · Details

Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
@medusacascade22 as long as erin can give me a ride. YO @IHOPATHOGENS.
4:18 PM - 14 May 12 via TweetDeck · Details

Erin @ihopathogens
@flyingthesky @medusacascade22 bro, you are always welcome in my car.
4:20 PM - 14 May 12 via web · Details

♔ THE LUCY @spibsy
@flyingthesky @medusacascade22 @ihopathogens oh my god, perri where do you live. we can all carpool.
4:24 PM - 14 May 12 via web · Details

♚ THE RAMONA @glitter_hippie
@flyingthesky @medusacascade22 @ihopathogens @spibsy YES.
4:30 PM - 14 May 12 via txt · Details
Liam ends up training Matt and Aidan because Niall is excellent at coming up with menus and being a cheerful spokesperson, but he's not that great at things like teaching people how to replicate his recipes and Liam lets him get through showing Matt and Aidan how to make their standard red velvet cake before he cuts in and tells Niall to go test recipes and he'll take over. The line in Niall's shoulders softens, and he shoots Liam a grateful glance before disappearing to do whatever it is that Niall actually does on his days off. Liam's never asked, but he assumes it involves a lot of testing recipes because Niall really lives for baking.

Turn back toward Matt and Aiden, Liam smiles, "Hey. So, how do you feel about learning how to make our breads? It's pretty easy, and you'll probably be working on these the most because we run out of them a lot."
"Breads are some of my favorite things to make," Matt grins, "There's something so crazy about taking so few ingredients and turning it into all these really different kinds of bread."
"I like bread," Aiden shrugs, "I mean, I'm really just here to learn so I'll learn whatever you'll teach me."
"Good," Liam turns back toward the counter and starts collecting the appropriate ingredients and tools.

His favorites are actually the breads too, although he doesn't tell Matt that, because there's something so methodical and practical about kneading and waiting for it to rise that Liam likes better than the minute details of the pastries. Liam likes to think that he's the most practical person on their staff, but he also recognizes that being practical means that he could never do Niall's job. He doesn't have the imagination for that, and the innovation and freshness of their pastries is what makes them such a good bakery. Even their simplest recipes had been tweaked and improved by Niall until they're subtly different and much better for it. Liam isn't any good at that. He can follow recipes and duplicate anything you set in front of him exactly, but he isn't really an innovator and neither is Zayn.

Zayn just likes decorating cakes and making everything look amazing, and Liam likes running things. He gets to run them because Niall is too involved in his baking to understand how the rest of the bakery really works. Liam supposes that his restaurant management degree comes in handy for that, and he wonders if Niall understood that the answer to why he was working at One Direction instead of anywhere was truly and honestly as simple as Niall had asked him and Zayn to come along for the ride because he liked them and Zayn had looked over at Liam, even though there was no need, and asked if that was okay. Faced with both Zayn and Niall asking him to do something, Liam would have needed a very, very good reason to say no. Liam is loyal; he'll follow Niall or Zayn anywhere. It just happens that it was a bakery and it just happens that Liam gets to do what he likes best in managing their little bakery.

Dropping the dough into a bowl and setting it aside, Liam absently explains how long to let it rise for and how often they should be making it. He explains that there are two people who generally work the cashier and serving, and says that they'll usually poke their heads into the back if it looks like they're going to run low on anything. He also tells them that occasionally they'll probably have to work the register when Louis or Harry are on break and tells them he'll have Louis explain it to them tomorrow when he got in. In the meantime, he teaches them their standard cakes and cookies. Aiden seems more excited about that, and Liam lets whatever part of him was worried about if they were going to fit in uncurl.

They seem to be the exact kind of people that would fit in with One Direction's particularly eccentric staff, and it makes Liam relax knowing that they'll fit in perfectly with the team. It also helps, Liam thinks, that they seem to be pretty friendly with each other. Liam knows the way they look at each other, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders if Simon knew what he was getting into when he hired them a year ago. He had to, Liam thinks, because the way Niall's eyes haven't left Harry since Harry first crashed into their life is pretty unmistakable, and the way that Niall feeds Harry cake is even more obvious-to everyone but Harry, that is.

Harry is apparently horribly oblivious when it comes to other people's feelings about him, and sometimes Liam thinks that maybe he should just sit the entire staff down and explain, in very small, clear words, that they should all date. He only has so much patience, and he hopes they'll all get their shit together soon.
Erin @ihopathogens
i don't think pastries will protect me if demons are about to attack
4:30 PM - 17 May 12 via web · Details

Erin @ihopathogens
but does that really matter?
4:30 PM - 17 May 12 via web · Details

Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
@ihopathogens erin, don't you know that one direction pastries have magical properties.
4:31 PM - 17 May 12 via TweetDeck · Details

Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
@ihopathogens they'll protect you from demons and zombies and basically anything supernatural. because they're that good.
4:31 PM - 17 May 12 via TweetDeck · Details

♔ THE LUCY @spibsy
@flyingthesky @ihopathogens trufax, man.
4:35 PM - 17 May 12 via web · Details
Technically Zayn already knows about Aiden and Matt through Liam, who had come home and said that they were hiring some guys who seemed like they would be a good match for the bakery. Then, Liam came home and said that they were quick learners and he didn't think they'd have any problem fitting in. This is the first time he's ever going to meet them in person, though, and Zayn isn't dreading it (but secretly he actually is). They're nice, though. Zayn particularly likes Aiden, and they talk about hair products for a while before Liam raises an eyebrow and Zayn rolls his eyes leaning in to whisper conspiratorially with Aiden.

