[fanfiction] Tim McGraw

Oct 21, 2011 01:47

365 Gay Sharks
Day 288, Word Count: 427
Theme: October; Jumping the Shark
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo
Rating: PG-13
Pre-Notes: If you don't follow me on twitter, then you don't know that I've been threatening to write a one-shot fic for every Taylor Swift song pretty much since I watched TSN because Taylor Swift is the biggest Mark/Eduardo stan there is okay. And now I've begun. I even have a cheesy graphic to go with these! VERY EXCITED OKAY.
Disclaimer: No. Get out, Mark.
Summary: A letter, left for Eduardo as the depositions are nearing their end.

Tim McGraw
Dear Eduardo,

When you think of Facebook in the future (far in the future), I hope you don't think of this. This is not what should have happened, and I think we both know it. Or maybe I'm the only one who sees it that way, who feels like we took a wrong turn somewhere along the line and ended up here. It's my fault, I know, but it wasn't supposed to go this way.

Don't ask how it was supposed to go.

Eduardo, you have to know I meant it. You have to know that I really did want you there and when you think of Facebook in the future, I want you to think about it going live or the adrenaline rushing through you in that shitty bathroom while Christy went down on you. Or think of the me you trusted, the me you believed in and smiled at and bought dinner. Don't think of this, though. This is not how I want you to remember what we created together.

I know everyone will say that I created Facebook, and you know that's not true. The four of us created Facebook together. You know that Dustin helped and Chris helped and you helped. You helped in ways that probably won't even occur to you, Eduardo, and even though that's ending now I want you to remember that. I want you to remember all the ways you helped me and Facebook and not the fact that I fucked up.

That's probably too much to ask of you, especially after everything that's happened between us, but I'm asking anyway because you're right. I only had one friend, and I'd hate for that friend to only remember all the bad things that happened without any of the good. No matter how much you hate me, Eduardo, I hope that you don't forget the good things that happened.

If you could look back on Facebook with some degree of fondness one day, that would be good. We've created something great, something amazing, and I hope one day you can see that without being angry about all the ways I fucked up. I hope one day you can look at Facebook and maybe smile, nod your head, and say "Yeah, I'm glad to have been a part of that, even if it put me through the worst time in my life."

Or maybe you won't. You can stay angry at me forever if you want, Eduardo, I just want you to know that I don't think it's worth it.


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comments. :D

fandom: the social network, pairing: eduardo/mark, # bbq sauce, !fic, verse: best thing, blame: organizedcure, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, # salt

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