The Maverick Brothers

Feb 28, 2015 08:19

So I have denied it all week and tried to say I love them equally but if I am being honest my favorite Maverick Brother is Bart.

That's not to say I don't appreciate and love Bret. As I said in my previous entry I started watching the show because of Garner and took to Bret right away. In many ways I think Garner captures the Maverick character the best.

But still as far as solo episodes go I find myself more enraptured with Bart's characters. Whereas I think Garner captured the character type the best, I feel Kelly makes him come off more rounded and real. That isn't to say which is the better interpretation, to me they are both worthwhile. I just don't think I would be quite as obsessed if not for Kelly's portrayal as Bart. I also think his role on the show was underappreciated (just look at the DVD covers)

My favorite episodes still of course feature both Maverick Brothers.

I also have bought the first 2 seasons on DVD and several episodes on I-tunes. When I feel I've seen enough I will do a favorite episode list.


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