Sort of 30 Day Meme~Favorite Relationships Part 8

Aug 28, 2010 15:22

First some Classic Film Stuff:

It's Peter O'Toole day on TCM. Gosh I love him. However I really have not seen many of his films. Why? Because even though I love him as an actor, a good majority of his films are way too long in my opinion. Becket was on and what I saw was excellent but I kept getting distracted. Luckily it is streaming on Netflix so now I will definitely watch it again. Later on Lord Jim is coming on with James Mason so yay.

Yesterday was Olivia de Havilland day an actress who is risen quite high in my esteems recently. She is so much more than Melly from GWTW.

And now the meme:

22. A pairing that a lot of people ship, but you don’t: Durarara Pairings (Durarara)

This category I count differently than dislike. I don't dislike the Durarara pairings I just am really indifferent to them. The fandom is especially in love with Shizuo/Izaya & Celty/Shirna and yeah I just really don't care for these two pairings at all. But then I don't really care for any pairings in Durarara (except maybe Walker & Erika). I find all the relationships boring. Which is strange because the same author/director worked on Baccano which has tons of pairings I love.

23. An unpopular pairing that you like: Al & Mei (Fullmetal Alchemist)

It's mainly because people don't like Mei and don't think she is good enough for Al (they also mistakenly think she is a little girl which is ridiculous. They are judging by appearance not by how she really is). Anyways of all the canon couples in FMA this is the one I see the most complaints for but it is actually my favorite; so there fandom. I love when people say Mei is just visiting in the final family portrait. Such denial! And yeah I think Mei & Al are both totally awesome. :)

Honorable Mention Sokka & Suki in Avatar a lot of Toph fans are anti-Suki because they think Sokka is better with Toph. I like Toph quite a bit but she is a bit overrated in the fandom. Suki is just as awesome and I think she has more chemistry with Sokka. Apparently the writers agree with me. It deserves a picture too.

24. A pairing you think are actually together behind-the-scenes, but it’s not confirmed in canon: Ling & Ran Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist)

I try not to do two FMA choices in a row but this is so totally true (Same with Roy& Riza but I already had them for another category).

The Rest of the Days

anime, classic film, avatar, baccano, meme, hagaren

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