[Original Fic] "Charcoal" and "Hands"

Feb 25, 2009 17:09

Holy yaoi, Batman, Kiria wrote something original!

These are a couple of back-story snippets about my original characters Matt, Mark, Luc and John. They were written for a challenge-game-thing on y!Gallery where participants write a 100 or 200-word drabble each week on the given prompt.

A moment between Matt and Mark in high school. 100 words, prompt: teenage wasteland.

“Matt!” Mark hissed, prodding his shoulder. “Matt, wake up!”

“’M awake,” he mumbled into his folded arms. “Lemme ‘lone.”

There was a sigh to his left. “Matt, if you don’t sit up now, you’re going to get detention for sleeping in class. Mr. Reinard’s walking this way and he doesn’t look happy.”

Reluctantly, Matt pushed himself up from the table and rubbed his eyes. He heard Mark stifle a laugh and looked over. With a smirk, his best friend held up a hand and wiggled his fingers. His charcoal-covered fingers. Oh, hell, he’d forgotten they were working with charcoals today.


Why John plays the piano. 200 words, prompt: gift.

From the time he was five or six, John was always told that he had the hands of a pianist: long-fingered, slender and graceful. At first, he rebelled, determined to prove them wrong, refusing to touch the instrument.

Instead, he played baseball. He was good at it, and it was fun enough that it kept him occupied. Until he met Jess. Jess who played on his high school baseball team. Jess who gave him his first kiss, nervous and stutter-breathed behind the dugout after their last game freshman year. Jess who played piano like he’d been born to do it and made John forget why he’d ever refused to learn.

Jess who was struck and killed by a drunk driver the night before their junior year started.

After the funeral, after the reception, John sat at the piano and stared at the music Jess had left out. It was the Beethoven piece he’d been working on the last time John had been over, when he’d been teaching John to read music and had promised to teach him to play. Gently, John set his right hand on the keys and began picking out the melody. He thought he felt Jess smile.

writing, mmlj, original

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