Classic Who~What I've Seen

Jan 07, 2014 18:40

Let's just say I have been watching a lot more Classic Who recently. At the moment I've been mostly delving into the 2nd Doctor & a bit of the 1st Doctor. Although I've seen quite a bit of the 3rd and 4th as well.

If you ask me if I like Classic who or New Who better I am not sure how I would reply. You see I realized I like early Classic Who (up to the 4th Doctor) & New Who but I am not to keen on late Classic Who (from the 5th Doctor on). I think I am just not very fond of the 80's, except for the 80's I specifically grew up with and enjoy from nostalgia lol.

Anyways here is the list of what I saw or what I have but have not watched yet (in italics)

1st Doctor Serials Companions Ian, Barbara, Susan, Vicki, Steven, Polly, Ben, Dodo (briefly)

Unearthly Child- Only the 1st episode, I wanted to see how it all began. while this is a 4 part story but the 1st episode is a good stand alone.
The Daleks
The Aztecs
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Romans
The Time Meddler
The War Machines
The Tenth Planet
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew Eve- Audio Only

2nd Doctor Serials Companions Polly, Ben, Jamie, Victoria, Zoe
The Moonbase
The Tomb of the Cyberman
The Ice Warriors
Enemy of the World
The Web of Fear
The Mind Robber
The Dominators
The Krotons
Seeds of Death- Watching Now
The Invasion
War Games Bought DVD (when I have the courage to watch this)

The Power of the Daleks- Audio Only
The Highlanders- Audio Only
The Macra Terror- Audio Only
The Faceless Ones Audio Only, have 2 orphan episodes to watch as well.
The Abominable Snowmen- Audio and Novel
The Evil of the Daleks- Reading Novel, have audio
Fury from the Deep Audio Only
The Wheel in Space- Audio Only, plus two orphan episodes
* For the audio only serials I am also watching certain scenes reconstructed on youtube, such as the 2nd Doctor's regeneration in Power of the Daleks.

Never thought I'd be listening to Doctor Who audio but some stories I just really am curious about & sadly for some great stories audio is all there is (or audio with still shots).

3rd Doctor Companions Liz, Jo, Sarah Jane, & Unit

Spearhead from Space
Terror of the Autons- 1st Master appearance and 1st Classic Who I actually saw
Time Warrior- Sarah Jane's 1st Appearance ♥
The Daemons
The Three Doctors
The Green Death

Not the whole episode but I also watched when 3 became 4

4th Doctor Sarah Jane, Harry, Romana II (I've seen a lot of the 4th Doctor but only a few of his companions), soon Leela

The Ark in Space
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis of the Daleks
Terror of the Zygons
Pyramid of Mars
The Android Invasion (possibly, I am not 100% sure about this one)
The Seeds of Doom
The City of Death
The Pirate Planet
The Talons of Weng Chiang
Horror of Fang Rock

Not the whole episode but I also watched Sarah Jane's departure in the Hand of Fear

5th Doctor Companions: Peri

The Caves of Androzani- This is actually the 5th Doctor's last appearance so I also saw the regeneration of 6th

I started to watch Earth Shock but honestly I got bored in the 1st episode. Maybe I will get back to it before it goes off Comcast On Demand. I do know who Adric is now though.

6th Doctor: Peri

The Two Doctors

7th Doctor- Ace

Remembrance of the Daleks
Curse of Fenric

So there you have it, I have definitely seen the most of Four & Two. It's not necessarily because I favor Four & two (although I do love Baker and Troughton) but I've mainly watch for Sarah Jane & Jamie. So yeah Jamie joins Sarah Jane as one of my absolute favorite Doctor Who companions. I've also grown quite fond of Victoria, Harry, Ian, & Barbara. I enjoy what I saw of Romana II, Zoe, Polly, & Ben as well but I feel I haven't seen enough of them to form a strong opinion yet.

City of Death & Genesis of the Daleks still remain my two favorite Doctor Who serials but I am looking forward to The Power of Daleks & The Evil of the Daleks which I have heard very good things about.

Oh and the Brig I love the Brig, but who the hell doesn't? :)

edit: I think I can honestly say Two is now my favorite Doctor and Jamie my favorite companion. Probably the only Doctor I made the effort to see as much as I can (including the lost serials) whereas with other Doctors I was content on seeing the best.

But as I said in another post Sarah Jane Smith is still one of my favorite characters and companions. She was my first love. :)

This post is constantly being updated

sarah jane, doctor who

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