Mawaru Penguin Drum Episode 9

Sep 10, 2011 20:42

This week's episode was soooooooo good. And just like episode 5 focused on Kanba and gave me new insight on him, this episode focused on Himari and gave me more insight on her.

Originally I thought she would just be the sweet, younger sister. But there is obviously more depth to her and she isn't as perfect as she seems.

But really this episode was wonderfully abstract and weird. It probably created more questions that answers but at this stage in the story that's quite alright.

The episode also made references to works by Haruki Murukami an author I really love. One of the stories Super Frog Saves Tokyo is translated Online. It's definitely different but I mean that in a good way.

I feel because of Penguin Drum I've been introduced to a lot of great stuff. Besides the Murakami works, Penguin Drum makes a lot of references to Night on the Galactic Railroad. I've already watched the animated film and I plan to read the novel soon (it's short and I also found it translated Online here. It's very much reminiscent of The Little Prince. As in a story that seems simple but is complex underneath.

Then I am also slowing making my way through the Penguin Drum first novel itself. Overall I like the anime more for the direction and visual gags but the novel does add a lot of insight into the characters, so it ends up making things clearer.

reading, penguindrum

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