"Liam gets a little tetchy when he has to hear about my hair," he says, and then turns toward Liam, "Sorry, love."
"You're not," Liam says without looking, "and you should be working."
"So, first rule of the bakery," Zayn tells Aiden as he picks up his copies of the recipes, "Liam is bossman and everything he says is law, even when it directly contradicts something Niall tells you, unless it has to do with the actual baking."

It's a scones and muffins day, apparently, and Zayn knows Liam is going to take the scones so he shuffles the recipes around until he's looking at the ones for the muffins.

"But," Aiden seems slightly confused, "isn't Niall head pâtissier?"
"Niall doesn't know how anything but baking works, though," Harry says as he takes a seat and waits for Niall to teach him the daily menu, "so when it's anything not related to that, you just listen to Liam. He's the reason the bakery runs."

Aiden will probably figure that out on his own in a couple weeks, but Zayn figures that it's probably best to get it out of the way at the very beginning. It's not the kind of thing Aiden and Matt are going to pick up instinctively. Speaking of . . . Zayn does a quick sweep of the kitchen and finds Matt working on the breads. This new people thing is already good, because Matt working on breads means Zayn can focus on the daily menu.

"That goes for you too," Zayn says to Matt just in case he wasn't paying attention, "I know Liam trained you guys in technical stuff, but we're training you in the tips and tricks stuff."
"I figured that out already," Matt turns away from his kneading, "It's pretty easy to tell when you're supposed to be getting trained by Niall and then Liam sort of takes over.
"Hey," Louis grins from where he's leaning against the doorway, "Does someone wanna come get a cash register orientation? It's exciting, you know you wanna."

Zayn rolls his eyes at Louis before he starts making up the ridiculous muffins Niall has laid out. Really, who decides that pairing pineapple upsidedown cake with cornmeal would make an excellent muffin? Niall, that's who. Aiden takes Louis up on his offer of a cash register orientation and Matt wanders over once he's done kneading. Liam stops by where Zayn is mixing up the batter for the muffins and leans against the counter.

"What do you think?"
"I think they'll fit right in," Zayn says as he whisks the wet ingredients together, "and I think you didn't tell them what they were getting into because you were worried they'd leave."
"They'll figure it out pretty quickly," Liam says, rolling his eyes at the way Niall is very valiantly trying to actually teach Harry the menu and not kiss him, "and if they're not okay with it, they'll quit. I doubt that'll be an issue, though."

Some part of Zayn wants to protest and say that Liam didn't know that, but he notices the same things that Liam does. There's a certain fondness between Aiden and Matt that's hard to ignore and that Zayn is sure will help them fit right in. He still shakes his head as he mixes the wet and dry ingredients together, though.

Liam just laughs.
♚ THE RAMONA @glitter_hippie
@spibsy where are you? :( get on skype.
6:50 PM - 17 May 12 via web · Details

♔ THE LUCY @spibsy
@glitter_hippie i'm eating dinner, what is it?
7:00 PM - 17 May 12 via web · Details

♚ THE RAMONA @glitter_hippie
@spibsy we need to discuss naked server night, lucy.
6:50 PM - 17 May 12 via web · Details
It occurs to Harry while he's eating leftover cake one day that Niall never gives anyone else food. He had assumed that was because Liam and Zayn baked enough of it that he didn't want to eat it too at the end of the day and Louis just wasn't that into sweets (because he wasn't), but it suddenly occurs to Harry that maybe Niall lets him have the cake and the others aren't allowed to. The thought takes something Harry had taken for granted and twists it into something monumental.

Harry is half in love with everyone he works with (although he hasn't quite had the chance to be in love with Matt or Aiden yet), just like he's half in love with most of the people he spends a considerable amount of time with, but it occurs to him that Niall is the kind of guy he'd fall in love with. Or could fall in love with, if he decides to let himself. Taking another bite of cake, Harry mulls over this development in his head and realizes that he's going to have to watch Niall a little more closely before he makes a concrete choice, because it's a delicate situation, and he really doesn't need to make things awkward at work. Liam and Zayn work because they're sensible people that know what they're doing. Harry isn't like that.

If anything, he's a whirlwind of passion, the sort that consumes you and then leaves a trail of destruction and debris in its path. Harry doesn't know how to be stable and steady, only understands how to do things with love and passion, and he's afraid of screwing everything up like he usually does. Niall is special, important, and Harry can't afford to rush in blind this time.

