Good day, (occasional) sunshine!

Feb 10, 2009 14:49

Yesterday, I was super happy and felt generally awesome for no particular reason. It was so great! I walked into town from campus to pick up an organizer that I had ordered on Friday and then walked home, singing all the way. The organizer is pretty spiffy - it's the refillable binder type, and I got a pack of full-day pages for it, which is exactly what I had been looking for. Week-at-a-glance is nice and all, but I like to have individual days. I'm really hoping this helps me stay on top of things this semester. Well, really, for the next long while, since I can use the thing year after year.

Today started out with an oops - I got my Tuesdays mixed up and missed Ear Training this morning (every other Tuesday, we don't have class). Fortunately, I did remember which Tuesday it was later, so I should still make it to my mastery test appointment. I think I'm actually decently prepared for it, so that's good. Still feeling the lingering yay-happy-good feelings from yesterday, which is really nice.

Tom should be at Estrella by now. I hope he has fun this week. I also hope he doesn't do anything dumb. I trust him, and I know he knows his alcohol limits, it's just that if he's hanging out and partying with the group that went down from the college... well, let's just say that some of them are not known for their self-control. Still, I hope he has fun. I know he will on the field with the fighting, and I expect he'll probably take some classes, as well.

sca, school, tom

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