Sort of 30 Day Meme~Favorite Relationships Part 3

Aug 22, 2010 12:12

7. Favorite Rivals Relationship: Zuko & Aang (Avatar The Last Airbender)

Well I am not sure if "rivals" is the best way to describe Zuko & Aang but this is probably my favorite enemies turned into friends storyline. I loved the parallel natures of their character and how we as viewers could see that Zuko & Aang had a lot more in common than they themselves realized. Seeing them hug in the finale=best moment ever.

8. Favorite Partners in Crime: Miria & Isaac (Baccano)

I know I am being unoriginal but is there really anyone else more appropriate for this question? Miria & Isaac are probably the most fun loving eccentric criminals ever. You have to love how they steal money because people are happy without. And that's why I love Miria and Isaac because they don't steal for the wealth but for the pure fun of it. And sure they aren't the brightest characters ever but you can tell how much they care about each other.

Honorable Mention: Paul Newman & Robert Redford in The Sting which was a really fun movie I watched last night. But they still don't beat Miria & Isaac. :)

9. Favorite Family Unit: Ed/Winry, Al/Mei & Kids (Fullmetal Alchemist)

I just did Ed/Al and here I am doing them again but I don't think I have ever been happier than realizing these 4 (and their kids) are going to be a real family together. ♥

The Rest of the Days

avatar, baccano, meme, hagaren

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