He starts watching Niall. Not in an overt way, but in more of a heavier acknowledgment that Niall is there and he's important way. He turns up his flirting, directs all smiles and charm not for the customers toward Niall, and Harry knows Liam is watching him and worrying, but he still never says anything. Maybe he thinks it isn't important, maybe he knows that Harry won't break Niall's heart if he can help it, but Harry's nothing less than certain Liam will stop him if this is a bad idea so he's taking this at a sign that it isn't. He takes the faint blush on Niall's cheeks as a sign that this is a well-founded idea.

Still, something stops Harry from acting immediately. Maybe it's all of his mum's stupid romance novels (that he only read because he was bored, honest) or maybe it's just Harry's desire to do this right, but he waits for a moment where it seems like nothing can happen except for them to kiss. A moment where Harry has an overwhelming desire to do nothing ever again but kiss Niall.

It happens one morning just before they open. Niall is explaining the daily specials while Liam and Zayn and Matt and Aiden are beginning to bake for the day, and Harry just thinks that he just wants to kiss Niall. He's never been good at timing or anything, so he just does. Harry rises up off the stool he's sitting on and takes the one step to close the space between them before pressing their lips together.

Niall freezes for a moment, because Harry's taken him by surprise, and then he relaxes into the kiss, hands coming to rest on Harry's waist, warm and perfect. It's brilliant, and Harry's kind of disappointed when Liam clears his throat and they have to break apart.

"I'm glad you're finally getting your shit together," Liam says calmly, "but we kind of have work to do. You can kiss all you want when we don't have customers coming in soon."
"R-right," Niall says, flushed with embarrassment, "Um. So this one is a carrot-apple cake with our regular cream cheese frosting and pecan bits scattered on top so warn people about that, and that's a tiramisu-it's the coffee and pudding one, you remember? If you call it that in front of a guest, though, I'm going to be sad so. Don't do that. And yeah, those are our specials today."
"Okay," Harry smiles, "Can I kiss you again?"

Harry thinks Niall is going to say something, but then he's being steered away by Louis and Niall is being steered away by Liam. It's for the best, Harry supposes, considering they have work to do, but he really can't help but feel a little disappointed.

"You can kiss him on break," Louis says, handing Harry his uniform and pointing him toward the bathroom, "Now go get ready to charm some girls."
Perri @medusacascade22
uh. guys? please tell me i'm not the only one who's seen the video.
6:20 PM - 20 May 12 via web · Details

♔ THE LUCY @spibsy
@medusacascade22 shhhhh, it's okay perri.
6:22 PM - 20 May 12 via web · Details

♚ THE RAMONA @glitter_hippie
@medusacascade22 @spibsy harry makes everyone feel that way, perri.
6:23 PM - 20 May 12 via txt · Details

Her name is Yoshimi. (
kisforkurama) wrote in
2012-05-20 6:26:00

So "naked server night" has been confirmed.

So the boys have just announced on their official website that "naked server night" charity event for an as-of-yet undisclosed charity has apparently been given the green light. Here is the video that they let Harry do (for some reason) that explains what a "naked server night" is. You know how you thought Harry was inappropriate before? Yeaaaaaaaah, toss your hopes out the window if you think it's going to be a safe, work-friendly video. (If you're a big Liam fan, though, you should definitely check out the video! He's onscreen for a while, yelling at Harry as usual. Oh Liam, we're so sorry for what you have to deal with. You should also check the video if you ship Ziam, there's a cute little moment that'll probably make you coo.)

Anyway, if you've been wondering what a "naked server night" is, here is Harry's explanation:

"So I had this brilliant idea, right? I thought, what if I were naked under my apron? I bet all the ladies would come and help us support charities if they knew I would be naked!"

He goes on to say that they're apparently going to wearing underwear, but "underweared server nights" just didn't sound as good.

So, are any of you going? Do you think this is a good idea or a terrible one? How high do you think Liam's blood pressure is right now? How cute is the little moment in the video where Zayn throws his arm around Liam and drags him away from the view of the camera? Have you already made .gifs from the video that you want to share?

Chat it up in the comments!

Tags: !news shit, naked server night???, who lets harry do pr?, this ain't your momma's bakery, shipper fueli like potatoes @wolfiepoo
i can't get over harry's stupid video, you guys.
7:03 AM - 21 May 12 via web · Details

i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
who let him make that.
7:04 AM - 21 May 12 via web · Details

i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
why did liam let him post it.
7:05 AM - 21 May 12 via web · Details

i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
how much trouble did he get in.
7:06 AM - 21 May 12 via web · Details

i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
these are important questions, okay.
7:07 AM - 21 May 12 via web · Details
Louis is happy for Harry and Niall, he really is. He's happy that they're happy and he's happy that Niall understands that Harry just flirts with people and he doesn't know how to stop. It's just a part of him, part of what makes him up, and Louis is glad that Niall understands that. He is very resolutely not jealous because Niall has what he wants because that would be petty and childish, but it hurts to look at them so Louis watches Zayn instead. It's not that Zayn's never flirted with him before, but it feels like Zayn is doing it more often recently. Louis doesn't know why, and as much as Zayn's one of his best mates, Louis isn't very good at getting into his head. Harry and Niall are easy because they wear their hearts on their sleeves, and Liam can be difficult, but most of the time he's pretty easy to understand because he's logical. Zayn, however, is a riddle that Louis doesn't know the answer to.

