McCoy and Newkirk

Sep 15, 2013 20:52

Haven't talked about Hogan's Heroes in awhile but I realized a curious thing

1) There are definitely a lot of Hogan's Heroes fans who are also Star Trek TOS fans. This in itself is not curious because they both came out in the 1960's.

They even share some of the same guest stars. For example Arlene Martel (Tiger) has a central role in the episode Amok Time.

Another of the actresses who showed up as an Underground Spy in a few episodes of Hogan's was also in 2 episodes of Star Trek.

But seeing the same guest starts in two 60's shows is pretty common

2) However I have also noticed like myself a lot of McCoy fans also like Newkirk the best. I was trying to think how they are similar.

* Newkirk and McCoy both have brown hair/blue eyes
* Both have accents: However Newkirk's cockney is more pronounced than McCoy's Southern accent. In fact you only really hear McCoy's full Southern accent when he is not completely himself (like when he was under the pores in This Side of Paradise).
* Both Newkirk and McCoy have hidden hearts. Newkirk hides his heart in the form of being a rouge, he doesn't like danger but is the first to defend his friends.
McCoy on the other hand has a very gruff exterior but as a Doctor he really has a big heart and is full of compassion for others and is constantly worrying about his friends.
* In fact I would say both Newkirk and Mccoy are worriers.
*One major difference of course is Newkirk is a lower ranked character. And while McCoy has to answer to Captain Kirk, he is also an officer and in control of the entire Sickbay. And when it comes to matters of health he can boss Kirk around, something Newkirk certainly can't do with Hogan. This makes the relaionship with their superior officers much different and McCoy has a more open relationship with Kirk than Newkirk can have with Hogan.
* I actually think Newkirk/Lebeau is somewhat similar to McCoy/Spock. McCoy and Spock's arguments can get a bit more heated to the point that some people don't get that they actually like each other, but they obviously do. And I think like Newkirk/Lebeau, Spock & McCoy enjoy their verbal arguments because they are equals (at least in the intelligence department).
* Just like I am a fan of Carter/Newkirk/Lebeau, I am also a fan of Kirk/McCoy/Spock. Although again it is the friendship between 3 officers instead of 3 enlisted men.
*Deforest Kelley and Richard Dawson were probably not very similar which I won't delve into, I love them both of course.

And I wish more people on my friends list watched Star Trek, but well such is life (especially since live journal is so barely used these days anyways).

hogans heroes, star trek

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