
May 20, 2005 23:57

Sucks.  Man, oh man, does it suck.  I'm three hours away from Andy, have no job, and am bored off my ass.

So I might as well post, eh?

Let's's been a week and I've spent most of it watching a week-long West Wing marathon.  That wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't already seen most of the episodes.  I called a few people about jobs...trying to get some connections...but that's not working.  I filled out five or six tedious applications online today, but I'm not hopeful.  As I'm sure everyone has heard me complain, there are too many people here and too few's impossible to get anywhere without knowing someone.  My only hope is Lydia...she has a 13/hr job selling stupid dolls to idiots for Christmas gifts and the like...she said that applications may be available early June.  It's probably too good to be true.

What else...I saw Episode III.  I wasn't going to contribute to opening night statistics, but my brother got me a ticket and it turns out that it clocked in at over $50 million anyway, so I guess it didn't make any difference that I went.  I'll post my little revieeeew in the comments section so no one has to worry about spoilers.

I bought a KVM switch thingie for my computer earlier this week so I could hook it up to the same monitor as our home computer (which we just wiped cuz of some stupid virus) and today I had my dad move our big-ass desk and hooked everything up just to find out that for some reason, it won't offer me the option to use our dial-up.  It doesn't recognize my modem or something.  I asked my dad if we got some kinda cd from our internet provider and he said no.  And he's right cuz we just wiped this computer and the internet works fine without us installing anything extra.  The only difference I can see between the two computers is the driver that the modem is working through...I spent a good amount of time troubleshooting that only to find out that the drivers they provide with Windows changed between 2002 and 2003, the latter year being of course when I bought my computer.  I looked around for the old driver online...didn't find it.  So I'm at a loss.  I'll probably have to get my dad to call the internet people and that will take forever cuz he's busy and he doesn't like that I used the KVM anyway for some reason.  I think cuz I told him I would set it up myself.  He likes to understand how everything works...I told him how it works, but I guess I go too fast for him and he doesn't trust that I know what I'm doing.  Well, I may not be able to figure out the drivers, but I can certainly plug in two computers and a wireless keyboard/mouse.  *rollseyes*

So that sucks. I really wanted to use my computer and I'm so bored that it's really my only thing to focus on during the day.  I think I'm going to call some local friends tomorrow...see if they want to do something.  Especially since my psycho uncle and his bratty kids will be here for their stupid visitation.  This is parents have had their Saturdays turned into a tension-inducing dramafestival for almost a year now...and he's been an ass to us.  If I were them, I would just quit.  They have better things to worry about.

Grades are up.  I finally pulled something decent off.  Four As and a C+ and a B+.  The C and B are just two hours each so my GPA is actually a 3.21 now.  Go me.  I would be a lot happier if I knew it wasn't going to go back down next semester when I fail DiffEQ...

Hm...I think that's it.  I have politics on my mind as usual, but I think everyone is tired of hearing me complain about that, so I'm going to quit this now and go to my Episode III rant...I mean, review.  Spoilers will be plentiful.

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