He's trying to work out the answer when Zayn leans forward, pressing Louis to the edge of the counter and pressing their lips together. He tastes faintly of smoke and a lot like sugar. Maybe it fell on his lips from the air, where tiny particles of it hang in the air like a faint perfume they all share, and then infused into his skin like a permanent taste that blossoms across the tongue until it occurs to Louis that Zayn tastes like home. It happens suddenly-or maybe it only feels sudden and it's been building up for a while, but it all ends in the same result. He forgets to push Zayn away for a second, forgets that Zayn isn't his, and even when he finally does push Zayn away, it takes every little bit of his willpower to do it.

"I can't," Louis whispers, wild-eyed and confused, "You and Liam. I won't."
Zayn turns, the easy twist of surety toward Liam, "Liam, babe, come here for a second."

There's something slightly exasperated in the way that Liam acknowledges Zayn, until he turns and looks between Louis and Zayn. His shoulders drop, and something in him seems incredibly sad.

"You kissed him before you talked to him, didn't you?"
"I didn't mean to," Zayn says, "it just sort of happened."

While they have some kind of private eyebrow and facial expression conversation that Louis doesn't understand, Louis tries to wrap his head around what Liam said. He didn't seem angry about the kiss itself, just that Zayn hadn't talked to him before he did it, which didn't make any sense. That wasn't how it worked.

"Right," Zayn cuts into Louis' thoughts, "so here's the deal: Liam and I sometimes have other people. Long-term or short-term is up to the other person, but I like you. And Liam likes you, but you don't have to like both of us. Or even one of us, because you could tell us to fuck off and we'll step back, no problems, but if even the tiniest part of you is willing to try it out, we'd love to have you."

Louis looks between Zayn and Liam, trying to wrap his head around what they're saying and failing sort of miserably. He settles for slumping against the table and staring in shock. Zayn looks like he wants to come over and give Louis a hug or something, but Liam touches his shoulder and Zayn stays exactly where he is while Louis sorts out all his thoughts. The moment seems to stretch on forever.

"Okay," Louis says after a long moment, "I don't know how any of this works, but okay."
"We'll figure it out as we go," Liam shrugs, "It'll be fine, you'll see."
"You should come home with us," Zayn says, slinging an arm over Louis' shoulders, "We'll make you dinner and have a proper chat about this, yeah?"
"I have to finishing cleaning up, though."
"That's fine," Liam shrugged, "I have a couple more things to do too. Zayn and I aren't leaving for another thirty minutes or so. Come have dinner with us. Please."

Attempting to focus on his remaining clean-up duty and failing, Louis can't help but feel a flicker of excitement at the prospect of eating dinner with Zayn and Liam like a proper date. There won't be anyone else around, and they'll work out the important details of this very roughly begun ordeal. If that isn't something exciting, then Louis wants to know what is so he could decide on a more fitting metaphor. As it is, Louis breezes through his leftover duties as quick as he can and then changes out of his uniform into street clothes. He waits outside with Zayn for Liam to be done, which doesn't take long.

Louis thinks that's probably a good thing because he would have probably started to talk himself out of doing it if they have waited very long and he doesn't actually want that. He wants to try this, regardless of how frightening it is.
Perri @medusacascade22
oh my god i'm dying someone send help.
3:20 PM - 23 May 12 via web · Details

i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
@medusacascade22 pastry intervention! I'll be there in twenty minutes.
3:25 PM - 21 May 12 via web · Details

♚ THE RAMONA @glitter_hippie
@medusacascade22 @wolfiepoo is this like an excuse for us to cry about harry styles?
3:30 PM - 20 May 12 via txt · Details

Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
@medusacascade22 @wolfiepoo @glitter_hippie oh man can we? I feel like that is exactly what is necessary rn.
3:32 PM - 05 June 12 via TweetDeck · Details
Zayn knows that Liam is nervous about Louis in the same way that he's always nervous when they bring people home and nervous in a new way because Liam wants to keep Louis. Well, they both want to keep Louis and it's the first time they've wanted to keep someone instead of knowing that, somewhere along the line, the relationship wasn't going to pan out.

It reminds him of the first time he brought someone home and introduced them to Liam, reminds him of how sometimes people aren't as okay with it as they initially think. He thinks Louis won't be like that, largely because he's so in love with Harry and he's got to realize that Harry loves everyone and that Harry's relationships fall apart because he keeps picking people that want to tie him down. Niall's good about that, Zayn thinks, and if Harry stops worrying about fucking things up and is just himself, their relationship will probably start going a lot more smoothly than it has been. Zayn keeps wanting to give Harry a pep talk, but Liam keeps giving Zayn a look that says just let them sort it out on their own.

