some more kink bingo stuff

Jun 15, 2012 00:59

I guess I just really like body modification gift baskets. Potentially more accurate: I like writing on the body and writing on the body shows up on body modification gift baskets.

Anyway, I asked twitterverse to provide me with pairings, which I mostly listened to, and numbers, which I mostly ignored. They gave me this list:

(1) Cassius/Brutus, tattoos/tattooing [mine]
(2) Shuu/Hiyoko/Yuuya, writing on the body [teh_slush]
(3) Chad/Ryan, shaving/depilation [1st-eggokage]
(4) Anghel/Hiyoko, scars/scarification [digi-dragon]
(5) Clint/Loki, body alteration/injury [teh_slush]
(6) Rapunzel/Ariel, food [madcap-shiny]
(7) Emma/Cleo/Rikki, piercings/needleplay [madcap-shiny]
(8) Bruce/Betty, drugs/aphrodisiacs [digi-dragon]
(9) Korse/Fun Ghoul, fisting/stretching [teh_slush]

so I could write the following dumb things and slide some
kink_bingo entries in under the wire.

symbol of who we are what we were
Julius Caesar; Cassius/Brutus, PG-13. see: friends, classmates, musicians.

Cassius' tattoo is generally hidden by the sleeves of his ever-present jackets, but some days Brutus catches a small glimpse of it peeking out from under the edge of Cassius' sleeve as he watches him with a sadness he doesn't deserve to have. The tattoo itself nothing special, just something that someone's brother did as practice on Cassius' wrist, a line of three stars dark against his skin. Still, Brutus is as entranced by the glimpses he gets now as he was when Cassius had first peeled away the bandage in the safety of his room and shown it to Brutus.

He was the first person Cassius showed it to, the person Cassius ran to excitedly when it was ready to be unveiled. Brutus supposes that Cassius had said something about his new tattoo, about what it meant to him and what he was supposed to do to care for it, but if he did then Brutus hadn't heard him. Instead, he had gently ghosted his fingers over Cassius' tattoo and tried to tamp down the urge to kiss it. Cassius smiled at him like he knew that Brutus wanted to kiss it, lick it, see if it tasted any different from the rest of Cassius that Brutus knew.

When it was fully healed, the scabs all gone and quiet distractions from the itching by Brutus no longer needed, Brutus tasted the ink on Cassius' wrist. Logically it didn't taste any different than the rest of Cassius, but Brutus liked to believe it tasted sweeter. Occasionally, during practice when no one was paying much attention to them, Brutus would grab Cassius' wrist and run his thumb over the spot. Cassius would always turn his head and smile secretly before pulling his wrist away. Brutus always let him go.

They were still so unsure of what they had at the time, with Brutus and Portia generally considered to be dating, even though they're mostly just friends, and Brutus half (maybe all) in love with Caesar. Sometimes Brutus wonders if that's why Cassius did it, if he chose something that would set him apart in the competition for Brutus' affections. He wonders if that's why Cassius let Brutus bring his wrist to up to kiss it in the dark of the bus back home after another win at another competition. He wonders if that's why Cassius ripped his wrist away after the fall of Caesar, after nights side-by-side and whispered plans of grandness and glory. He wonders if that's why Cassius had rubbed at the tattoo with his other hand as he stood before Brutus in the end, eyes alight and maybe close to crying.

"Even when you loved me best," Cassius said, and Brutus could tell his fingernails were digging into his wrist, "you still loved him more, and I could not have that."

When Cassius had turned away, Brutus had stood in the hallway and watched him go. He thinks of the way Cassius tastes, of tracing the shape of stars with tongue or nail, and breathes out.

Courier Human
Hatoful Boyfriend; Sakuya/Hiyoko/Yuuya, PG-13. warning: everybirdie is still a birdie.

Everybirdie loves Yuuya, and Hiyoko can't much count herself among the exceptions to that rule. He flirts with her, a little shameless, and she always chides him for it, but doesn't altogether make him stop. Sakuya, on the other hand, is someone very few people like and Hiyoko can definitely count herself among the exceptions to that rule. She finds Sakuya to be surprisingly sweet once you get to know him, because most of his demeanor is just him acting the way he's always been taught. He doesn't know any better, Hiyoko has found, and so it's easier to forgive his occasional rudeness.

