Fandom Meme of

Dec 31, 2013 19:21

Happy New Years Everyone

I was invited out but since I only have one day off I will be staying in today. I am just not up for celebrating.

Going to follow rose_of_pollux and insaneladybug's lead and do an end of the year meme.

1. Your main fandom of the year:

New fandom was definitely Star Trek:TOS which took up a big part of my year. I even bought the movies & the series on DVD. But I would still say anime was my main fandom of the year.

2. Your favorite Film this year:

I have two Wolf Children which I mentioned in my Anime of the Year post & this film called Wadjda. Wadjda was the first film from Saudia Arabia and by a female director. It's about a young girl who learns to recite the Koran so she can get a bike except in her culture a bike for a young girl is frowned upon. It's a beautiful story with amazing female characters. Honestly I loved everything about it and I am a bit bitter it didn't get nominated for the Globes or the Oscars for best foreign film.

I also enjoyed seeing Like Father Like Son at the Philadelphia Film Festival because Kooreda ♥

Honestly this year Hollywood was a bit meh for me, although I did enjoy American Hustle.

3. Your favorite Book read this year
As I mentioned quite extensively in my book meme post Berlin Diary: A Journal of a Foreign Correspondent

4. Your favorite Album or Song this year

Anime Wise:
Non-Anime Wise:

5. Your favorite TV Show this year:

Star Trek: TOS and Doctor Who for all the 50th anniversary stuff. I honestly didn't watch much else.

Other than that my favorite anime series were Shin Sekai Yori & Eccentric Family

Also the early parts of the documentary on TCM The Story of Film I kind of lost interest when it started to cover later years.

6. Your favorite Community this year:

None, LJ is really not what it once was.

7. Your best new Fandom Discovery of the Year?

That I really love Star Trek:TOS. Since I already liked LOTR, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Doctor Who, I now feel like a true & complete nerd. :)

8. Your biggest Fandom Disappointment of the Year?
That no one has licensed Chihayafuru

9. Your favorite TV Boy of the year:

My love for Deforest Kelley/Doctor McCoy was definitely a big part of 2013 XD

However I also want to mention Hikari from Nagi no Asukara. He's the kind of character I naturally fall for, very flawed and then has amazing character development

10. Your favorite TV Girl of the year:

Not a fictional girl but Malala I really admire her

11. Your biggest Squee moment of the year?
Lots of great moments

* Meeting Mamoru Hosoda in NY
* Meeting Yoko Kanno and Seeing her in concert at Otakon
* Going to Japan again & experiencing Koyo in Kyoto.
* Oh not fandom wise but passing my RHIA exam.

12. Your most Missed Old Fandom?
Fullmetal Alchemist, duh

I also miss the Natsume Yuujinchou anime (still have the manga) but there are the OVA's to look forward to at least.

13. Your Fandom that you haven't Tried Yet, but want to?
I don't know there is so much stuff. I hope to finally finish LoGH

14. Your Biggest Anticipations of the New Year?

Well I just bought tickets to see Neil Gaiman in NY in May so I would say definitely that. XD

I've wanted to see him live for so long so I was not going to let this chance slip by. Will be staying overnight so I guess it will be a mini vacation.

Also I am hoping there will be some good guests at Otakon in August.

neil gaiman, fandom, meme

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