To be honest, Zayn thinks that working at the bakery is living in a soap opera and Liam is the one sane character in the whole thing. Zayn isn't sure where he fits in, but most of the time he feels like it's not really his story at all. He's still waiting for that moment where everything revolves around him, even if it's just for a short while, and while Liam makes him feel like he's better than being relegated to a secondary character, Zayn usually doesn't mind not being in the spotlight.

Liam is steering Louis toward their kitchen counter, and setting him in one of the chairs. Zayn follows along after, bumping Liam with his hip to get him to move out of the way while he washes his hands.

"What do you want to eat?" Liam says to Louis, "we can make you pizza or fettuccine alfredo or I think we have pork chops. Do we have pork chops, Zayn?"
Zayn shakes excess water off his hands and grabs a towel, "Should, unless you made yourself one for lunch or something this week."
"I didn't, I just made myself sandwiches at the bakery. So yeah, we have porkchops."
"Any of those sounds fine," Louis shrugged, "I'll eat whatever."

Liam turns toward Zayn, tilting his head and nonverbally asking him what he wants for dinner. Sometimes Zayn forgot that most people used words when they were talking, because he and Liam rarely use them when they're unnecessary. He places the towel back on the bar where it generally hangs.

"We still have mangoes," Zayn muses, "so I'm thinking pork chops and you make the mango-apple chutney that your mother always raves about, yeah?"
Liam turns back toward Louis, "Sound good?"
"All of your food is good," Louis snorts, "I'd be crazy to turn anything down."

The comment makes Liam smile, tiny and pleased, and Zayn can't help but think that they made the right choice if Louis can make Liam smile thoughtlessly like that. Louis is already doing the exact right things, so Zayn feels confident that they'll work out okay. He steps out of Liam's way when Liam goes to grab ingredients for the chutney and sets to work prepping the pork chop.

Zayn looks over his shoulder at Liam, "Baked or pan-fried?"
"Pan-fried," Liam responds absently, "Butter and olive oil, catch."

Turning, Zayn catches the stick of butter Liam throws at him and sets it aside while he finishes seasoning the pork chops. Louis is watching him intently, and Zayn looks up, smiling.

"We do this a lot," he explains, "Do you cook?"
Louis shakes his head, "Not like this. I mean, I can cook instant stuff and spag bol-just easy stuff-but I'd probably char a pork chop."
"It's not that hard. You just season the pork chop and then fry it up in some oil and butter. All the real flavor here is going to come from Liam's mango-apple chutney. It's really good," Zayn takes a fair-sized pan down from the hanging rack, "you'll like it. I promise."

Setting the pan down on the stove, Zayn retrieves a knife from a drawer and cuts a pat of butter. It goes into the pan with a drizzle of olive oil, and then Zayn turns the burner on. Waiting a moment for the oil to heat and the butter to melt, Zayn watches as Liam finishes chopping the mango and apple for the chutney with quick and efficient motions. It's something that Zayn never quite got the hang of, always vaguely afraid that he was going to chop off his fingers, but Liam does it like it's nothing. The oil starts to sizzle just as Liam is adding the fruit to the apple juice in the pot.

"So," Liam says as Zayn drops the first of the pork chops in, "You should probably set some boundaries. Like what you're comfortable with us doing, what you're not comfortable with us doing, if you want to be dating both of us or just one . . . And then we'll talk it out. Okay?"

Louis nods, but doesn't say anything immediately. He watches as Zayn drops in the other two pork chops, each accompanied by a hiss of steam, and Zayn watches him and waits for him to figure out what he wants. Liam and Zayn know what they want ideally but the whole point of the thing is that it involves compromise and Louis is an important factor in this. He seems a little confused though, so Zayn lets him think and watches his pork chops instead.

"I still haven't kissed you," Louis says as Zayn is flipping the first pork chop, "can I, or do you only kiss Zayn?"
Liam pauses his stirring and looks over at Louis, "Would you like me to?"

Catching Zayn's eye and handing off the spoon, Liam walks back over to where Louis is sitting, fingers fitting under his chin and tilting up his head to press their lips together. Zayn turns to watch, aware that everything will be fine if he lets it be for a moment, and sees the way Louis melts into Liam, fingers curling into his shirt. It's not quite what he imagined, but Zayn thinks that reality is never quite like you imagine so he's fine with that. He's fine with the way Louis looks even better when Liam lets him go, eyes hazy and lips thoroughly well-kissed. Liam smiles down at him, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead before returning to his pot and giving it a stir. Zayn glances over at Liam, and then back to Louis. He tries not to smile at the dazed expression on Louis' face.

"I know that feeling," Zayn laughs, "Liam can blow your mind with a kiss when he sets his mind to it."
"Oh my god," Louis mutters, "what have I gotten myself into? This is crazy. You're both crazy, how am I supposed to not want to press you against one of the prep tables and kiss you senseless whenever I see you?"
Liam shrugs, "Generally Zayn and I just don't do PDA. If that's something you want, we should discuss it."

