
Feb 22, 2015 08:19

So recently I rewatched The Great Escape which is one of my favorite movies of the 1960's. It has a really great cast and every time I watch it makes me look up the actors and see other things of theirs I haven't seen.

This time I turned to Westerns (maybe it is just me but it seems quite a few big stars from the 1960's got their starts in TV Westerns: From Great Escape Mcqueen, Garner, Coburn, and Bronson all appeared in Westerns).

Thanks to having Encore Western (which I recently realized) I was able to watch some episodes of both Wanted Dead or Alive starring Steven McQueen and Maverick starring James Garner.

I thought Wanted Dead or Alive was just okay. I mainly watch episodes because of what guest stars show up. Sure McQueen is cool as always but the writing doesn't really resonate with me.

But I loved the 2 episodes I saw of Maverick. They are fun and charming and just stand up really well. Garner is fantastic in the lead role but I also like his brother played by Jack Kelly. I definitely plan to watch more of this series (although Encore really only has the first 3 seasons with Garner).

Edit: Now that I watched quite a few more eps of Maverick my main complaint why wasn't there more episodes with both Maverick brothers? Okay logically I know why for production reasons so they could film more eps but I just wish there was more eps focused on the brothers as well brothers.

maverick, classic film

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