In which I have written more lines for my project! Also, I have a job.

Feb 22, 2011 01:34

Yes, I am seriously slacking on my lines. I plead illness and distracta- oh, hey! A book! At any rate, a little over a week ago, I managed a full eight lines and was very proud of myself - and then, of course, I proceeded to forget to post them and have thoroughly slacked on writing since then. I also assign partial blame to a) my sleep schedule, which is wonky with nocturnal leanings but I am trying to fix (with varying enthusiasm and therefor varied results, but now I have a Plan(tm)!), and b) to my new job. It's good to be employed (even if I am on a three-month contract) and it's really good to have friends that enable said employment. I owe a huge "Thank you!" to my friend Lee for this.

My position is a three-month work-from-home contract with a company that's located about a mile from my house. I screen player names for a games-on-demand service to make sure they're "family friendly" and nothing offensive (ie. profanity, sexual/suggestive, drugs/gangs/violence, inflammatory, derogatory) gets through. It's interesting sometimes to see what gets through the filters to the humans and what people try to sneak through. Basically, I'm a glorified censor, but I'm ok with that.

Getting back to the important stuff, look! Lines! And most of them are even in a (semi?)coherent stanza!

Tea with spices, tasty and warm.


Sea-armor clad, the clam challenges
onrushing waves, awaits the impact:
the powerful crush crashes and grinds,
pulverizes, pounds, pulls out to sea,
then rushes back to ravage the cliff,
a continuous onslaught of tidal fury -
yet, clinging to the rocks, the clam: victorious!

...I should sleep.

project, work, sleep, job, poetry

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