Slumping down in his chair, Louis groans and Zayn mostly manages to cover his snort of amusement. He doesn't manage totally, though, and Louis glares at him.

"You're not helping any, Zayn."
"Sorry," Zayn smiles, "He's always like this though, just thought you should know."
"Great," Louis sighs, "I'm going to be dating an evil mastermind. My life is great."
"At least you'll never be bored with us," Liam hums, adding a splash more apple juice, "We make life very interesting."

Giving another groan, Louis slumps further down onto his chair and Zayn thinks that yeah. Yeah, this was the best choice they could have made.
i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
do we have a date for naked server night yet?
9:20 AM - 25 May 12 via web · Details

♚ THE RAMONA @glitter_hippie
@wolfiepoo ugh, i wish. the closest thing to a date we have is "soon."
9:30 AM - 25 May 12 via txt · Details
As much as Niall loves working in a bakery, he's infinitely glad that he never has to take care of anything related to the actual running of the bakery, because Liam is always ready to run things. Niall just wants to bake, he doesn't want to figure out how much things should cost or if they can even bake the crazy concoctions in his head. He just wants to make breads and cakes and cookies and everything else. That's what he loves, being up to his neck in flour and creating things that are tasty and that people want to eat.

He's glad that Liam is around to let him do that, because when the planning for Naked Server Night begins picking up speed, Niall doesn't have to worry about any of it beyond Liam telling him to make the menu and figure out the number of each kind of item that should be on it. That's the kind of thing he does best, drawing up menus and perfecting the recipes for them, and he dives right into it without a second thought.

Niall probably wouldn't ever stop obsessing over the menu if it weren't for Harry occasionally coming over and stealing a kiss or wrapping his arms around Niall and hooking his chin on Niall's shoulder while he watches him work. In return for making him remember that he can occasionally take a break, Niall feds Harry pieces of what he's working on and asks for Harry's opinion. Harry still isn't totally trained in the vocabulary of food, but he has a less refined taste than any of the bakers, so he's good at telling Niall what's wrong with the overall picture of an item.

When he stops his testing and takes a break instead, Niall watches the way Matt and Aiden go from being friend to being basically attached at the hip and the way that Louis is still tentatively working out the edges of his thing with Liam and Zayn. The bakery staff is weird, himself included, but there really isn't any other way it could be. They all fit together, and Niall can tell that this publicity event is probably going to make them even busier. He's looking forward to it, honestly, because it was going to be interesting seeing Harry waltz around with hardly anything on when he'd barely seen him like that himself.

It's nice to see that Matt and Aiden don't seem to mind the way that everyone else is wrapped up in each other. He supposes that's partly because they're a little wrapped up in themselves, but Matt and Aiden never bring up the casual and quiet touches between Liam and Zayn, don't ask what's going on with Liam, Zayn and Louis. They smile a little fondly when Harry hangs all over Niall and begs for his attention, roll their eyes like everyone else when Harry presses Niall against the tables and licks into his mouth on one or two occasions. It's a sign that they definitely made the right choice in hiring Matt and Aiden, Niall thinks, which is a good thing because the planning for Naked Server Night is hectic and they probably couldn't do it without the extra hands because at some point Liam stops baking and takes on the planning of Naked Server Night as a full-time thing.

He works with people who do events and things and gets a hall that can fit a hundred people or something like that, Niall doesn't know the details. He knows that there are ten tables of five people each in the main part of the hall and that the event is roughly four hours long, which makes eight thirty-minute blocks of time. Each person has to buy a ticket that guarantees them any one of the pastries on the menu and thirty minutes of time being flirted with by a particular server. There's three people on serving duty at any time, because apparently people had demanded tickets for Liam and Zayn and Niall so they were serving too. Liam's really not very happy about that, if the way he talks about it is any indication, and Niall doesn't mind so much aside from the fact that he's never served anyone before and he doesn't have the easy charm of Harry.

Still, Niall thinks that Liam's planning will make for an amazing event. When the demand for tickets outstripped the amount of people Liam was convinced that they could comfortably entertain at thirty minutes, he just went and added outer tables to the layout and created a lower-price ticket that guaranteed a pastry like the other tickets, but not the time with the servers. These were even more popular than the other tickets, which Niall supposed made sense.

Some people didn't want to talk to them, they just wanted to watch them serve people nearly naked. Or, weirdly, just liked the pastries and wanted to help out charity. All in all, Niall was pretty sure that everything was going to go relatively smoothly.
Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
I just want you to know that Harry's ass is pretty great.
4:00 PM - 05 June 12 via TweetDeck · Details

Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
I just want you to know that Harry's ass is pretty great.

Retweeted by ♔ THE LUCY

Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
I just want you to know that Harry's ass is pretty great.

