Sort of 30 Day Meme~Favorite Relationships Part 9

Aug 30, 2010 15:37

25. A pairing that you have grown to like but didn't at first: Mai & Zuko (Avatar)

Yes I am completely guilty of not liking Maiko at first. :( Now it is my second favorite pairing in Avatar after Sokka/Suki. I think part of the reason I didn't like it is because it happened directly after Zuko betrayed Iroh and I had negative associations to it. However it was Boiling Rock that made me change my mind. 1) Seeing Zuko so happy and obviously totally in love when he talked to Sokka and Mai 2) And Mai choosing Zuko over Azula with no hesitation. I thought she was really awesome for that.

Also this moment when they hug and kiss in the finale is my favorite of all the Avatar couple ending moments. So adorable. So yes I was wrong about Maiko and I readily admit it.

26. Favorite childhood pairing: Shizuku & Seiji (Whisper of the Heart)

I wasn't sure how to answer this. Was it my favorite pairing in a series I loved as a child or favorite pairing with children? Well as you can see I went with the latter. I love this relationship because even though Shizuku & Seiji are young they have convictions to follow their dreams and this includes being together once they accomplish this. One of my favorite Studio Ghibli pictures and probably my favorite romance in a Ghibli film.

Honorable Mention: Will & Lyra in His Dark Materials Trilogy which is another example of childhood first love that I really enjoy.

27. Pairing you think is the most adorable: Simon & Nia (Gurren Lagann)

Well it is one of the most adorable pairings I have not mentioned yet. And this is actually another pairing that starts off in childhood (I think I have a thing for these type of pairings). But I love how both Nia and Simon helped each other realize their own inner strength and how they grew up together. And well they are just adorable like the category asks for.

The Rest of the Days

gurren lagann, reading, avatar, studio ghibli, meme

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