So yes, Hiyoko likes them both. She just likes them for different reasons, as she sometimes tells Ryouta in the snippets of night where they lie in Ryouta's nest and she talks Ryouta to sleep. Whether Ryouta doesn't ask about Hiyoko's relationship with them out of tiredness (he does look rather tired lately) or out of respect, Hiyoko doesn't know. She's grateful that he doesn't ask either way, because Hiyoko herself isn't so sure of what her relationship to Sakuya and Yuuya is.

All she knows is that once a day Yuuya will catch her in a hall, pen already in his wing and pushing the wristband she usually wears up, and writes something in neat and precise lettering. She always stills when the pen touches to her skin, not even daring to breathe until Yuuya looks up from what he's writing, moves her wristband back down, and gives her a little wave before heading to class. The other birdies give her slightly strange looks sometimes, questions in their eyes, and Hiyoko doesn't have answers. She just has ink seeping into her skin, a message between brothers that pretend to hate each other, and that's not very much of anything at all.

Sakuya pushes her wristband up when they're in the privacy of the student council room, feathers brushing over the letters. He reads the message out loud to Hiyoko, because he's aware that she doesn't read the messages before Sakuya does and because often the messages are for them both, and a fond smile that Hiyoko rarely sees on Sakuya's face. They spend the first five minutes of the student council meeting composing a message back to Yuuya.

It's an official order of business, partially because they rarely have anything better to do and partially because Yuuya had complained when Sakuya hadn't responded to his messages. Hiyoko had said that maybe they should write back and Sakuya had sighed before producing a pen and writing a short, terse message on a piece of paper, which he folded and gave to Hiyoko. She had tucked it into her bag, and they had gone about the rest of their student council duties.

Yuuya had been waiting at her house, and Hiyoko had startled before remembering the message. Yuuya had read it and laughed. He had left not so long after reading the message, but not before leaning close and whispering a message into her ear.

"Tell Sakuya," Yuuya had said, "that it's much faster and more environmentally friendly to use you to send his messages."

Nowadays, Sakuya takes her other wrist into his wing and writes their messages back to Yuuya. He presses the ink farther into Hiyoko's skin, and Hiyoko stays still for him too. When Sakuya is done, he always caps his pen and then changes the subject to something else as quickly as he can.

Occasionally, on weekends, Yuuya will show up at her house and write small, neat, calligraphy up her arm before she goes to study with Sakuya. The paintbrush is a kiss of cool wetness against her skin, and Hiyoko doesn't know if she likes that better or not. It's harder to hide, that she knows for certain, and occasionally Hiyoko wonders what the other people who can see her arm think of it. She doesn't care, because the messages aren't for them, but she wonders what she must look like.

She asks Sakuya once, why Yuuya and he decided on her to deliver their messages. Sakuya preens his feathers absently after she says it, and Hiyoko starts to think he hasn't heard her when Sakuya shrugs.

"We liked you and you let us," Sakuya tilts his head to the side, "Do we need more reason than that?"
"No," Hiyoko smiles, "I'm happy to be your courier human."

the things we do for love
High School Musical; Chad/Ryan, PG-13. see: Danforth, the Latte Boy.

Chad dips the spatula into the wax, still staring at it like it's going to burn off all his skin. Ryan leans against the back of the chair and rolls his eyes.

"It's not going to hurt you," Ryan says, "since it's going on my legs not yours."
"Dude," Chad narrowed his eyes, "This shit is freaky, okay? Just give me a second to come to terms with the fact that I'm helping you wax your legs. Why are we doing this again?"
"I told you," Ryan sighs, "I'm in the current revival of La Cage Aux Folles and I'm doing drag so you need to help me wax my legs because I'm too much of a wuss to rip the strips off."

Personally Chad thinks that this is a stupid idea but Ryan had asked and Chad was kind of terrible at telling Ryan no. Dipping the spatula into the wax again, Chad cups his hand around Ryan's heel and lifts his leg. Painting a stripe up Ryan's leg, Chad breathes out and sets the spatula back into the container of wax and sets one of the strips of cheesecloth on the wax. Ryan's watching Chad, and Chad assumes that he'll say something if Chad starts to do anything horribly wrong, so Chad starts rubbing absently down the strip.

When he gets to the end, the part not covered in wax, Ryan shifts. He's holding the skin under the wax taut, which Chad assumes is important, and he breathes out slowly. Chad waits a couple of seconds, then rips the strip off without warning Ryan. Ryan yelps.