Retweeted by ♚ THE RAMONA
Liam knows that something is going to go wrong when people start wandering into the hall they've rented for the event. Actually he's known that something is going to go wrong since Harry brought the idea up, but when they're just about to start serving is when Liam gets a much sharper idea of what, exactly, might go wrong. He's tried to cover for handsy customer, supply mishaps, staff meltdowns, and everything else he could actually cover for. Harry is not something Liam can cover for, exactly, although some of the things that Harry can potentially get himself into are covered in contingency plans that only Liam knows about.

The disaster Liam forsees now is not covered. It really should have been one of the things Liam covered, because he's known Harry for long enough that seeing Harry float from table to table in nearly nothing and dole out charm like candy shouldn't be the thing that makes Liam think of the one thing he hasn't covered.

Really, the fact that Harry's impulsive when he's happy is something that Liam knows. He should have put it together with the fact that Harry and Louis were going to be working together for four hours and realized that this was not really the best catalyst for Harry and Louis' relationship. At this point, though, Liam can't do anything.

"Hey," Zayn touches Liam's shoulder, "It'll be okay. We'll fix whatever messes Harry creates and everything will run smoothly. Now, let's get back to the kitchen and supervise the baking for a while, okay?"

Zayn gently guides Liam back to the kitchen and Liam lets him. They do have to make sure everything is running smoothly until their shifts as servers-something that Liam hadn't wanted to do, but Simon said that they had both been requested by a significant number of girls so they're both scheduled for four half-hour shifts entertaining. Niall and Louis had five half-hour shifts scheduled, and nobody envied Harry's six shifts. All of them are technically supposed to socialize with the extra tables at whim when they aren't serving. The outer tables are only just starting to fill up, though, and Liam wants to make sure the back was running smoothly.

When he's satisfied, and the outer tables are starting to fill up, Liam and Zayn wander back out. Niall, Harry, and Louis are currently on shift. It's a dangerous combination, and Liam probably should have thought a little more when he was putting together the schedule to avoid a situation like it. Harry's being as free and easy with his charm as he is usually, and he keeps calling out flirty remarks to Louis' who rolls his eyes and takes it like usual. Liam can tell there's something just a little off about it, and he hopes it doesn't come to fruition while Niall's out with them.

He talks with some of the girls and asks if they're enjoying themselves, poses for pictures when asked, and tries not to worry about Harry too much before his shift starts. He and Zayn are scheduled with Harry, and Liam catches the way that Harry seems to seek out Louis even when he's chatting with some of the girls in the outer tables. He never makes his customers feel ignored, though, and Liam envies his skill.
i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
oh my god everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
4:10 PM - 05 June 12 via txt · Details

i like potatoes @wolfiepoo
naked server night is the best
4:11 PM - 05 June 12 via txt · Details
Naked Server Night is like everything that Harry's ever loved all wrapped into a single thing. He's mostly clothing free (always a plus), he's charming quite a few people and telling them outrageous stories, and everyone he really likes is all in one place. It's easy to keep twenty eyes concentrated on him, make them all feel special and loved, because it's what he does.

His energy doesn't falter, regardless of the fact that the four-hour event is long and Harry hasn't stopped for a break once, and he makes sure that every customer that's paid for his time gets what they've paid for. It makes him happy, which makes him slightly more likely to do things without thinking. That's what Harry blames The Kiss on when it happens, because there really isn't anything else he can say.

It happens during the last shift when Louis is walking towards his tables. Harry catches him with an arm around his waist and presses their lips together, somewhat like a greeting but more like he's drunk, and Louis melts a little into it before Harry remembers that he isn't supposed to and pulls away. He's going to say something, but Louis just smiles.

"Giving the girls a show, hm?"
Harry forces the laugh, "Always, Louis. Besides, it never hurts to let the boys know they have a chance too."

As he walks away, Louis mouths we'll talk later, and Harry breathes out before he turns back to his customers and starts charming them again. Niall shoots him a questioning glance, and Harry just smiles bright and asks if Niall wants one too. It sounds like a joke and it isn't, but Niall seems to understand what Harry isn't saying. The last thirty minutes go by quickly, and then Harry tells his customers that, regretfully, he has to go. With an over-the-top bow, Harry retreats to the back and sinks into a chair. The others wander in after him and all look as tired as Harry feels.

"So we need to have a talk," Liam says as he leans against the wall, "and we probably should have had this talk about six months ago, but we didn't."
Harry closes his eyes, "I don't want to talk about it."
"Too bad," Liam kicks at Harry's chair, "We're talking about it, because I am really tired of not talking about your massive crush on Louis that I've politely ignored since, oh, we all started working together. I'm also really tired of ignoring Louis' crush on you, and I used to be tired of ignoring Niall's crush on you until you managed to finally get your shit together for long enough to realize that Niall has a crush on you."

Harry opens his eyes again, attempting to glare at Liam. He doesn't quite manage to get it right, though. Zayn sets the chair he's located in front of Harry and sits on it, like he's blocking off Harry's inevitable escape.

"And we," Zayn gestures to Liam, "are also a little tired of waiting for you all to realize that we could be dating and kind of already are."
"This conversation," Harry shakes his head, "is not happening. I am clearly dehydrated and delirious."
"They're kind of right," Louis shrugs, voice quiet, "I mean, I'm a little in love with you."
"Niall," Liam sighs, "can I kiss you boyfriend?"

