A year of Big Finish

Dec 31, 2014 20:13

I looked back at my old posts and it seems I started posting about Big Finish in Feb 2014. Big Finish was a huge part of my 2014 fandom. I started listening to 2nd Doctor stories but eventually moved onto other Doctors. And throughout the year I listened to an hour of Big Finish almost every week day.

Now I am going to make the controversial statement and say in many ways I may like the audio stories more than the TV stories. Both have their good and bad stories but I feel audio gives me more room for "anywhere at anytime".
These are some of my favorite Big Finish stories per Doctor:

1st Doctor- Farewell Great Macedon, Return of the Rocket Men, Transit to Venus

2nd Doctor The Glorious Revolution , The Jigsaw War, the Selachian Gambit

3rd Doctor The Last Post

4th Doctor The Auntie Matter

5th Doctor Spare Parts, the Kingmaker, Psychodrome & Iterations

6th Doctor Marian Conspiracy, Doctor Who and the Pirates, Davros, Peri and the Piscon Paradox

7th Doctor Colditz, The Harvest, The Settling

8th Doctor Chimes of Midnight, Human Resources

The number of favorite stories is not reflective of how I feel about the Doctor. As I said many times Troughton will always be my favorite Doctor but my two favorite audio Doctor are Six and Eight.

My favorite Big Finish companions are Evelyn, Hex, Charley and Lucie.

That pretty much covers it, here's to another great year of Big Finish (and I have stuff preordered to the end of 2015).

Lots of things to look forward to

* 4th Doctor with Romana II Novel Adaptions
* 2nd Doctor Early Adventures
* The 200th release trilogy with a mixture of different companions and Doctors.
* Jamie with the 4th Doctor and Leela

And I still have a lot of older releases to listen to as well.

big finish

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