"Ow," he says, "Why does being pretty hurt like a bitch?"
"Because you have a low pain threshold when you're not pushing your body to its limits."

It's a fact of life. Ryan's tolerance for pain outside of dance is surprisingly low. He can do incredibly stupid things like dance on sprained ankle for part of a number without letting on, but he can't bump into tables without whining about it. Chad finds it equal parts annoying as fuck and kind of endearing. Currently, he finds it kind of irritating. He doesn't say anything, though, just dips the spatula and applies another stripe of wax to Ryan's leg. He sets the cheesecloth down and rubs, waits for Ryan to hold the skin taut before ripping this new strip off too. Ryan hisses, and Chad sighs.

"You're the one who wanted to do it this way," Chad raises an eyebrow, "I told you we could have just shaved your legs but you chose wax. So stop complaining and I'll run a bath for you after we're done."
"If we do it like this," Ryan curls his fingers around the sides of the chair, "then I supposedly don't have to do this for another four weeks. I'll take some pain in exchange for low maintenance."

Rolling his eyes, Chad paints another stripe on Ryan's leg. There's something almost soothing and methodical about doing this, although Chad is pretty sure that Ryan's just using it as an excuse to get Chad to touch him. He's sure Ryan could be paying someone totally exorbitant prices to rip all his hair off, but instead they're doing it in the cramped mess of their tiny New York apartment. He smiles fondly despite himself.

"You know you can pay people to do this," Chad says as he rubs down the strip.
"I know," Ryan says, quiet, "but I've been so busy with rehearsals that I barely see you."

He leans forward, holding the skin taut, and Chad breathes in before he rips the strip off. Ryan seems to have gotten accustomed to the pain, because this time he merely winces. Chad shakes his head and laughs.

"Hey," Chad says, painting another stripe, "don't worry about it so much. Broadway wouldn't be the same without you."
"Will you bring me coffee tomorrow?"

Chad looks at Ryan, rubbing the cloth he's set down. It's a slightly strange question, because Chad always brings Ryan coffee. It's no longer strictly Starbucks coffee, not now that Chad spends a good portion of his time managing Ryan's calendar and the rest of it designing t-shirts, but Chad always brings Ryan coffee.

"Always," Chad smiles, ripping the strip of cloth off Ryan's leg, "but before that happens, we've got to finish this."

He shifts to grab the spatula again, but Ryan catches his face and bends to kiss him. Chad smiles into the kiss, awkward as it is, and knows that he wouldn't ever want to be anywhere else.

explanatin' Human stuff
Hatoful Boyfriend; Anghel/Hiyoko, PG-13. warning: everybirdie is still a birdie.

Hiyoko never thinks much of her scars. They're not really anything to write home about, just the standard scars from cuts and scrapes that she's sure most humans have. There's the small sliver of white on her hand from cutting herself cooking, the accidental burn on her forearm-just things that she's picked up from being a little scatterbrained sometimes. Anghel, however, is completely enraptured by her scars.

"Eden Blau," Anghel says, "these must be the trophies of your many battles."
"Uh," Hiyoko blinks, "sure. I've fought a lot of battles against fires and knives and stuff."

Anghel runs his feathers over the burn on her forearm, and Hiyoko resists the urge to giggle. His feathers tickle against her skin, and she breathes out slowly while he peers at the mark. Sometimes she forgets that she's the only human a lot of the birdies at St. Pigeonation see regularly. Ryouta's always known her, and he's used to the fact that she's a human, but everybirdie else doesn't see humans that often. They look at her a little strangely sometimes, but Hiyoko's stopped noticing it these days.

"Are humans easily hurt, Eden Blau?"
"A little," Hiyoko admits, "We don't have feathers to protect us, and our skin is only so resilient. Do birds get scars?"
"We do," Anghel looks up at her, "although our scars are usually covered by feathers and not as prominent as yours. You wear yours with pride, Eden Blau."

She's not sure how true that is, because she doesn't really think that she's proud of them. Hiyoko thinks that maybe Anghel is mistaking her pride in her body for pride in her scars. She doesn't correct him, though, because this is one of those things that she doesn't consider important enough to correct. Anghel is a little different from everybirdie else, and sometimes Hiyoko thinks it's easier to just let him think the things he makes up are true.