Niall's a little shocked, and Harry can see it on his face, but then it sort of morphs into a curiosity.

"Can I kiss Zayn?"
Liam smiles, "As many times as you like."
"Fair trade," Niall nods, "Harry's a great kisser."

There's a moment where Harry's going to grin and make some kind of snide remark about that, only Liam's pressing their lips together and Harry could push him away but Liam pulls away before he can. He shifts away so Harry's only left with a view of Niall half-straddling Zayn and bending down to kiss him. It's.

It's kind of something that Harry never wants to stop seeing. He licks his lips, more nervous than anything, and misses where Liam bends to whisper in his ear.

"Louis is a great kisser too," Liam tells him, "and Zayn does quite a few amazing things with his mouth. Think about it."

It's not something that there's a great answer to. What are you supposed to say to "we all like each other, so let's all date"? That's something Harry doesn't know, and he's still trying to formulate a response when Liam straightens and leans against the wall again. He doesn't seem smug, just content.

"Oh," he calls into the kitchen area, like an afterthought, "and Matt? Aiden would probably say yes if you asked him out."

A pan clatters to the floor, and Harry doesn't know who was holding it but it doesn't really matter. It means that Matt or Aiden (or both) had probably been listening in on them and their kind of soul-bearing, mushy talk. And boyfriend-swapping. Although . . .

"Really? All five of us?"
"I'm sure we can make it work," Liam says, like he's positive it will all work out and just waiting for everyone else to get with the picture, "Do you want to try?"
Harry glances at Zayn, "Do I get to kiss Zayn?"
"Come here."

Zayn is tugging Harry forward even as he says it, and Harry goes easily. He steadies himself with a hand on Zayn's thigh when their lips meets across the space between them and okay. Probably they should all stop kissing each other where people can see them if the clatter of another pan to the floor is any indication. Harry smirks into the kiss.

Whatever, let them watch.
Reili Yamanaka @flyingthesky
I think the answer is just SHIP EVERYTHING. Yes, that's a good solution.
5:04 PM - 10 June 12 via TweetDeck · Details

♔ THE LUCY @spibsy
@flyingthesky they're basically shipping themselves at this point, so i think that's justified.
5:14 PM - 10 June 12 via web · Details
Simon drops in on the bakery during the mid-day rush.

There's a fair crowd of people, some of whom are equally there to buy something and to watch Harry flirt with Louis. He's turned it up a notch from his previous light teasing and it takes Simon a moment to register why it feels different, but then Louis smiles and it's clear. They've either all worked things out, or Louis is just more accepting of the fact that his crush on Harry isn't going away. He'll ask Liam about it when he's made it to the back, Simon thinks.

No one notices him particularly as he makes his way toward the front of the shop, although he does notice a few people staring at him like they're trying to place him. Harry and Louis just wave when they see him, both busy with their respective jobs, and Simon steps into the kitchen. It's hot and busy, but not loud. Save for the occasional question from one person to someone ten feet away, there's nothing but well-oiled teamwork.

Liam is easy to spot, phone to his ear and politely taking what sounds like a rather large phone order. Simon approves of this new addition to their services and waits for Liam to hang up before he flags him down. There's a moment of worry on Liam's face, and then it's covered by a smile.

"Hi, Simon," Liam says as he walks over, "Just dropping by?"
"I was in the area," Simon replies, which is the truth, "I see that you've worked out your problems. How are the new staff settling in?"
"We did solve our problems," Liam's words are soft with affection, "and now Harry's just creating new ones. Matt and Aiden fit in like they've always been here. We're doing okay."

Nodding, Simon locates where the two people he doesn't recognize are decorating a cake. The one with the ridiculous hair bumps shoulders with the other, who gives him a smile that Simon recognizes. Ah, that explains it then.

"I'm glad to hear it," Simon claps Liam on the shoulder, "You've all made an astonishing journey from when I first put you together. I'm glad to see that it's progressing smoothly, and I'll leave you to it."

Turning to leave, Simon thinks that he hadn't been wrong about them. They were too fond of each other, but it seemed to make them stronger so he figured that was fine. Better, even. There's a hand on his arm and Simon stops, turning. Liam's got a different smile on his face now, this one real and full of love.

"Sorry," he says, "I just wanted to say thank you. For bringing us together."
"I'd say you're welcome," Simon replies, "but I didn't really do anything. You all just fit. It'd be best to hold on to that."

Liam looks like he's going to say something else, but he doesn't. He just lets go of Simon's arm and nods before he gets called away by Niall, who wants him to come taste something. Simon watches them all work for a second more and then takes his leave and lets them be.

They've grown into themselves, and Simon is proud of that.

part 1 | masterpost | part 2

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

pairing: 1d gsf, * ridiculous misuse of twitter, !fic, band: one direction, pairing: aiden grimshaw/matt cardle, length: over 10k

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