Comfort Eating

Aug 09, 2011 22:16

 Food for your thoughts?

It's good to know that when something went wrong in your life or you are stressed about one minuscule thing or you argue with someone in the family or with anyone in your gang you'll always run to get your comfort food.

I just had a full blown dinner all at the expense of an officemate who invited me to dine out with the others. Though I was not keen to go out at first, I have to settle the score with them. This time, my purpose aside form hanging out with them is not due to bonding and leisure but also because I got stressed over something.

Yeah I know it was my fault in the first place and I know I am to blame and that I am also strike three and the door would be wide open for me to leave. I can never understand why in the first place I grabbed this opportunity. I can never understand why I worked as an office clerk though I graduated with a degree in teaching. Why did I not apply for a teaching position right away? My naivety led me in this situation.

The boss has cried foul. I messed up again and again and again. The office clearly isn't my forte and I realized that after six months in the job. For the past months I deal with office stress through eating, now I have fat in my tummy rather than the usual flat surface. Lately I haven't been visiting my usual joints, sometimes I'd take out burger and fries but it's so lonely eating alone and I hate pity parties by myself: so not fun. I'd rather have pity parties with my girl friends where we can blurt out all the nasty things we wanna say, pour our hearts content over warm rice and cold ice cream.

Eating alone is stressing. Too many sad thoughts ran through my mind whenever I eat by myself, usually depressing visions flash through my mind and I feel like what am I doing thinking of depressing things over food?!

I know I shouldn't stress. It's bad for my health. It gets me migraines and stomach upset a lot and gives me dark under eyes and flaking skin and nasty mood swings and alters my period. Stress makes me forget things, makes my mind rush and ignore details, makes me compulsive, makes me tired and makes mean idiot out of myself.

Maybe I should find a job that is suitable with me. I know I have a teaching degree why not use it? Ah, for the love of God, I can't even decide on my own! Such a procrastinator and a fickle and weak will I have, can't blame me though, grew up this way. I tend to think If I do something wrong in the eyes of the others it will be forever remembered and I am paranoid like that.


Ah, food. My tummy's feeling empty again though I just had my fill about two hours ago. Lemme find something to munch to satisfy my tummy while I stalk Tumblr. Rambling feels so good, it's like having a dose of chocolate moist cake. YUM!

life, work, random

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