The moniker "Eden Blau" is something she's gotten used to, and Hiyoko has stopped trying to get him to call her by her real name. She lets his wing curl around her arm, lets his feathers brush against her skin curiously as they sit next to each other during lunch hour.

"Tell me the story behind this one," Anghel says, tapping her burn.
"Well," Hiyoko pauses, trying to come up with an appropriate story, "I was battling against the Kitchen Dragon, because he kept gobbling up all my food, and I didn't quite move away fast enough, so his firey breath got my arm."
Anghel looks concerned, "Did you win the battle?"
"I did," Hiyoko says brightly, "He stopped gobbling up all the food and I got this scar as a trophy."

Like most everything that Anghel says to her, Hiyoko's story is mostly true but a little false. She doesn't really think of it as lying to him any more than he thinks that calling her "Eden Blau" is a lie. It's kind of . . . mutual storytelling, and if Hiyoko's going to do it? She'd prefer it was with Anghel.

oh, the things I could do to you
The Avengers; Clint/Loki, PG-13. warning: SPOILERS. Although why you're reading Avengers fic and not wanting to be spoiled is beyond me.

it isn't that Loki is       bad
or that Thor is            good

it's that Loki knows the shadows
and Thor is bathed in sun

so Thor would never drag the knife
along a subordinate's face
would never press enough to

humans bleed            (everyone bleeds, even gods)
but they're so resilient for being so

clint doesn't flinch
(because Loki tells him not to)
just lets Loki make shallow cuts in flesh

tiny lines of red
that won't take long to heal
                                     (he assumes, but does not know
                                     humans are only good as servants
                                     and Loki does not pretend to know them)

he could cut deeper (flay clint, maybe)
but then he'd lose a human
and it's inconvenient to train new ones

so Loki cuts his name
out of boredom and maybe
then tells clint to
get back to work

they have a planet to conquer

marvels galore (and even more)
Disney Princesses; Rapunzel+Ariel, PG.

Every time Ariel visited Rapunzel, she was always so amazed by the feasts that Rapunzel put on to welcome her. There were so many new and strange foods in Rapunzel's kingdom, and although Ariel wasn't quite as obviously non-human as she used to be, there were still times where she didn't know what to make of the foods that Rapunzel's servants set in front of her.

Luckily, Rapunzel was always ready to smile and tell Ariel what the proper way to eat something was. Or, in some cases, the improper way. Rapunzel's parents didn't much like the fact that she didn't use utensils all the time and encouraged Ariel to do the same. Knowing that Ariel still wasn't entirely used to the fact that dinglehoppers were, in fact, called forks and were meant to be used for eating, Eric didn't do much more than smile fondly at her when she tore into great big bird legs (always with apologies to Scuttle) with just her hands and teeth. He and Flynn merely did the same, which made sense since Ariel couldn't even begin to understand how a girl would use a dinglehopper and starkywhatsit to eat the great big bird legs!

The feasts weren't the best part about visiting Rapunzel, though. No, Ariel thought that the best part about visiting Rapunzel was running through the bramblebush in search of tiny red berries that grew low to the ground. They were tart and stained your fingers red, but Ariel loved them. Rapunzel knew all the best places to find the berries, and during the day when Flynn and Eric were out hunting or fishing or whatever it was, Rapunzel would take Ariel's hand and lead her through thickets to the bushes.

Ariel still remembers the first time Rapunzel had grabbed her hand, eyes wild with mischief, and dragged her away. She remembers Rapunzel bending down to pick a handful of berries, selecting one and holding it up for Ariel to taste.

"Try it," Rapunzel had said brightly, "It's delicious, I promise."

And although Ariel had been slightly apprehensive, she had opened her mouth and let Rapunzel feed her the berry. It burst with flavor in her mouth, and her eyes must have gone wide, because Rapunzel laughed. She smiled at Ariel then, and pressed the berries into Ariel's hand. They had eaten a considerable number of the berries that afternoon, picking them straight off the bush and occasionally throwing them at each other playfully.

It's become a tradition now, Ariel guesses. At some point during her visit, she is always certain that Rapunxel will take her hand at some point and lead her to the bushes where the berries grow. The afternoon sun will be warm, and they'll get dirt on their dresses while they eat too many berries. Eric will smile at her when she returns, perhaps a little sunburnt, and ask if she had a good time. Ariel will say yes, will always says yes because her very favorite part of visiting Rapunzel isn't the berries or the foods she doesn't know. It's that one perfect afternoon where she and Rapunzel aren't princesses with responsibilities, they're just two girls sitting in the afternoon sun and eating tart red berries straight from the bush.

the best things come in three
H20: Just Add Water; Emma/Cleo/Rikki, PG.

