[fanfiction] misc. ficlets 4

Oct 14, 2011 10:46

365 Gay Sharks
Day 287, Word Count: 783
Theme: October; Jumping the Shark
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

some three-sentence aus and one more
fic_promptly thing.

breaking status quo; High School Musical, Chad/Ryan, PG
When Chad and Ryan are married (despite loud protests that marriages are to be between a man and a woman, although there is technically no rule stating such), it is the biggest event since Troy and Gabriella’s wedding several years back and there is a distinct tinge of irony to the situation given Chad’s previous hatred of anything that even vaguely altered the status quo.
fandom: pu
Chad’s having a very minor (read: large) mental breakdown and Troy is trying to get him to chill out but Chad doesn’t feel very chilled out and it’s really not until someone gets Ryan (dolled up in a dress, his own request and not Chad’s) and Ryan smooths Chad’s cravat and presses their lips together gently.

“Breathe,” Ryan whispers across Chad’s lips, “and everything will be all right.”

Kobayashi of the West; Puni Puni Poemi, Poemi/Futaba, PG
Poemi (known in most places as “Kobayashi,” although that’s really due to the addled brains and not a clever nickname like most folks assume) is not the best sharpshooter in the West. In fact, she’s not a sharpshooter at all.

But you know, that ain’t never stopped pretty lil’ Futaba from bragging ‘bout her friend’s marksmanship.

My Little Disco: Friendship is Dating; Bandom, Panic GSF, PG
Dear Prince Wentz,
Today I learned that every color imaginable has its own special name and when you get Rossy going he’ll just talk on and on and on and on about all the world’s colors until you kiss him and shut him up. I wondered why somepony thought it was a good idea to give them all name, but Spencersmith says there’s gotta be somepony out there as concerned about having names for shades of green as Rossy is! Anyway, I gotta go - Jaywalk is letting me help him in his garden and I’m ever so excited.
Your faithful student,

whether you are ready or not; Hanna, Hanna, PG-13
Hanna is ten when Father first takes her hunting.

She knows that they get their food from the land, knows that Father has to kill what they eat, and she is not particularly surprised when he wakes her in the early morning, light barely touching the Earth.

"Hanna," he says, voice just loud enough to hear, "if you want to eat tonight, you must kill your dinner."

Her first insinct is to roll over and go back to sleep, but she fights it and gets up, slowly dressing. The world is a cruel place, Hanna knows, and she can only steel herself for what is to come. Father hands her the bow and arrows, made by her own hand those many months ago and comfortable in her hands from much target practice.

Both Hanna and her father leave their home, small and without many luxuries. Hanna does not know that, though. She knows only that if she wishes to eat, she must catch something to-day. There are only so many hours (measurement of time, 60 minutes in modern usage and 1/24th of a median Earth day) in a day (unit of time, commonly defined as 24 hours).

As quietly as possibly, Hanna slinks out into the forest. She stays in the trees, ears strained to hear even the slightest noises. Her boots are whisper-silent on the snow as she moves and then -

She is turning toward the noise, likely a moose, and scans for it among the trees. It has heard her and dashes off, but Hanna follows. When she is close enough and her path is clear, her arrow flies toward the creature and strikes it. There is a noise - a howl of life as it leaves the creature - and Hanna rushes over to where it has fallen.

It is a moose. It is also not dead, for her shot was bad and merely injured the creature instead of killing it. There is a crunch of boots behind her, and Hanna turns, braced for a fight. It is only Father, though, and he merely walks over to the deer and produces the gun. Lining up his shot, Father shoots it and the moose expires. He takes in what she has done, and Hanna feels that she has failed him. She was not ready for this test.

"Not bad for your first kill," he says, and then he throw a knife upon the snow, "Now prep it and bring it home."

Avoiding his eyes, she knows that is his way of punishing her for not making the shot, and Hanna slowly drops into the snow, fingers curling around the knife. She knows how to do this part, cannot screw this part up, and she will make her father proud.

She will be ready next time.

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

pairing: futaba/poemi, pairing: gen, fandom: hanna, # bbq sauce, !fic, # saffron, # paprika, band: panic! at the disco, fandom: puni puni poemi, pairing: pa, pairing: chad/ryan, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, fandom: high school musical, # ketchup, # salt

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