Sort of 30 Day Meme~Favorite Relationships Part 7

Aug 27, 2010 10:10

19. Favorite Band of Villains: Cagney's Gangsters (The Roaring Twenties)

This was another hard one for me because well I am not really a fan of villains. At first I was thinking the Homunculus in FMA (but I think they are more of a honorable mention for me since I am only a fan of specific characters in that group).

However I really loved these guys. Even though as gangsters they definitely were villains I felt pretty sympathetic towards them. It's like I know they were doing wrong but you could see good in them too. It wasn't black & white. I loved these two especially in the movie (Cagney & Glady's George).

20. A pairing you like, but don’t like what canon did with them: Mulder & Scully (The X-Files)

Mulder/Scully were actually my first ship ever. I loved them to pieces. Unfortunately once they got together I wasn't very satisfied. Chris Carter swore left and right they would never be a couple. I think he should have stuck to that because it is pretty obvious the man cannot write romance. Of course he has to throw in pregnancies, the other woman, and weepy Scully. The movie didn't make things better because instead of having Mulder & Scully work together like a team he had them bickering and separate through most of the movie.

I still love Mulder & Scully I just don't like what TPTB thought was a well written romance. Give me back the UST and then I can just imagine how I think Mulder/Scully should have been.

21. A pairing you think gets too little attention: Rue & Mytho (Princess Tutu)

Well at least compared to Fakir/Ahiru. I am guilty of this too because Fakir/Ahiru is actually my OTP to end all OTP's. But I really love Rue/Mytho a lot too. A large part of this is because Rue is totally awesome and I love how the pairing kills all expectations with having the "villainess" get the prince.

The Rest of the Days

princess tutu, x-files, classic film, meme

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