It's Rikki's idea, really.

Even so, it's totally Cleo's fault, because she's wanted pierced ears forever, but her mom's finally agreed to let her get them and really, it's not scary because people get their ears pierced all the time, but Cleo's a little terrified of actually getting the piercings. So it's Rikki's idea for them to all go together and get their ears pierced. Emma raises her eyebrows, because Emma's big on safety and she's not sure why they all have to go get their ears pierced, but Rikki smiles and says it could be a bonding experience.

Emma relents, because Emma's a little weak to Rikki and Cleo both ganging up against her. Besides, someone needs to make sure Rikki and Cleo don't get into trouble. Emma figures it might as well be her.

The jewelery shop at the mall does ear piercings. Emma's scoped them out to make sure everything is sanitary and safe, because she's not sure if you can get gangrene in your ears from piercings but she doesn't want to take chances. Besides, knowing Rikki and Cleo, they'd pick the shop with the worst reputation to get this done at. Emma loves them, she really does, but sometimes they're a little reckless. She just wants them to be safe, that's all. As safe as possible, anyway, given that they're mermaids and they need to be careful around water. Cleo isn't exactly the most careful, given her job at SeaWorld, but Emma thinks they're getting through the ordeal of being mermaids just fine.

When they get to the jewelery shop, Cleo looks vaguely green but also determined. Emma squeezes her shoulder reassuringly, and tries to keep her from running away. Rikki's going first, because she's brave and Cleo needs Emma there to keep her calm.

The process goes a lot more quickly than Emma expected. Rikki's sitting in the chair, the worker applies a local anesthetic, and then there's a snap of the gun and Rikki's ear is pierced. She winces a little, but then she's offering a bright, easy smile for Cleo.

"It doesn't hurt too badly, Cleo. Just for a second, and then you'll forget it's there at all."

The workers pierces Rikki's other ear, handing her the informational care packet, and Rikki thanks her before hopping out the the chair. Cleo seems a little bit less green, now that Rikki's come out of the experience okay, and Emma gently nudges her forward until she's walking toward the chair and settling herself in it.

Cleo's twitches when the earring goes into her ear and she takes a deep breath, but Emma thinks she'll be okay. The second ear goes by quickly, and Cleo's breathing a sigh of relief when the worker hands her the informational care packet. Then it's Emma's turn. She's not afraid, exactly, although she is apprehensive. They're not quite the same thing, but Emma knows that the worker is trained and that nothing will go wrong.

She breathes out, and then there's a sharp stab of pain that's gone in a flash. It really isn't that bad at all, and the other ear goes just as quickly as the first. Breathing out again, Emma smiles over at Rikki and Cleo. Maybe she should take a leaf from their book and be a little reckless sometimes.

all the little things
Marvel; Bruce/Betty, PG-13. note: I've never actually seen the Hulk movies all the way through, so this is probably some unholy comics and movie mashup.

Bruce brings her flowers, but also

strawberries, small and red when in season
bananas purchased from sterile cafeterias
and peaches, soft and dripping

(he prefers them firm,
but Betty likes fruit messy
and Bruce obliges)

but maybe her favorite is

(Betty gives him a lecture one night
on varieties of apple
but it's more of a
on red delicious apples

she resents that they are just

whatever the fruit,
Bruce loves watching her take
the first bite
when she glances over at him
and smiles

damaged goods
Killjoys; Korse/Fun Ghoul, R. see: SAD LOVE POEMS FOR PARTY POISON.

fun ghoul was here
but i didn't kill him

i tore him apart
from the inside

my fingers inside
splitting him in two
until he couldn't stop

do you know how much he can take?
do you fuck him like this too?

your whole hand claiming
until he's crying

you can have him back now

i'm only using him to get
to you

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

* kink bingo, !fic, verse: killjoys, verse: latte boy, fandom: marvel, fandom: hatoful boyfriend, fandom: avengers, fandom: julius caesar, fandom: tangled, band: my chemical romance, fandom: h20 just add water, fandom: high school musical, fandom: the little mermaid

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