1) Anime Suki Created a Penguin Drum sub forum. I've been wanting one for so long. I am not really good at keep up with the theories on all the symbolism (because that just isn't how my mind works) but I am having fun discussing all the characters.
And make no mistake while Penguin Drum does have this mysterious aura going for it. It ultimately is a very character based show. And that's the type of show I love. Just hope I love it to episode 24
The first one is by Reversed Studios. I was really happy to see they made a Penguim Drum AMV because I love their videos. I hope they will make a longer one when more episode of the series are out.
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And here is a too short Ringo/Shouma video. But since it is Ringo/Shouma I loved it. :)
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2) In less pleasant news CBS decided to green light a modern day Sherlock TV series. Now I know there is no copyright on Sherlock Holmes but what gets me is when mentioning this new series they mainly talk about the success of the movie with Robert Downey Jr and only make a passing mention of BBC's Sherlock. You know the idea these guys obviously stole from.
I thought a Life on Mars US remake was bad enough but at least they called that a remake. In this case they don't even give credit to the BBC series.
Needless to say I won't be watching! But the 2nd season of Sherlock can't come soon enough!