Doctor Who 50 Day Meme~Very Condensed

Oct 05, 2013 20:31

Stealing this from Rose_of_Pollux this is one of those 50 day memes in celebration of Doctor Who's 50 anniversary. However because of time I will only be answering the questions that appeal to me and answeing them all at once.

Who was your first Doctor?

The first Doctor I saw was Tennant. Admittedly I was only watching for John Simm's Master as it was right after I watched Life on Mars. I liked Tennant but after awhile he over stayed his welcome for me. Although in some ways I blame that more on the writing then Tennant.

Who is your favorite Companion?

No question, Sarah Jane Smith, not only the best companion but the best Doctor Who character. Elisabeth Sladen was a beautiful woman both inside and out.

But as for New Who I am also partial to Donna & Rory.

Favorite episode?

It's a tie between The City of Death & The Doctor's Wife Both happen to be written by authors I was a fan of before becoming a Doctor Who fan.

What’s your favorite Doctor Who-themed youtube video?

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There was also a Simm!Master tribute I loved but of course that was deleted off YT.

Your favorite one-time companion

Donna's grandfather was just so sweet :)

What’s your favorite song from the soundtrack?

The opening theme is the only one that stands out to me lol

If you could go anywhere in Time and Space with the Doctor, where would it be?

Everywhere, if I am traveling with the Doctor I am going to be greedy. Well okay I'd love to see the Beatles perform live. Maybe see a few of my favorite actors who are no longer alive in a stage play as well. :)

Who is your otp?

Rory & Amy are definitely one of my favorite Doctor Who couples

What’s your favorite story arc?

Well I will just name my second favorite serial after City of Death here that would be Genesis of the Daleks.

Favorite quote or one-liner?

"I say, what a wonderful butler; he's so violent" Gets me every time XD

Who is your favorite historical figure that appeared? Winston Churchill? Vincent van Gogh?

Absolutely loved the Vincent Van Gogh episode so I'll go with that.

Who would win a fight? A Weeping Angel or a Silence?

I hate these who will win a fight questions. Out of the two I prefer the Angels, although only in their first episode The Weeping Angels. Now they've been overused. The Silence I don't care about one way or the other.

Which Doctor had the best costume?

4, loved his scarf.

Who is your favorite monster/villain?

Definitely the Master is my favorite. However despite the fact they are over used I also like the Daleks a lot. Mainly because I love when they say EXTERMINATE XD

Who’s been your favorite guest star?

Not sure if John Simm counts as a guest star because he had a recurring role, but I will still go with him.

Name an episode that gave you the feels. (Name the feels.)

I guess recently when Amy & Rory left, even though I knew it was coming.

Also for my own question


It's just a pipe dream now and it never would have worked out at the time but I would have loved a crossover with Star Trek TOS and Classic Who. This would have been time Patrick Troughton would have been the Doctor. Sigh that would have been fun. I can imagine so many fun discussions between the Doctor and Doctor McCoy about who is the real Doctor on the ship. XD

doctor who

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