Sometimes I have feelings about things no one cares about: Crossover Edition 2

Oct 23, 2011 03:19

365 Gay Sharks
Day 294, Word Count: 776
Theme: October; Jumping the Shark
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D


HOW THEY END UP IN THE SAME PLACE (or “metababble about that ‘verse I mapped out”)
When BL/ind cracks down on the Entertainment industry, both Ryan and Sharpay (seperately) end up in the Zones. Ryan ends up meeting the Killjoys

(“What do you want, Killjoy?”
Gerard lets his hands fall to his side, “For you to not kill me.”
“Not unless you kill me first,” the kid says, holstering his ray gun and placing a hand on his hip. “You got a name, Killjoy?”
“Party Poison,” Gerard says automatically, “and you?”
“Jazz Square,” the kid says, staring Gerard down.)

and Sharpay ends up running into Show Pony. She’s reluctant to follow him and actually pulls a raygun on him

(“I’ll shoot, don’t think I won’t.”
“Easy, princess. I’m not even armed. What’s your name?”
“Golden Throat. I’m looking for my brother, Jazz Square. He said he’d meet me in the zones.”
“Jazz Square? I know him, he runs with the Killjoys.”
“Take me to him. Now.”)

but Show Pony is easy-going and good friends with Ryan so he takes Sharpay to Ryan and they have a tearful reunion, but Sharpay doesn’t want to run with the Killjoys (she’s a lover not a fighter) and Ryan has really taken a liking to little Bulletproof (I refuse to call her Grace, her name is Bulletproof Heart) so he doesn’t want to leave the Killjoys and so Show Pony offers her a place at Dr. DeathDefying’s.

Sharpay accepts, sometimes running the show or singing a song in the slow hours.

HOW THEY END UP TOGETHER (or “sharpay is actually not a bitch i swear”)
Show Pony reminds Sharpay of Ryan a lot, and she takes a liking to him that is kinda in the same vein only she realizes that hey! Show Pony isn’t related to her! This gets her to SERIOUSLY EVALUATE their relationship and she decides that Show Pony is probably as gay as her brother so she doesn’t make a move but her love is not entirely platonic.

On the other hand, Show Pony was always bisexual in like. Theory? But he’s never really had a serious crush on a real, attainable girl (celebrities don’t count) so when it finally dawns on him that whoa he likes this girl who is kind of snappy and fierce and not afraid to pull her gun on people? HE FREAKS OUT A LITTLE. This ends in him going to Ryan and being all “[flaily hands] I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOUR SISTER. WHAT DO.” and Ryan laughs (because he’s kind of an asshole) but he eventually tells Show Pony that if he can find Sharpay something sweet and give it to her as a gift, then she’ll probably love him a lot.

So Show Pony has to go beg Tommy Chow Mein to get him a cake and it’s not very good cake (it’s the shit stuff you get from like, Carl’s Jr. you know, crumbly and dry and generally not fit for human consumption) but Tommy Chow Mein gets Show Pony a cake and Show Pony wraps it up in a scarf and gives it to Sharpay and when she unwraps it her eyes go all soft and she looks like she’s going to cry.

(“You got this for me?”
“Yeah. You brother said you might. You might like it.”)

Sharpay carefully sets the cake aside and curls her fingers around Show Pony’s face and kisses him gently and Dr. D whistles obnoxiously. Both Show Pony and Sharpay give him the finger.

Alernately, Swiftverse (because Ginny asked these okay): Show Pony is captain of the drill team at school and Sharpay is the captain of East High’s drill team (instead of drama club president) and they are THE CATTIEST OF RIVALS but Show Pony is pretty good friends with Ryan (through Party Poison who knows Ryan through dance class) and he ends up at Ryan’s house a lot and Sharpay is always there and there is SO MUCH SEXUAL TENSION and eventually Ryan locks them in a room together and sits outside the door with Party Poison eating Oreos. They refuse to let the pair out until they have RESOLVED THEIR DIFFERENCES so Show Pony and Sharpay eventually figure out that they like. Aren’t as different as they thought and they become tenetive friends but throughs some SNEAKY MEDDLING on the part of Party Poison and Ryan, they end up together.

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comments. :D

pairing: sharpay/show pony, !meta, verse: killjoys, # paprika, person: ricky rebel, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, band: my chemical romance, fandom: high school musical, # allspice, # ketchup

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