Star Trek~Spock and Bones

Jun 03, 2013 22:32

Lately I've been watching a lot of Star Trek TOS. It's not like I haven't watched episodes before. And I've seen various episodes of TNG and Voyager as well. I always enjoyed a Star Trek re-run but would never call myself a Trekkie. And if asked in the past Star Wars or Star Trek I probably would have said Star Wars.

But after the latest movie I decided to delve more into TOS and I discovered I really love the relationship of the main trio: Spock/Kirk/Bones. Now I always knew about Spock/Kirk but never paid much attention to Bones. But watching the series now I realize Bones is integral to my enjoyment of the show.

I wouldn't necessarily put Star Trek as the best sci-fi (that's still Twilight Zone) but the interaction between the logical Spock & emotional Bones really makes the series for me. My favorite moments usually involve the two of them going off at each other (and they can both be nasty at times, although Spock in a more subtle way) but in the end showing they really care for each other. It's almost like together they make a perfect whole. Kirk needs both of them (and he represents the mediation of the two sides) but I also think Spock & Bones need each other. So in some ways Kirk brings Spock and Bones together but their relationship in my eyes transcends beyond that. So yeah Spock was always a favorite of mine but Bones has kind of joined him (Kirk isn't necessarily a favorite but I do like him more than I thought I would).

So guess I've gotten a bit into Star Trek lol

edit: I also realized I rewatched some of TOS after the last movie in 2009 but I think I've gotten even more into it now (if watching fan videos on youtube isn't any indication).

Plus when I start analyzing the relationships & characters I know I've got into the series a bit more than casually.

star trek

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