fic: Codependency is a 12 Letter Word (nc-17)

Jun 22, 2013 19:07

Title: Codependency is a 12 Letter Word - on AO3
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot (2009)Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, brief McCoy/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, frottage, fluff, schmoop
Word Count: 3,700+
Notes: I wanted some angsty/schmoopy McCoy and I kind of vomited this out. I'm my own beta and I only know what the Abrams-verse Trek movies tell me, so any mistakes are my own.
Summary: Bones' wife leaves him and he needs Jim to help him cope. Just barely AU.

fandom: aos, fan: fanfiction, rating: nc-17

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