In which the actual cleaning of my disaster zone- er, room commences, plus I have a project

Jan 23, 2011 15:43

I have bookshelves! Woooo! This means that I have now emptied three boxes (and about half of another) that have been sitting in my room and slowly disgorging their contents since I moved in over a year ago. The books are now (almost) all on the shelves and organized, which means I now have more space to work on the rest of the boxes and piles.

This is a Good Thing, especially since it means I can now get to significant portions of the carpet to vacuum it and I anticipate being able to easily access both my dresser/armoire and my closet by tonight so I can finally, actually get all of my clothes properly put away. Then I guess I'll see what else I need for storage, aside from a better method of fabric storage than assorted bags and cardboard boxes. It's awesome for me to finally feel equal to doing this: I've been putting it off and avoiding it since about last October/November because I couldn't deal with it, especially after Tom was killed, so it's gotten pretty bad and has affected my general mental/emotional state accordingly.

But no longer! No more shall my horrifically messy and disorganized room sap my creative energy, nor bury me under frustration and feelings of inadequacy, nor force me to play its sadistic game of "What box was that in again?" No more shall I walk a narrow and winding path, lest I trip on a pile and break my neck, for today, I free myself from this tyranny: the tyranny of disorder!

And yes, I realize that I'm a complete dork for the previous paragraph, but I don't care. I like it. Shut up.

I am also working on a really awesome project. Or rather, I'm in the warm-up and learning stages of preparing for a project. This (ideally) consists of writing eight lines every day in the Beowulf-style Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse form in order to get used to how it works, how it flows and what it looks and sounds like so that when it's project time, I won't be stumbling over the form. I haven't managed eight in a day yet (and most days, I haven't even managed one), but I'm going to be buckling down and doing it starting today.

Here are some of the practice lines I've written so far:

Fiercely they fought, the food to gain,
these half-starved men, hunger-ridden.

The flying flags fluttered aloft.

Fearsomely fast, the foaming torrent
swallowed greedily granite-hewn blocks
until nothing spoke of the span's presence,
save ruts on either edge of the rapids.

project, i'm a dork, poetry, cleaning

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