why I keep wanting to go back to Japan

Nov 22, 2014 15:26

So recently I've been reading this blog and enjoying it to the point that I even bought the girl's book (it was relatively inexpensive and I like to support things I enjoy).

However the downside of reading her blog is it brings back my wanderlust to go back to Japan. At the moment I really don't have the money to go back to Japan (this didn't stop me from creating an airfare alert on kayak though)

Now some people ask me why I always go back to Japan and they think it is only because I like anime.

Of course anime/manga is part of the reason I love Japan. I think if any anime/manga fan says it isn't they would be lying. And having gone to Japan 3 times as an anime/manga fan it's everything I would imagine and more in that regard.

However Japan doesn't just have anime/manga going for it.

* I love how Japan has this whole mixture of modern/historical to it often in very close vicinity.
* I like exploring temples and shrines
* I love the transportation system in Tokyo. I hate my city's public transport to the point I complain all the time on twitter (they probably hate me) but when I see how efficiently Japan is run I wonder why we can't have something similar.
* It's actually not expensive for a tourist at all. There is this myth that Japan (esp Tokyo) is incredibly expensive and it's completely false. Don't get me wrong it could be if you only want the 5 star experience. But the nice thing about Japan is even the cheaper options are still pretty nice. Certainly nicer than anything you can get in the US for the same price.
* As a single woman I feel perfectly safe, even at night. Big deal when you are a solo traveler.
* People are incredibly helpful and polite. Not everyone, but as a general rule. I met so many people who went above and beyond when I was there.
* I love that Japan celebrates the 4 seasons, so each time you go feels different with something going on (although I don't think I'd want to go in the summer).
* I love the food (and I don't just mean Sushi) the desserts are especially incredible. My favorite cuisine is probably Herring with Soba.
* I also love eating at a temple/shrine, usually a hearty meal for a great price and in a wonderful atmosphere.
* There are things I love that are exclusive to Japan: the heated toilets, the konbini, the vending machines with heated drinks (well perhaps other parts of Asia have this stuff too), themed cafes, green tea flavored everything.
* I love how Japan embraces cuteness.
* I keep wanting to go back because there is still so much I haven't seen or experienced. I seem to always go to Tokyo and Kyoto and if I ever have a chance to go back I'd like to visit other parts of Japan (problem is I also want to go back to Tokyo and Kyoto).

Of course there are other countries I want to go to (and I've been to quite a few other countries.) Besides Japan probably the 2nd country I love the most is Australia and this is because I studied abroad there and think it is a wonderful country for completely different reasons that Japan. I'd love to go back there too but you really need money and time to go there. But somehow my heart keeps bringing me back to Japan.

I am trying to convince mom she wants to go to Japan when she retires (but not sure traveling with my mom would be the best idea we would probably kill each other). Although I would love to show her Japan.

travel, japan

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