Sort of 30 Day Meme~Favorite Relationships Part 10 (Final)

Aug 31, 2010 10:52

28. A pairing people would be surprised you : Haruhi, Kyon, Yuki (Haruhi Suzumiya)

Quite honestly I don't think there is any pairing people would be surprised I like. I always talk about things I like on here (although yes some more than other things). However I surprise myself about this. I already said I don't like non-canon pairings well when I do like a pairing I always like only one choice. However in the case of Haruhi Suzumiya I can't decide between Yuki or Haruhi for Kyon. I really like his interaction with both girls. Although I guess I like Haruhi/Kyon more in the anime & Yuki/Kyon more in the novels.

29. Your favorite of all the relationships you’ve posted so far

No pictures this time because I am lazy but my favorite overall is definitely Ed & Al in Fullmetal Alchemist. My favorite romantic relationship would be Fakir & Ahiru in Princess Tutu. :)

30. Free choice: Favorite Band of Misfits (Hogan's Heroes)

Like I said before I wanted to put HH in one category but since it didn't quite fit for any of the given categories I saved it for the free choice.

I think one of the things I like best about HH is seeing characters from all different nationalities/backgrounds come together to fight a common enemy. And in the end sometimes you realize you aren't much different at all.

All the Days

I will probably do the 5 things meme some time on the weekend because I will be busy the next couple days. At least too busy to make a an indepth post until then. If anyone has anything to add to it please do.

For those who might be browsing the entry is protected, sorry!

And now I need to finish my Strawberry, Bananna, Blueberry smoothie! :)

princess tutu, hogans heroes, haruhi suzumiya, meme, hagaren

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